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question for those who have rabbits and kids

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

684 total posts


question for those who have rabbits and kids

im thinking of getting my 18 month old a bunny she is OBSESSED with the easter bunny in costume, bunny dolls, real bunnies...we went to white post farms a bunch of times recently and everytime she sees the real bunnies she says "want one" if anyone out there has kids and it more work then i think it is? is it a good pet to have? do they smell up the house? are they hard to take care of? the place i called is an adoption place called "rescue rabbits" where they screen the homes and they are serious about who they give the rabbits to. The bunnies are neutered, litter box trained and are all up to date on seems like a good idea but id love feedback from those who have children and a rabbit in their homes and what its really like!

Posted 3/30/07 10:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: question for those who have rabbits and kids

I have 2 and honestly its not a good situation at all. We were told they were 2 girls and they turned out WRONG. Right after I gave birth they gave birth to 7. I nearly died. Yes, they do have a VERY strong odor. Are you keeping them indoor or outdoors?
Right now the 2 are at my inlaws until we find them a good home. We cant have 2 cages in our place now that they are boy/girl. Plus we have our baby girl and its just not working.

Posted 3/30/07 10:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

684 total posts


Re: question for those who have rabbits and kids

Posted by PrincessP

I have 2 and honestly its not a good situation at all. We were told they were 2 girls and they turned out WRONG. Right after I gave birth they gave birth to 7. I nearly died. Yes, they do have a VERY strong odor. Are you keeping them indoor or outdoors?
Right now the 2 are at my inlaws until we find them a good home. We cant have 2 cages in our place now that they are boy/girl. Plus we have our baby girl and its just not working.

thank you for your honest opinion..where did you get your rabbits from? a pet shop? my main concern was the smell and yes i do plan to keep the rabbit indoors...i am definitely second guessing getting one.

Posted 3/30/07 10:55 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: question for those who have rabbits and kids

my SIL has 4 rabbits and they are so cute
each one of her kids have their own. If you take care of them and clean their cages often they dont smell.....if you dont clean them they can STINKChat Icon

Posted 3/30/07 11:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: question for those who have rabbits and kids

They are cute. I had rabbits all my life, except, mine weren't directly inside. Ours' is downstairs, but give it time and they do stink.

Posted 3/31/07 12:01 AM

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