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Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Questions about going off BCP...
First off, we are not TTC yet (but I do lurk on here )... maybe next year.... but I thought you guys would be able to help me!
I've been on BCP for about 8 years now. Before going on it I had really horrible back cramps (which usually forced me to stay home from school for at least one day out of the month) and AF stuck around for 8 days. Now AF is only 4 days and no cramps.
When you go off BCP, does your body go back to what it used to do?
I'm on my last pack of pills before going back to the dr. and don't know if I should get another 6 months of BCP or give my body a break.
TIA ladies and to everyone!!
Posted 12/27/06 11:18 AM |
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Member since 12/06 2441 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
Before I was on the pill, my AF was awful and semi-debilitating too. When I went on the pill it was definitely better, but it lasted 7 full days. Since I have been off, AF is much shorter-- 3-5 days and every other month my cramps are bad, but no where near as bad as they were pre-pill. They say your body changes every 7 years, so your body may be different. Give it a go! I feel so much better in terms of many physical and emotional issues which arose during my pill usage. I don't think I could ever go back on the pill!
Posted 12/27/06 11:26 AM |
Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
I used to have the worst AF, then after being on the pill for almost 12 years, I went off. THe first AF after not being on was more crampy but still only 3-4 days, I have not really had any "old" issues. Thank God. Im pretty much on the same schedule as with the pill.
Posted 12/27/06 11:32 AM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
I was on the pill for 10 years and when I went off I found my period was not like it used to be. First of all, it took forever for it to come back, then I noticed my cycles are really long and AF only stays for like 3-4 days when it used to be at least a week. The cramps are minimal, when before the pill they were horrible!
My advice is to go off the pill a little bit in advance, you don't know how long it will take for your cycle to regulate again. Some girls it happens right away, I wasn't that lucky.
Posted 12/27/06 11:35 AM |
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Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
I had been on the pill for over 15 years. I cannot remember what my periods were like in such detail but I do remember the cramps were bad, my periods were irregular and they lasted about 7 days. Since I am off the pill now, my periods are very heavy but only two days long. The cramping is there too. HOWEVER, I am much older than when I started and my body has developed over time. I dont look the same, I dont feel the same. I think it is important to remember that our bodies are changing even after we are all grown up.
Posted 12/27/06 11:39 AM |

Member since 8/06 2818 total posts
Name: Blessed
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
I was on the pill for 8 years as well and I had awful, long periods before getting on them. When I came off them in April, my periods stayed short (4 days) and I get cramps for 1 day but NOTHING like they were. The only difference is that I get long cycles ranging from 39-41 days.
My advice.....I would stop the pill now and use another method to not get pregnant. Even though there are some lucky ladies that have gone off the pill and gotten pregnant, there are ladies like me that have been trying for 8 months and nothing.
Good Luck
Posted 12/27/06 11:46 AM |
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
After 8 years, your body has changed internally so after stopping BCP, I dont think it will go back to what it was. I am not a doctor of course but I was on BCP for 6 years and before that my AF would come every 40-45 days and now after coming off BCP it is on a perfect 28 day cycle.
Posted 12/27/06 11:47 AM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
I was on the pill for 9 years and went off it a few months ago. Pre-pill I had really irregular periods that lasted a long time with horrible cramps. Now my periods are very regular and only last a few days. However the cramps have been bad. My last period was the worst I ever had, my stomach was messed up, the cramps were awful and I got I migraine. I am not TTC yet either, probably in thte next couple of months, but I wanted to learn how my cycle is before TTCing.
Posted 12/27/06 11:49 AM |

Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
Before I started taking BCP my periods were painful, heavy and long (lasted 8 days) I had been on BCP for 7 years and AF was barely there. Now that IM off BCP my period are back to the way they were before I started BCP and now my mood swings are worse than ever. I miss my BCP
Posted 12/27/06 1:01 PM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Questions about going off BCP...
Thanks for the info and for sharing your experiences!
It seems like I have a good chance that AF will not go back to the way it was before BCP.
I'm nervous to go off though.
Posted 12/27/06 3:17 PM |