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'Real Housewife' Loses House, Still a Wife

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Member since 9/07

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'Real Housewife' Loses House, Still a Wife

Lisa Wu-Hartwell needs a "Big Poppa" of her own ... the real housewife of Atlanta just lost her real big house in Atlanta.

TMZ has learned Hartwell and her husband, former Oakland Raiders linebacker Edgerton Hartwell, were booted from their multi-million dollar Georgia mansion last week -- after the bank foreclosed on the place and sold it shortly after.

Hartwell's rep tells us the couple was in talks with the lender to restructure the loan because the home had lost value -- but that failed. They originally bought the place for $2.9 mil back in 2007 -- but the bank only got $1.9 mil when they resold it this month.

The rep says "Ed and Lisa are fine. They have settled in their [new] home, that sits on 10 acres and they OWN it!"

Posted 8/11/09 8:01 AM
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Member since 10/07

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Re: 'Real Housewife' Loses House, Still a Wife

wow, a lot of the housewives from atlanta got booted from their houses

Posted 8/11/09 8:57 AM


Member since 10/06

15979 total posts


Re: 'Real Housewife' Loses House, Still a Wife

I wonder if they purposefully foreclosed on that house to avoid losing money on it and paying for it.

How/why would someone foreclose on one property only to go to another one that is 10 acres and they own it??

Sounds fishy to me.

Posted 8/11/09 9:44 AM

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Member since 2/06

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Re: 'Real Housewife' Loses House, Still a Wife

Sounds like it was done on purpose to aviod paying for a house that was underwater

As as real estate broker she should be ashamed of herself

And how and why she thought she had a hardship for a modification is beyond me

I believe jeana from RHOC was sucessful in modifing her homes....maybe that's were she got the idea????

Posted 8/11/09 10:04 AM

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