recurring chemical pregnancies
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Mama x2 <3
Member since 12/10 4946 total posts
recurring chemical pregnancies
Does anyone have any insight on why someone can have recurring chemicals? Throughout the past 3 years of ttc and 2 years of seeing an RE, I've had 3 chemicals. Most recent as last week. I am not handling it well. I had 2 days of BFPs that were getting darker. I was just starting to allow myself to become excited when I took a test the next day and it was lighter. Eventually when I went in for a beta test, it was negative. My RE wanted me to start again, but financially and metally, I need a break. In the meantime, I would like to see a specialist, maybe get some answers as to why they are not sticking.
I have had a full panel done through my RE, which indicated that everything is normal, my amh is perfect, but I do have a Vit D deficiency which I have started taking supplements for.
DH had a SA done in 2012 which indicated that he has a low count and low motility/morphology. He has yet to see a Urologist which is our next step. Each IUI we've done, his count has ranged to 1.2 million to 4.7 million (our most recent cycle which resulted in a chemical).
Any recommendations or advice is much appreciated. I feel so alone in this- everyone around me is either pregnant or has recently had a baby, and I feel like the odd man out. Like I'm looking into a world that I so desperately yearn to be apart of, but can not.
Posted 6/26/14 8:40 AM |
Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07 4970 total posts
Re: recurring chemical pregnancies
Oh I'm so sorry. I've been there. I had 3 chemical pregnancies in 8 months. Well, the third wasn't technically a chemical because the RE put me on progesterone and dragged it out forevvvvver while I was in Beta Hell and I finally miscarried at 6 and a half weeks.
You're not alone. It seems like everyone everywhere is pregnant because that's what you're fixating on right now. You know how when you're buying a new car, you can't stop noticing every car on the street? I think it's like that. You can't *not* see all the pregnancies, babies, happy families around you. I feel like that too, and it's so common among people battling IF. You are really not alone. I'm sorry you feel that way.
As for the cause… who knows? I know it's frustrating that your test results didn't show anything abnormal, but don't forget that that's a good thing. You're not sick; you don't have one of a hundred medical issues they tested you for. (Maybe you have something else, yes, but try to look at the positive. No horrible lovenox shots in the stomach for you!) As for me, my RE is very vague about what's going on. After the first two she said that I tested very slightly positive for a clotting disorder and that could be the cause. After the third (when I was on Lovenox shots for the clotting problem), she told me that that was nonsense because the clotting disorder causes problems in the 2nd trimester, and oh by the way, my genetic testing revealed I have bad X chromosomes so it's probably that. Or bad luck. Or the clotting disorder (5 minutes after she said it wasn't). She has no idea. This whole process is maddening.
I'm very sorry for your loss. Your losses. Take the time you need to heal, and maybe look for a new RE? I think I'm going to. I don't know that it will help, but it might make me feel like I'm doing *something*, instead of passively having this just happen to me.
Posted 6/26/14 9:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/09 1007 total posts
Re: recurring chemical pregnancies
I had 3 chemicals in like 18 months followed by a blighted ovum. I saw an RE who didn't seem to believe anything was wrong with me. She told me early losses are chromosomal. Now that can be true but after 3 chemicals I felt something was wrong. She believed I would get pregnant on my own and stay pregnant in time but if I wanted to speed it up she suggested IVF with PGD. I didn't feel ready for that so I tried one more time on my own and it ended in a blighted ovum. I was devastated. It was at this time I decided to get a second opinion and saw Dr. Braverman. He told me after 3 chemicals it wasn't chromosomal especially since my karotype was normal. He believed my body was fighting the embryo and ran some immune testing. He recommended a protocol of Prednisone, Intralipid infusions and lovenox. I then again got pregnant while on his protocol and this pregnancy actually stuck! I am now 14 weeks. Everyone is different but have you considered immune testing?
Posted 6/29/14 4:05 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: recurring chemical pregnancies
I have no answers, but i've had 2 chemicals in the past 9 months, and i totally understand how upsetting it is. I'm so scared to get a positive test again and have it end. I'm terrified of never being able to hold one etc... trying to stay positive! hang in there!!
Posted 6/29/14 8:48 PM |
Member since 1/13 1329 total posts
Re: recurring chemical pregnancies
Posted by mommyin09
I had 3 chemicals in like 18 months followed by a blighted ovum. I saw an RE who didn't seem to believe anything was wrong with me. She told me early losses are chromosomal. Now that can be true but after 3 chemicals I felt something was wrong. She believed I would get pregnant on my own and stay pregnant in time but if I wanted to speed it up she suggested IVF with PGD. I didn't feel ready for that so I tried one more time on my own and it ended in a blighted ovum. I was devastated. It was at this time I decided to get a second opinion and saw Dr. Braverman. He told me after 3 chemicals it wasn't chromosomal especially since my karotype was normal. He believed my body was fighting the embryo and ran some immune testing. He recommended a protocol of Prednisone, Intralipid infusions and lovenox. I then again got pregnant while on his protocol and this pregnancy actually stuck! I am now 14 weeks. Everyone is different but have you considered immune testing?
I had a similar experience. I had 3 mc last year (a chemical, then a 7 week loss after seeing a heartbeat that did end up being chromosomally abnormal -- I think it would have just been another chemical though had I not insisted on progesterone supps, and then another chemical). I was also told by one OB (not mine, a friend's dad) I needed IVF with PGD but wasn't ready to go that route with no IF coverage because my issue wasnt getting pregnant, it was staying pregnant, and I wanted to make sure I got to the bottom of my issue before doing IVF only to mc again. I ended up seeing Dr. Kofinas who ran all kinds of testing including an immune panel and my immune results were very high. Not surprising as I have a known autoimmune condition. He also put me on progesterone supps again, and some other things (pred, intralipids, lovenox, metformin, vitamins, etc) and I am almost 25 weeks now.
Posted 7/2/14 2:33 PM |
Mama x2 <3
Member since 12/10 4946 total posts
Re: recurring chemical pregnancies
Posted by mommyin09
Everyone is different but have you considered immune testing?
I was under the assumption when I went for the full panel in May that I was being tested for any auto-immune diseases, but the more I researched my RE and immune testing, the more I've come to learn that my current practice generally do not believe in it. That, and the lack of compassion and quality care has steered me into looking into setting up a consultation with another clinic.
The major factor holding me off is my crappy health insurance. But I guess I have to bite the bullet if I want some answers.
Posted 7/5/14 7:56 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/14 410 total posts
Name: Erica
recurring chemical pregnancies
I've had 2 chemicals in the last 3 years and they suck! It takes the fun out of finally seeing a + preg test! As far as I know chemical pregnancies are just your body knowing that something isn't right when the sperm and egg actually meet so it doesn't actually implant and you just get your period late once your body actually gets rid of it. My RE said that theres no way to tell if it was the egg or sperm but that its very common and it happens to a lot of people but they may just not know it bc they're not actually TTC and just think they got their period late! Good luck! They do suck just have to hope for the best and for your sticky bean to come soon!
Posted 7/9/14 7:48 PM |
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