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Renting a fetal doppler

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Member since 8/05

3498 total posts


Renting a fetal doppler

Anyone do this
What site did you use
HOw much are you paying
Is it true you need a prescription from your doctor?

Posted 12/20/07 8:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Renting a fetal doppler

I'd skip it.

My doctor told me that they just end up causing a lot of greif because people don't know how to use them and they don't hear a heartbeat and freak out.Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/07 8:50 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

Posted by KateDevine

I'd skip it.

My doctor told me that they just end up causing a lot of greif because people don't know how to use them and they don't hear a heartbeat and freak out.Chat Icon


plus, my doctor said you are disturbing the baby everytime you use it.

Posted 12/20/07 8:55 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

My sister already had one so I didn't have to rent it. Since she already had one I didn't have to get a drs note to rent it, which you usually need.This is the one I have.
The babys heartbeat has always been really easy to find, and it is very reassuring to hear.

Posted 12/20/07 9:55 PM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

I bought one off of ebay when I was 5 weeks preg. I used it when I was 8 weeks though, and WOW I cried hearing it the first did take me almost 40 min to find the heartbeat but it helped me so much worrying before my first appointment. IMO it was worth the money. I use it sometimes now to feel close to the baby whenever I want to hear the little peanut. Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/07 6:53 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

I never considered renting one, but one of the nurses in my doctor's office told me that babies really don't like it.

This week when I went to the doc, my baby actually moved completely away from it and the nurse basically had to chase her around my belly in order to hear the heartbeat. It was really funny to watch, but since I could feel the baby move she's always gotten a little antsy during the doppler.

Posted 12/21/07 7:38 AM

My babies

Member since 6/05

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

I rented one from I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and was so paranoid that it really eased my mind with my DD in the beginning. I got it at 11 weeks and found it right away. Now I rented it with this pregnancy and I tried it at 8 weeks (too early) and freaked when I couldn't find it.

I had a 9 week sono and everything was great so I put it away and now at 10 weeks I still can't find it. I'm not worried, and will try again next week.

But it helped me enjoy my pregnancy with my DD because of all of my fears.Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/07 8:42 AM

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Mommy to twins

Re: Renting a fetal doppler

I rented mine at Heartones also, it does take awhile for you to find the heartbeat but for me its worth it.

I dont use it too often maybe once every two weeks.

Posted 12/21/07 8:55 AM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

I really wanted to get one for piece of mind between OB appointments, but my husband (who is a physician- pediatric ICU) said absolutely not. He took a poll at work with his colleagues as well and everyone was against it. His reasoning: 1) If you don't use it properly you can stress yourself out over not finding a heartbeat even though it's really there. 2) There are medical studies showing that excessive use of ultrasounds/dopplers beyond routine appointments affect brain development.

Even though my baby kicks me now (24 weeks), I still don't feel him kick me regularly everyday yet. I get worried on his quiet days, but once he starts moving again- boy is it hard! On those quiet days, I sometimes wish I had a doppler to keep me from worrying. Instead, DH and I compromised a little. DH can now use his stethoscope to catch his heartbeat. DH still finds it difficult though because the little one keeps moving around even though I don't feel it, but he's able to catch the HB eventually.

On the flip side, I've read a lot about women who are thankful they've had a doppler to ease their mind. I guess it's all a matter of personal choice!

Posted 12/26/07 10:26 AM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Renting a fetal doppler

Posted by eroxgirl

This week when I went to the doc, my baby actually moved completely away from it and the nurse basically had to chase her around my belly in order to hear the heartbeat. It was really funny to watch, but since I could feel the baby move she's always gotten a little antsy during the doppler.

My Chat Icon does the same thing!

Posted 12/26/07 11:07 AM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: Renting a fetal doppler

Posted by Kitkat

I rented one from I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and was so paranoid that it really eased my mind with my DD in the beginning.

But it helped me enjoy my pregnancy with my DD because of all of my fears.Chat Icon

i could have said this word for word! After having a miscarriage it totally put me at ease knowing i was able to hear it whenever i wanted to.

Posted 12/26/07 12:46 PM


Member since 5/07

1532 total posts


Re: Renting a fetal doppler

There are medical studies showing that excessive use of ultrasounds/dopplers beyond routine appointments affect brain development.

Yikes - that is scary. I have had 4 ultrasouds in my first trimester (all for medically sound reasons) and that scares me!

Posted 12/26/07 1:12 PM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

4619 total posts


Re: Renting a fetal doppler

That scared me too, but I took it with a grain of salt. I had one done every week for the first 8 weeks of my pregnancy (for medical reasons as well).

Posted 12/26/07 5:23 PM

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