Since DS qualifies for the local early learning center Special Ed program he'll be going on a bus to go to school part-time everyday.
It's literally the week after he turns 3. At the meeting they explained it's a smaller bus with an aide, 5 pt harness seatbelts and they sing songs, etc on the bus.
I am just so nervous to put him on the bus. WIll he be ok? Hyserical? Be so confused b/c I'm suddenly sending him off on a new type of transportation to a new school with new kids, teachers, etc.
He's been at this daycare for almost 2 years and gets a little extra special attention, love and affection.
Now he's going into a program that's half the day. As much as he learns in daycare it's still a different envirorment. A big school with lots of classes rather than a small school. Teachers that gives hugs and he sits on their laps and now since it's a public school they are told to not to show affection.
Am I overthinking all this?
I know he'll be fine, but it seems like so much all at once.