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LIF Adult

Member since 3/06 1389 total posts
Name: Julie
SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
was staying at home a decision that you made before having children or after? was it an easy decision?
Posted 12/13/06 10:34 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
It was a decision we made before I got pregnant. It was not to hard of a decision - the hardest part was trying to figure out if we could do it money wise.
Posted 12/13/06 10:35 AM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
We made the decision before.
Posted 12/13/06 10:38 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
Posted by Marcie
It was a decision we made before I got pregnant. It was not to hard of a decision - the hardest part was trying to figure out if we could do it money wise.
Same here. We started saving for it well before we got pregnant, since we knew that was the right solution for us.
Posted 12/13/06 11:20 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 344 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
I always knew I wanted to stay at home, but in the back of my mind wanted to wait and see because I felt I didn't really know what I would want until I was home with my baby all day. I had 6 months maternity leave and decided to make my decision during my leave. I worked long hours as an attorney before and didn't know if the change would be too much, or if I would miss the challenge of my job. Well at the end of my leave I had no desire to go back and am very happy at home with my son.
Posted 12/13/06 11:23 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
Yes, we made it before we even thought of TTCing. We made sure we could live on DH's salary (I completely banked mine and didn't touch it to live on). While PG the first time, I did not tell work of my SAHM intentions, because I wanted to option to continue to work if I wanted to. I still work a bit from home PT.
Posted 12/13/06 11:26 AM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
i had every intention of going right back to work after dd was born. turns out my whole salary would have gone to daycare, which made absoultly no sense to me or dh. thats when we decided it was the best choice for me to stay home fulltime. and loving it.
Posted 12/13/06 11:38 AM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
I told my DH when it was time to have children I was going to be a SAHM, and he agreed! My mom was always home with us, and I loved coming off the bus from school and knowing she was there waiting for me, I want the same for Julia.
Posted 12/13/06 12:02 PM |
Member since 8/05 4987 total posts
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
we always wanted for me to be a SAHM but i didn't really think it would be possible. when i first got pregnant i thought i would have ds in march, take the rest of the school year off and then go back to work in september. at some point in my pregnancy we figured out that we would be able to manage on just DH's salary so here i am at home with no plans of going back any time soon
Posted 12/13/06 12:24 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
we always lived on one income to prepare for me to SAH. We also moved out of state which made it easier.
Posted 12/13/06 12:26 PM |

Member since 6/06 9370 total posts
Name: Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
We made the decision right before I gave birth to my first child.
Posted 12/13/06 12:30 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
i had every intention of going back to work before dd was born and now I find myself constantly questioing it....sometimes its hard to predict how you feel!
Posted 12/13/06 12:34 PM |
2 1/2

Member since 12/05 1304 total posts
Name: kristen
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
I made the decison six months being back to work.. we decided it did not pay for us to pay someone since I did not love my job it was an ok salary.. It was a hard decision but we are doing fine.. and I love it.. I am actaully looking to get some sort of part time job to not have mommy brain forever.. good luck with your decision...
Posted 12/13/06 12:34 PM |
where's winter?

Member since 11/05 2209 total posts
Message edited 2/9/2007 8:29:23 PM.
Posted 12/13/06 12:37 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
Its funny....when i was pregnant I thought i would maybe go back 3 days a week at LEAST to bring in $$$
Well...right after DS was born my husband said "you are NOT working, we'll make it work whatever we have to do". Ultimately it was the best thing we could have done. I love being with him, and i have managed to land a position working from home for my boss for just 15 hours a week. Its extra $$ and i can work while he naps :)
I really and truly believe it can be done, it just takes some creative saving techniques. The best thing we did was to live off of my husbands salary while we were pregnant, and we banked my salary to live off of while i was on maternity leave...which ended up being extended indefinitely!
Posted 12/13/06 1:15 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
Well, I never thought about being a SAHM really.
However, initially when we first got married, I thought I would stay home right away because we are fortunate to be able to survive on DH's money alone. Also, I thought it was the "right" thing to do if I was able.
I am a teacher and was due in Sept. When I got pregnant, we decided I would return to work in December and take it from there...meaning maybe I would stay home as of June if I didn't like working. I decided I enjoyed working and my sanity is worth a lot! So, I came back this September too. We did decide though, that once we had a second, I would stay home for good (at least until they were in school).
Now I am pregnant and due in May. I will be leaving my job in April permanently. As it is now, we have family watching DD and don't feel right asking them to watch 2 free of charge. I am also feeling the strain having two "full time jobs."
This is the hardest thing I think I've ever had to decide. I love my job so much and am really depressed about leaving, but in my heart I know I am doing the right thing for my family.
So, really, really, really, hard decision--not financially--but personally.
Posted 12/13/06 1:56 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
We talked about it before we even got engaged, as part of talking about wanting kids and stuff. I grew up having a SAHM and it was really important to me that I had the opportunity to be one too when I had a child. It would have been a dealbreaker if DH had been opposed to me staying home.
I've been staying home for 9 months now, and love it. Working is highly overrated anyway, lol. I just don't want to give up a single minute with DS, they could not pay me enough to go back to work!
Posted 12/13/06 2:18 PM |
my girls!

Member since 2/06 1491 total posts
Name: Teri
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
I knew I always wanted to be a SAHM, but whether we could afford it or not would be another story.
So when house hunting, before we had the baby, we decided to only buy what we could afford on DH's salary so that I could SAHM when the time came. So luckily it worked out for us.
Posted 12/13/06 2:19 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
I made the decision a year about 9 months after my son was born but worked until he was a year. I never thought I would make this decision - i was assured I was a "career/business woman" and could never not work. It was very, very difficult and even a bit depressing and I do miss working at times but I also love being home. Luckily my job offered me a new position as a consultant and I work one day a week in the city for now while my mom can babysit that day. Once my mom goes back to work - I may be SAHM full time.
Message edited 12/13/2006 4:11:25 PM.
Posted 12/13/06 4:09 PM |
Horray for 3 boys!!
Member since 5/05 2354 total posts
Name: Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
We made the decision before we got pregnant. I had a fantastic & glamourous job, but not a job you could do with a family and kids. I knew then that I'd need a career change once I had kids. So right now I have no idea when I'll go back to work. I'd have to go back to school first.
Posted 12/13/06 4:56 PM |
My munchkins

Member since 5/05 5010 total posts
Name: corinne
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
i made the decision when we decided to try for children and it was a good decision in my opinion.
Posted 12/13/06 5:25 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/06 1389 total posts
Name: Julie
Re: SAHM, yet ANOTHER question
Posted by mable
I made the decison six months being back to work.. we decided it did not pay for us to pay someone since I did not love my job it was an ok salary.. good luck with your decision...
this is the same debate i have with myself all the time. my dh would back me in any decision i make, i just have to make one. THANKS LADIES !!
Posted 12/13/06 6:44 PM |