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Same sex twins -

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Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Same sex twins -

Do you dress them alike?

I have no plans to put my Chat Icon Chat Icon in the exact same outfit every single day. I feel like they deserve to be "their own person" and to help identify that I will dress them differently.

I plan on dressing them similarly. Same type of outfit but different colors or patterns, etc.

Just curious what you do.

Posted 2/22/11 8:04 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

i am that mom that dresses them alike every single day.

for me i just love it, and while they are still babies i can get away with it.

every PJ's , onesie.. outfit.. same!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/11 8:42 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/10

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Re: Same sex twins -

We go back and forth. If people are visiting we usually dress them a like or at least same outfit different color. Other days they dress different for the same reasons you stated above. My DH thinks it's important to create separate identities.....I think it's cute when they dress alike though!

Posted 2/22/11 8:46 AM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

i don't get the seperate identities though.. just because they are dressed alike doesn't mean they don't have their own identity.
idk.. maybe i am a little too sensitive.. but i don't think that at all

Posted 2/22/11 8:48 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: Same sex twins -

Posted by MetsGirl07

i don't get the seperate identities though.. just because they are dressed alike doesn't mean they don't have their own identity.
idk.. maybe i am a little too sensitive.. but i don't think that at all

Didn't mean to insult! Chat Icon

When I said separate identities, I meant more for when they are older. Like will you insist on them always dressing the same? Because I know DS (2.5) gets a kick out of picking out his clothes and I think it helps him create his "style" and express his independence.

With the twins, I don't think they'd always want to wear the same clothes. Of course, I have no idea. My twins aren't even here yet.

Posted 2/22/11 9:12 AM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

Posted by sunflowerjesss

Posted by MetsGirl07

i don't get the seperate identities though.. just because they are dressed alike doesn't mean they don't have their own identity.
idk.. maybe i am a little too sensitive.. but i don't think that at all

Didn't mean to insult! Chat Icon

When I said separate identities, I meant more for when they are older. Like will you insist on them always dressing the same? Because I know DS (2.5) gets a kick out of picking out his clothes and I think it helps him create his "style" and express his independence.

With the twins, I don't think they'd always want to wear the same clothes. Of course, I have no idea. My twins aren't even here yet.

sorry to come off like that.. Chat Icon

no, i plan on not dressing them alike when they get to be that age..
but for now while they are babies i like it.
and yea like you said.. they will want to pick out their own clothes and be cool Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/11 9:15 AM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Same sex twins -

I dress the boys alike always like Deanna (except for their socks bc I can never find 4 the same!Chat Icon).

I didn't plan to do this; it just happened and I LOVE it.

When they're older, if they want to pick out their own clothes, no problem. But for now, it makes me Chat Icon.

Posted 2/22/11 9:32 AM

Praying for the LOs!

Member since 1/09

1630 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

Posted by MetsGirl07

i am that mom that dresses them alike every single day.

for me i just love it, and while they are still babies i can get away with it.

every PJ's , onesie.. outfit.. same!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

me too! i figure i can get away with now - when they start going to school, they will be dressed differently.

Posted 2/22/11 1:32 PM

Live and RUN like a Ninja!

Member since 5/06

3104 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

I have identical daughters. I do not dress them alike. They had the same Baptism dress because I liked a particular one the best.

I do however have them wear similar outfits. For example same outfit but different colors, etc.

Since they are in daycare and are identical, I think it would be asking a lot for the daycare providers to tell them apart.

as an aside, I don't think they look identical but i am the only person on the planet who feels this way.

Posted 2/22/11 1:37 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06

568 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

I dress mine the same. As far as their identities they could not be more different, and they both know it. I enjoy it, and for me it's a lot easier. I only have to select one outfit. :) (whatever saves time is my motto)

Oh and I thought I would stop by now, but at 2.5 the matching is still going strong lol

Posted 2/22/11 1:50 PM

<3 <3 <3

Member since 9/07

5035 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

No....I do a blue/green same outfit or type. Pretty much every outfit they have goes together without exactly matching with their certain colors.

Posted 2/22/11 2:21 PM

The twins are almost 2!

Member since 11/08

2249 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

I am due with Chat Icon Chat Icon in May, and since the Dr's are telling me they are most likely identical (share a placenta) I LOVE the idea of dressing them the same! Since I have DD, I also plan on re-using her clothes for the twins, so they won't always match, but I will mix up matching, same outfit different color, and their own outfits depending on what we are doing that day. I just love having the option! Oh, and I don't plan on leaving DD out. I might get her a matching outfit different color too. Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm going to do it while I can!

Posted 2/22/11 3:31 PM

<3 <3 <3

Member since 10/07

1824 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

I'm due with my Chat Icon Chat Icon in June (docs say they are coming in May) I dont plan on dressing them the same all the time but def when there is a function we have to go to or a party or whatever.
Most of the other days i plan n dressing them in the "same" outfit but different colors

Posted 2/22/11 5:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

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Re: Same sex twins -

i dressed them in what people bought them. most people bought them the same outfits so thats what they wore.
its very hard to find differnent colors and the same size in the same outfit. i only have a few things that are the same but different color.
honestly when they are little is so much easier just to pull out the same outfit each day.

Posted 2/22/11 8:09 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/10

291 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

Posted by MetsGirl07

i don't get the seperate identities though.. just because they are dressed alike doesn't mean they don't have their own identity.
idk.. maybe i am a little too sensitive.. but i don't think that at all

Personaly, I dont really get it either...its my husbands "thing." I think when they are this young (almost 7 mths for my two) its adorable when they dress the same. I do agree with other posters though about letting them choose their outfits in a few years. Cant wait to see if they choose the same ones!

Posted 2/22/11 8:31 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

No Never. I think once they had the same christmas PJs, that was the only time other then christening dress.

I do sometimes like to buy similair styles...or the same outfit in different col ors or for holidays we will do a dress on one, skirt on the other in same pattern/style...that type of thing.

When we are just hanging out we dress them different.

I feel like they have totally different personalitys and they actually have differnt body shapes and skin coloring and different things just looks 'MORE' Chloe and certain 'MORE' Sydney...and we found Family and friends see that too and buy them clothes to kinda suit them too.

Message edited 2/22/2011 9:58:25 PM.

Posted 2/22/11 9:53 PM

Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09

5351 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

Yes i always dress them alike. i look at it like when i buy an outfit how can i just buy that outfit for one of them and not the other? they are twins, not identical but i don't want one to think well why did she wear that outfit and i wore that one? they have their own personalities, but i feel just bc they are in the same outfit that doesn't change! when they get older and are in school i will dress them differently. and when they get old enough they can pick what they want to wear. if they want similar outfits, or different colors that's fine, or if they want totally different that's fine too!!! as for now they are always in the same or similar outfits.

Posted 2/23/11 8:51 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: Same sex twins -

Posted by Metsmomma

Yes i always dress them alike. i look at it like when i buy an outfit how can i just buy that outfit for one of them and not the other? they are twins, not identical but i don't want one to think well why did she wear that outfit and i wore that one?

I never even thought about it like that though. I figured if they dressed differently we'd have twice the amount of outfits/clothes to choose from when dressing them.

They will be sharing a closet and dressers, so I would just pull out an outfit and put it on whoever is next to me Chat Icon I wouldn't necessarily buy an outfit and say "This is for A" or "This is for B".

Posted 2/23/11 9:01 AM

loving life

Member since 1/07

5413 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

my girls are fraternal and i usually do not dress them alike, i just don't like it
if someone gives me the same outfits or if an outfit is just too cute then i will put it on them but more often then not i just coordinate them, maybe same outfit different color or pattern
but christening gown and first christmas dresses were the same it was just easier

Posted 2/23/11 6:56 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

I dressed my girls alike.....

Usually they were in the same outfit but a different color...

Or...same jeans with a different color top....


When they turned 3 they told me they didnt want to dress the same any more so we stopped....

Posted 2/23/11 7:03 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

Sometimes I do sometimes I don't. If they are not in the same outfit I try to coordinate their outfit (different color or pattern).

I have to say I LOVE dressing them! It is so much fun :)

Posted 2/23/11 10:09 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

421 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

i don't. never have, never will. i rtnd all double outfits ppl gave me. they are their own ppl

Posted 2/24/11 6:29 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/09

218 total posts


Re: Same sex twins -

I tend to dress the boys in similar outfits when we go out. Usually same shirt with different colors. When we are home or just running errands, usually different outfits.

I love dressing them the same! Never really thought about them not having their own idenities due to their clothes.

Posted 2/24/11 8:20 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

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Re: Same sex twins -

My girls are dressed the same or in similiar outfits, but different colors on holidays. I will dress them alike if someone bought me the outfit. However, when I go out and buy clothes I get different outfits. I don't like buying two of the same thing.

Posted 2/24/11 5:39 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

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Re: Same sex twins -

I am having two more boys, so my twins will be wearing tons of hand-me-downs. Because of this, I probably will not dress them alike very often. Anything I have purchased, and most gifts I have gotten have been two of the same. I guess it will depend on our mood that day... I haven't thought too much about it. I think it is really cute to have coordinating outfits, though. One of my students told me that her mom always dressed her in pink and her twin sister in the same or similar outfit in purple. It helped people tell them apart.

Posted 2/25/11 11:26 PM
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