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Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

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Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

Can you let me know how much your DC eats / sleeps if they are around 8-10 months old?

DS has been on the same qty of food for awhile and I think its time to increase a bit. My ped always tells me to watch his cues but this kid is like his dad when it comes to food, he doesn’t have an off button. He will eat it all and then just throw it up later – which is why I hesitate at upping his food intake. He has been napping much better but now is getting up 30 minutes earlier in the Am.


Posted 9/4/08 9:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 3/06

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Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

DD is 10 months old. I feel like sometimes she does not eat enough.

Normally she eats:
3 - 7oz bottles a day around every 4 hours (sometimes 4 depending on when she gets up)

Bkfst - 3 TBl of cereal and a whole jar of Stage 3 fruit

Lunch - If she's at daycare she gets a whole jar of stage 3 meat or a Graduates ravioli (which she loves)

Dinner - I try to give her either cereal and a veggie but a lot of times she won't finish it. We also give her a lot of table food as long as what we are eating is healthy.

Snack - cheerios or puffs.

Her sleep schedule is 8pm - 6:30am. I usually have to wake her up for daycare. On the weekends she sleeps until anywhere between 7:30 and 9am!

Posted 9/4/08 10:15 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

Thanks for responding. Does she have a bottle with each meal or are the separate from the meals?

Posted 9/4/08 12:00 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

DD is 9 months today. Her schedule:

5AM nurse, then back to sleep until 7:30-8:00, most of the time she nurses again, then sleeps in the car to grandma's house

10AM 4 tablespoons oatmeal, 4 oz jar fruit (stage 2 jar)

1PM 4oz bottle
3PM 4 oz bottle
5PM nurse
sleep in the car on the way home
7PM 4 tablespoons cereal, 4 oz jar veggie

10PM down for the night

On Mon-Weds-Fri, DD naps @ 11:30-12:30, and occasionally 3-3:30 in addition to the car naps

Posted 9/4/08 1:49 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

DD is 9 months old...She nurses 3x/day, not sure how much she gets...

Wakes up and BF, around 6 or 6:30.
(sometimes she is up earlier but I don't get her before 6)

Breakfast around 8ish...
Usually oatmeal and a stage 2 fruit AND
either a pancake, waffle or french toast AND 1/2 banana. She is hungry!

Yogurt and fresh fruit

Whatever her sister is eating, chicken, veggie pancakes, pasta, meatballs, pizza, etc...

She gets snacks in between goldfish, cheerios, puffs, cheese, fruit, whatever...

Nurse again before bed around 7.

Posted 9/4/08 2:02 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

DS is 9 months tomorrow. He sleeps from 8:30-7:30 (lately it's tough to get him to go to sleep, but he stays asleep generally). He has an hour nap in the morning, but his afternoon nap has pretty much disappeared.

He eats 4-5 6 ounce bottles during the day, about 9 tbsps. cereal and 2-3 servings of stage 2 fruit and veggies. Every few days he has a container of YoBaby. We are starting meats tomorrow. He's not big for foods with texture yet.

Have you been giving DS snacks? That may help if he tends to scarf down his food than throw it up. Good luck!

Posted 9/4/08 7:31 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

DD is a tad over 10 months. Her sleep schedule hasn't changed much at all the past few months - she goes down at 7, up by 7.

She takes either 2 or 3 one hour naps. If we were super busy the day before, she will definitely take a 3rd nap.

She drinks 4 - 6oz bottles a day, although the last few nights she wanted 2oz more before she fell asleep. At this point she is 100% on table food. She will not under any circumstances eat baby food, no matter what tricks I try. The ped said not to push it, because you risk turning her off to all food. I'm still experimenting with how much table food she will eat, but so far she is loving everything we give her, which I think is half the battle!

Posted 9/4/08 8:00 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

Posted by Kelly9904

Thanks for responding. Does she have a bottle with each meal or are the separate from the meals?

most of the time separate.

Posted 9/4/08 8:28 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

Thanks everyone. DS doesnt actually throw up...I dont let him eat THAT much. But he will eat all the time if I let him. He was always like that.

Here is his schedule right now
7am - 6oz bottle
9/9:30-11 Nap
11 am - 4tbsp of cereal, 6oz bottle
2 pm- 1 jar of stage 2 veggies (sometimes I substitute a yogurt) 6oz bottle
3/4 pm - nap sometimes 30 minutes sometimes 2 hours
5 pm - 6oz bottle
8pm - 4tbsp cereal, 1 jar of stage 2 fruit, 6oz bottle
9pm-7am (lately 6:30) sleep

In between all this, he has water or formula in a sippy cup, bites of whatever we are eating, (pancakes, waffles with fruit, cakes, fresh fruit, pizza, pasta, etc) and puffs.

I am thinking of switching out his bedtime cereal with a meat dinner. I just feel alittle lost on how to progress with his eating. He loves adult food and would eat it all day, but I have no clue how much to give him, etc.

Thanks everyone

Posted 9/4/08 11:21 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Schedule for 8-10 month old - eating & sleeping

Bumping to see if anyone else can share

Posted 9/5/08 3:42 PM

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