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How do you feel about school uniforms?

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School Uniforms...yay or nay????

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Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I never wore a school uniform, and probably in my younger days thought they were horrible, but as a mother of a child who lives in a country where pretty much all of the schools wear uniforms, I now ruddy well love them!
They make life so easy, I buy one set of clothes, 5 polo shirts, 5 school sweatshirts, 5 pairs of school pants, easy peasy. Never fight over an outfit, keeps costs down etc...

Would you be happy for your kid to wear a uniform? Do you like them? Whats your thoughts?

The reason I ask this is because I have been going through a battle with local schools and their reDONKulous admissions policies, and one of the schools that we have a place at DOES NOT wear uniforms, and I'm not happy about it.

Posted 6/25/10 5:52 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I would be very happy if my kids had to wear uniforms.

Posted 6/25/10 9:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I wish we had them. There were little girls in pre-k that wouldn't play with some of the other girls because their clothes weren't cool enough. Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/10 10:08 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I am all for them!

Posted 6/25/10 10:54 PM

My Children

Member since 5/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

Posted by MrsSchwags

I am all for them!

me too

Posted 6/25/10 10:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I think every single school should have a uniform even as simple as khakis and a polo. Then all kids would walk into school on an even playing field and not be judged for not having the right jeans or the best shoes.

Kids would learn to befriend kids for who they are and not the name on their jeans.

Posted 6/25/10 11:01 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????


I don't know. It would probably be easier (and cheaper) for me. But I remember being a kid. I remember wanting to express myself with what I wore. I would have hated wearing a uniform - it was one of the biggest reasons I refused to go to Catholic school.

If my kids wanted to wear them.. I'd be for it. But I would really rather that they have a choice so that if/when the day comes that they decide not to be part of the homogeneous crowd - they have the option.

Posted 6/26/10 12:11 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I went to catholic school until 7th grade, so I was used to wearing a uniform. I'm actually happy to find out that DS's school has a uniform policy. No guess work in the morning and relatively cheap.

Posted 6/26/10 12:29 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

LOVE EM! Ava will be wearing one this coming school year and I can't wait! So much easier.

Posted 6/26/10 12:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

not sure - i would like to see a dress code - like khaki bottoms white shirt - something like that. but not a specific uniform

Posted 6/26/10 7:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Ms. Brat

Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

If it was mandatory of course we'd comply, but my kids LOVE clothes and I love buying them. If not for SCHOOL CLOTHES we'd have very little reason to shop.Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/10 10:15 AM

Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

Ehhhh.... I went to a Catholic school through 5th grade & wore a uniform. From 6th grade on I transfered to public schools & did not wear a uniform. I much preferred not having to wear a uniform. I liked picking my own outfits & I felt so much more comfortable. I know there are benefits to uniforms, like it being cheaper & easier for mom, but I remember how I felt about them so I'm glad my kids won't be wearing them.

Posted 6/26/10 11:05 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

My daughter wears a uniform and it's so much easier in the morningChat Icon However, it's certainly not cheaper to have uniforms. She needs 3 polos of each color long and short sleeve, sweaters, jackets (all matching in navy), shoes, sneakers are all specific as well even accessories. Not to mention she needs home clothes on top of the uniform attire. So, 2 wardrobes are needed. I still will not take it back. I prefer uniform much more. Kids are not focused on clothes while in school so it helps.

Posted 6/26/10 12:19 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

My kids are in a Catholic school, so a uniform is required. Absolutely love it! So easy in the morning, no issues with clothes, they wash and wear well, so we are happy here.

Last year at this time, when I ventured out to get his uniform (DS needed one for Kindergarten), I was a litte Chat Icon at what I spent (around $350 for school and gym uniform, plus school shoes and sneakers). Well, considering he is going to wear 99% of the stuff again for another year, and the gym uniform can be passed on to his sister, I think we did rather well in the whole scheme of cost! Chat Icon

ETA: I should state that if my kids weren't in a catholic school, I would 100% be in favor of some sort of "dress code".

Message edited 6/26/2010 6:55:38 PM.

Posted 6/26/10 6:54 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I wore a uniform through 12th grade; my children attend/will attend Catholic school, so they'll always wear uniforms. I've taught for 11 years strictly in schools whose students wore uniforms. Honestly, I cannot think of one downfall of uniforms. I love them.

I remember as a kid feeling so uncomfortable when we had "dress down day" or something of the like--as though we were all being judged on our appearance by our peers. I never felt like I looked as good as everyone else. While I taught we had semi-regular dress-up/dress-down days and it was SUCH a distraction. As a parent, I love not having to worry about buying clothes for school and I'm glad my children won't feel the pressure to keep up with the Jonses clothing-wise--during school hours anyway.

Posted 6/26/10 10:43 PM

It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I went to a Catholic School and we wore uniforms, I never had an issue with it. I really don't remember any of the kids having an issue with it. There was never any ostracizing because kids didn't have name brand clothes.

My niece transferred from a Catholic School to public and she was miserable the first year because the kids were so awful to her about her clothes. She is a bit of a tom-boy and wasn't interested in fashion. She was only in 5th grade, I couldn't believe how these 5th grade girls were dressing!!! My DSS has been made fun of because of clothes, he is a special needs kid and he made himself a scarf that he was very proud of, when he got to school the kids really tormented him for it, so it turned something that was a great success for him into another case of him "not being good enough".

I really wish the public schools around me would go to uniforms, not only to save me tons of $$ but to cut down on the distraction and harassment in school.

Posted 6/27/10 12:14 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

I honestly feel like it doesn't really matter whether a kid wears a uniform or not and they aren't cheaper.

My SILs wear them and always have and are the biggest label wh0res I know. It doesn't matter that they can't wear them at school, they spending a ton of clothes and definitely still notice who wears what outside of school

Posted 6/27/10 5:50 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

Uniforms, no. Dress codes, yes. Khaki's and solid tops would be all I would tolerate.

What I don't like is any institution that would force my daughter to wear a skirt.

Posted 6/28/10 9:03 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: School Uniforms...yay or nay????

Im not a fan of school uniforms - but I'm also a product of public schools - so we never had to wear one.

I love the individuality that goes into an outfit so not a huge fan of the uniforms at all.

Posted 6/29/10 6:02 PM

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