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LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 297 total posts
Name: Jenna
September mommas -- check in!
Just wondering how all my fellow Sept moms are feeling.
I'm 23 weeks and started to feel kicks pretty regularly this week. Its so wonderful. All day I look forward to the evening to feel the baby move. DH is totally freaked out!!
How about you guys?
Posted 5/24/07 10:51 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: September mommas -- check in!
I will be 25 weeks on Sunday. I went to the doctor last week and he moved my due date up from the 14th to the 9th..I felt like I actually "skipped" a week! My little guy is moving around a whole bunch. He has been pretty active right from the beginning. Cant wait to see if this is a character trait that is going to continue after he is born. I have a growth sonogram on Tuesday..cant wait to see how much he weighs. So far he has these really long legs that are a week and a half ahead of the rest of him. I think that is so adorable b/c both me and daddy have long legs.
Posted 5/24/07 11:05 PM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: September mommas -- check in!
i am about 22 1/2 weeks and feeling pretty good! I definitely feel the baby now which is so exciting, and there is no hiding that i'm pg! My belly has definitely grown! My appetite has increased and so has the back pain and uncomfortable sleeping w/leg pain, but thats okay, its all worth it
Posted 5/25/07 6:40 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: September mommas -- check in!
I am 24 weeks and EED will be September 14. So far I am doing great. Our daughter is very active in her mom's tummy. It is just so amazing just to feel her move.
So far I only have cravings for ice. I do not have any cravings for any specific kind of food.
Message edited 5/25/2007 7:36:47 AM.
Posted 5/25/07 7:35 AM |
Loud is fun!!

Member since 5/05 1504 total posts
Name: M
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Feeling great, except for these all of a sudden allergies (never had allergies before). I am 22 weeks, due Sept 27!!! Last drs appt was 2 days ago - she said very strong heart on my Princess. Only craving i've had have been slurpy's today seems like another perfet day for one!!!
Posted 5/25/07 9:04 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/06 237 total posts
Name: ~J~
Re: September mommas -- check in!
I'm 25 weeks today! She's been moving around like crazy. You can't feel her from the outside yet...DH is jealous! I am procrastinating in getting the glucose test done. Definitely doing it by next weekend. My due date has remained Sept. 7th
Posted 5/25/07 9:14 AM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Hello ladies...I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling great! I'm feeling my little man so much now throughout the day and I it!! Last sono was on Wed. and I got some pretty good 3-D's which I'll post this weekend. He also weighed 1lb, so I was excited about that! I'm up 13lbs.
My belly has been a little itchy here and there but other than that I feel 100% like the old me. No cravings really either (except apples but I've always liked them!)
We ordered the funiture and we're starting the nursery this weekend!
Posted 5/25/07 9:19 AM |
Member since 5/05 1427 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: September mommas -- check in!
I am 24 weeks...due date Sept 14. Feeling lots of movement in there...DH can feel some of them too Been having some leg cramps and swollen ankles/feet latley...other then that i feel great!
Posted 5/25/07 9:31 AM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Hello ladies!
I will be 26 weeks tomorrow and things are moving along great. I really felt like I "popped" about a week and a half ago... no more hiding I am having a baby!
Feeling great. The baby was the most active he/she has ever been yesterday. Last night DH thought something was wrong there was so much movement! I love every second of it!
Go for my glucose test in 2 weeks and have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if my placenta has decided to move up!
Babies will be here before we know it!
Posted 5/25/07 9:35 AM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: September mommas -- check in!
I will be in my 27th week tomorrow. I cant believe how time is flying!!
I'm feeling pretty good! I feel her move all the time now- definitely more frequently than a few weeks ago! Its not just kicks anymore either- its really amazing!
Sadly, DH still hasnt felt her move- and every once and a while while we are lying in bed, I see him checking out my belly to see if he sees anything! Oh well! Hopefully one of these days, he'll either feel or see something!
Posted 5/25/07 9:36 AM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Hi all! I'm 22 weeks today and so far so good. My little guy is very active, but yet sleeps with me at night. I'm starting to get tired a lot more often though, and even though I have the energy throughout the day and early evening, I tend to collapse at 9-10pm. I have my monthly check-up next Friday, during which most likely I will be sent for my glucose exam...trying to be good until then
Posted 5/25/07 9:36 AM |
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Hi all! I am in the 24th week and feeling GREAT!
Tons of kicking now that I can see and feel from the outside now. I love it!
I just started wearing maternity tops this week and I feel so pretty in them.
I am really nervous about the upcoming glucose test, I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia when I was 15 years old so I dont know how that will effect everything.
Posted 5/25/07 9:37 AM |
How did you get blue eyes?

Member since 11/05 3763 total posts
Name: LC's Mommy
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Hi Ladies
I am feeling good. I finally look pregnant at almost 22 weeks. I need to find some maternity pants that fit me. I also sold my little sports car and got a mommy mobile about a month ago. We are also in the middle of construction in our co-op. I posted pics in my album.
Posted 5/25/07 10:59 AM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: September mommas -- check in!
Hello Ladies! I am 22 weeks today and I am feeling so much better than last week! I am pretty sure we are finished registering and now we are picking paint colors for the nursery. Still haven't really talked about names yet... I am still gaining weight like I did all along, averaging 3 pounds a month! Which feels like a lot. The scale never likes me. I am also feeling REALLY hot in this weather. I think the central air will be my best friend this summer!
Posted 5/26/07 9:11 AM |