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Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
September Mommies check in...
How have you ladies been feeling? Any flutters? M/S gone??? lets Dish!
I am hanging in there. Definitely a hellish pregnancy at times but I am feeling flutters a few times a day so I cant complain (much). I cant beleive I am going into my 17th week. Due Sep 26th but will deliver between Sept 5th - Sept 16th. YAY
Posted 4/16/07 2:29 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: September Mommies check in...
Due September 28th, definitely starting to show a bit, feeling much better and like myself again except for the fact that my bladder feels like its a size of a quarter, feeling flutters...definitely more on my right than on my left.
Posted 4/16/07 2:47 PM |
Family of 6

Member since 10/06 3251 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hello Sept, mommies I am feeling great, had no morning sickness, I am showing alittle, I find out what they baby is in 2 weeks, i CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message edited 4/16/2007 2:56:32 PM.
Posted 4/16/07 2:56 PM |
Loud is fun!!

Member since 5/05 1504 total posts
Name: M
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hello Hello...due September 27 Feeling great - the tiredness is slowly disappearing - put it this way i was able to watch Entourage last night!! I actually have a call into my dr to schedule my Level 2 - this is really moving along!!!
Posted 4/16/07 2:56 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/06 1093 total posts
Name: M
Re: September Mommies check in...
I am in my 16th week now and thank god most of my morning sickness has gone away....Who would think pucking once a day would be nice :o).....
My due date Sept 30 but since they are twins they will probably be here the end of August.....
I feel some weird things but I am not sure if they are flutters...every once in a while I will feel something on my lower left handside....almost like a push...I am not sure though....
Posted 4/16/07 3:15 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hi y'al..Due Sept 14th here..probably looking at the end of August though.
Im 18 1/2 weeks and baby has been moving a lot...lots of kicks and butt older girls felt the baby kick yesterday which was soooo exciting for them.
I still have a ton of food aversions which I keep adding too...But no real morning sickness...
We found out at the Ultrascreen and at another sonogram at 15 weeks that we are having a boy..We're having the Level II on May 1st so we'll have to double check..with 5 girls here a baby boy would be so nice.
Posted 4/16/07 3:18 PM |
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hello ladies! I am due 9/12 and so far no more m/s even though I didnt really have much to begin with. Tons of fluttering! Which I love and I am going for the Level II in 10 days. I am feeling great! More energy so I can stay up til midnight again. No stretch marks on my belly but they are there on my boobs so I bought the Palmers cocoa butter so I hope that helps. I have decided to just sigh and let my body do what it will do as far as worrying about weight and sagging. I mean, I always expected to lose my shape after childbirth and BFing.
Posted 4/16/07 3:24 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 297 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hi Everybody!
18 weeks tomorrow!! The m/s ended more than a month ago and I'm eating like a fiend now.
I'm feeling flutters occasionally, but every time it happens I'm still unsure about what it is. Yesterday was the first time I felt something consistently for a while. DH is jealous though -- he wants to feel them too!
Posted 4/16/07 4:04 PM |
Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05 4919 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hi everyone, I am doing well. At this point there is no mistaking that I am pregnant
I am due 9/26 but will be induced 2 weeks to 10 days early.
We were advised to have a CVS and all came back well ,and as I had posted before we are having a boy .
I feel fortunate to say that my m/s ended @ some point in week 9.
I am weighing in @ the Ob/gyn tomorrow and am a little nervous as my appetite is back witha vengance( trying to be good)
AS far as the flutters, I may have felt them once, after some of the ladies posted a description of them. I can't wait to feel this little one kick!
I feel so blessed
Posted 4/16/07 4:09 PM |
Member since 5/05 1427 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hi Everyone! I am 18 weeks...Due date is Sept 14th. Besides the pounding headaches I get once in a while I feel good. Haven't felt any flutters yet...hope to soon!
Go on April 30th for my next sono...can't wait
Posted 4/16/07 4:10 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hey girls, I'm 16 weeks and still feeling ridiculously tired. I needed to rest after making my bed this morning. I'm getting vicious sinus headaches but other than that I'm feeling okay. I have insomnia around 2:30am and usually can't get back to sleep for a few hours. I get up twice a night to pee and my belly is growing by leaps and bounds. I can't wait to find out what we're having
Posted 4/16/07 4:30 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hello everyone!
20 weeks and 2 days along now, due September 2.
Morning sickness was gone, but I actually threw up at the hospital this morning waiting for my 20 week sonogram!!! I felt much better after it all came up! How embarassing!
Anyway, I am feeling great, definitely showing, I have no idea what I feel, I guess they are the flutters. It feels like bubble popping in my stomach every once in a while. I look forward to real movement!
Our 20 week today was amazing. Got to see the little Poppy for so long, head, stomach, legs, feet, arms, hands, heart, face. I am in love already!
We did not find out what it is... still want it to be a surprise (although a part of me wanted to find out!)
Hope all is well with everyone else!
Posted 4/16/07 4:41 PM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hello I am due Sept. 14. So far I am doing great. I am feeling the alot of flutters. I will be finding out the sex of my baby next Friday and I am really excited.
Posted 4/16/07 5:17 PM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hey everyone, I'm due 9/27, so I'll be 17 weeks on Thursday. I am feeling some flutters here and there but for some reason I had a few days last week when I was feeling them so much, but so far this week they don't feel as frequent. I miss them!! I definitely am looking pregnant by now and I bought a whole bunch of maternity clothes, which was fun! I still have some cramping here and there and thank God my spotting has completely stopped for now (knock on wood!) I haven't had many cravings aside from me wanting cheese sandwiches all the time (why can't it be veggies?!)...But I'm feeling great! This Thursday I am hoping my Dr. will confirm the sex, as he was only 60% sure last time I went that it was a boy, so I'm pretty excited about that!!
Posted 4/16/07 5:59 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: September Mommies check in...
EDD: 9/29 This weekend I noticed my belly getting bigger and I got some maternity clothes. I am not really feeling the baby yet, though every night I hope for it. I have more energy than the past (which is nice). Worst complaint right now is the leg pain at night when I am trying to sleep. I go to the doctor on Thursday, hoping for a good check up and that I don't get yelled at for gaining too much!
Posted 4/16/07 7:25 PM |
Loving life
Member since 7/06 4088 total posts
Re: September Mommies check in...
Posted by jerseypanda
Hello everyone!
20 weeks and 2 days along now, due September 2.
Morning sickness was gone, but I actually threw up at the hospital this morning waiting for my 20 week sonogram!!! I felt much better after it all came up! How embarassing!
Anyway, I am feeling great, definitely showing, I have no idea what I feel, I guess they are the flutters. It feels like bubble popping in my stomach every once in a while. I look forward to real movement!
Our 20 week today was amazing. Got to see the little Poppy for so long, head, stomach, legs, feet, arms, hands, heart, face. I am in love already!
We did not find out what it is... still want it to be a surprise (although a part of me wanted to find out!)
Hope all is well with everyone else!
Glad everthing is going well.
Due 9/2 too. My 20 week sono is Thurs. Can't wait hope to find out the sex. Definately feeling movement and showing.
Posted 4/16/07 8:59 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/05 195 total posts
Name: Pam
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hey everyone! I'm due 9/9 and my 20 week sono is Wednesday night!!!! I can't wait. I really hope this little one decides to show us its true colors. Have felt some fluttering on and off. Thankfully the morning sickness seems to have faded. I am still tired, but can now stay up past 10:00!!! Yeeha!!! I have a nice little bump below the bellow button. Still waiting for that amazing moment when I "pop". Hopefully that will happen soon because right now I just look like I have a double bubble.
Posted 4/16/07 9:46 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: September Mommies check in...
Posted by mrsratz
Hey everyone! I'm due 9/9 and my 20 week sono is Wednesday night!!!! I can't wait. I really hope this little one decides to show us its true colors. Have felt some fluttering on and off. Thankfully the morning sickness seems to have faded. I am still tired, but can now stay up past 10:00!!! Yeeha!!! I have a nice little bump below the bellow button. Still waiting for that amazing moment when I "pop". Hopefully that will happen soon because right now I just look like I have a double bubble.
I think you look adorable!
Posted 4/17/07 5:43 PM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: September Mommies check in...
I'm due Sept 2nd- and I'm feeling pretty good. Today, I'm a little uncomfy- some cramps- I think my uterus is growing. We found out last week we are having a ! We have to go back to the dr on the 30th because my little shy baby didnt want to let the sono tech get any measurements.
I feel her move all the time! Mostly when she has the hiccups- which is often. I do feel kicks and bumps pretty often as well! It is the best feeling in the world!
I'm starting to get really uncomfortable when I sleep- but what can you do.
Posted 4/17/07 5:47 PM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: September Mommies check in...
hello mommies to be..I'm due 9/27 and i've been feeling pretty good. No flutters yet , but my energy is slowly coming back and i'm starting to show. I get occasional headaches and cravings, and i think that i grew within the past week. My appetite has grown too! I cant wait to feel the flutters and cant wait for my 20 week
Posted 4/17/07 6:54 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 297 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: September Mommies check in...
It's been about a week since we checked in, so I'm wondering how everyone is feeling now.
Question: are you all feeling flutters? how often do you feel them? what do yours feel like?
mine are like little scratches inside my belly, but I don't notice them every single day. when are we supposed to start feeling them regularly.
also DH is so disappointed that he can't feel it yet -- he was under the impression that once I felt something he would feel it too.
Posted 4/24/07 9:00 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hey everyone I will be 20 weeks on Thursday and I am doing very fine. I got my AFP results yesterday and it came back normal so my family and I are truly excited.
On Friday I will be doing my Anatomy Scan and I will know then whether or not I am having a boy or a girl.
I do feel alot of fluttering from time to time.
Posted 4/24/07 9:03 AM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: September Mommies check in...
Due: somewhere around Sept 25th.
Feeling really good. By stomach is back to normal after about 6 weeks of IBS inflamation issues. I'll spare everyone the details, but I had to have a colonoscopy with hardly any sedation
My stomach is slowly getting bigger and the shirt I am wearing today makes me look very pregnant, a guy in the 7 train offered a seat to me :)
I am not sure what I feel in terms of flutters. Sometimes I think I feel something, but then it will go away as quickly as I feel it so I can never be sure. I cannot wait to finally feel something.
I have my Level II on May 8th. DH and I are deciding if we want to find out the sex or not.
We are waiting on the AFP results from last week. I pray that everything comes back OK. My Ultrascreen test came back with an increased risk for Tri13/18, even though the sonogram showed excellent results. They do not take the sono into account for the Tri 13/18 screening portion, only for the downs syndrome portion of the test. DH & I both are confident that everything is OK though so we opted out of the amnio. If the AFP results come back with concerns the doctor said we can revisit the option of an amnio. These screening tests are really stressful and I'm not sure I would opt to have them with my next one.
OTher than that, all is well. I feel wonderful, always tired, but I was like that before I was pregnant.
Posted 4/24/07 9:07 AM |
Member since 8/06 1730 total posts
Re: September Mommies check in...
Hey. I'll be 20 wks on Fri & I feel so good! I really have nothing to complain about.
I've been feeling a lot flutters & dh said he could hear the baby's hb when he put his ear to my belly. I thought he was crazy but i looked it up online & they said it's possible to hear it.
Speaking of my belly, it's huge! I went shopping this weekend so now I have so many cute outfits.
I had the afp test last week & everything was normal & my level II is in 2 weeks.
Posted 4/24/07 10:17 AM |
Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
Re: September Mommies check in...
I am stinll hanging in there at 18 weeks tomorrow. Due Sept 26th but will be delivering 2-3 weeks before that. I keep saying this to myself because not being able to eat normally and digest food has me in the worst mood ever lately. I eat the same foods everyday. Its going to get worse the DR says as my uterus pushes my stomach up. Not looking forward to it There is still talk about some kind of feeding tube but my weight loss has slowed down. Not gaining but no loss is good news so far.
The good news is that my Dr. thinks we are havign a little he is 99 % sure but we'll keep checking during my weekly visits and of course my level II.
I am feeling flutters. At least a few times a day luckily. I've been through this before so for you 1st timers its almost like a small bubbles popping/tickling your lower abdomen. It happens really fast so it will take you a few times to recognize. But its the best.
Posted 4/24/07 2:36 PM |
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