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Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
September/October mommies-Check in time
I feel like I have been gone for a while so please update me as to whats new or what new lovely symptoms you are experiencing. And of course who's new to the expecting list!
ETA EDD: 9-26 10 wks 5 dys today Tons of M/S (hyperemesis) Boobs are sore off and on Insomnia anyone-I cant sleep Have a lil bump happening Will see my lil trouble maker on Wednesday
Message edited 3/5/2007 5:07:41 PM.
Posted 3/5/07 2:02 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Due 9/30 10 weeks 1 day
Symptoms: * Twinges and cramping (very mild) * When I sneeze I feel like I am dislodging the baby (painful pulling of muscles, then goess away quickly) * Am just getting over a bad sinus infection and cold. I can finally breathe through my nose (3 weeks!) * Severe Anemia - going to hematologist tonight to see what can be done. * So exhausted, falls alseep 4x a day in various places and positions (most likely from anemia) * rapidly expanding waist line
Other than that, no ms or anything weird.
Message edited 3/5/2007 2:07:12 PM.
Posted 3/5/07 2:06 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
9 1/2 weeks here ridiculously tired, I feel asleep on the floor at Barnes and Noble Fri. night
I found a lovely spider vein behind my left knee
my skin looks like a 15 yr olds going through puberty
waves of nausea usually around 7-7:30 every morning
I swear I thought I felt fluttering last night (DH said it was my lentil soup )
Posted 3/5/07 2:19 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow...due 10/2.
My current symptoms are:
-Still humongous and sore bbs -Subsiding constipation and heartburns -Subsiding waves of nausea -Flutter twinges and movements in my belly.
We went for our first sono 2/27 and our little bean is doing fantastic, measuring at 2.54 centimeters and its heart beat was 162...
Ultrasound is next week 3/20...can't wait to see my "Mini Trini"'s new nickname.
Message edited 3/12/2007 3:08:29 PM.
Posted 3/5/07 2:22 PM |
Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I feel flutterings too and everyone keeps saying its too early. All I know is that it happens at odd times and goes away
Posted 3/5/07 2:24 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Posted by MrsBumbleb
9 1/2 weeks here ridiculously tired, I feel asleep on the floor at Barnes and Noble Fri. night
Posted 3/5/07 2:26 PM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I'm due 9/27,
-I am extremely tired (some days worse than others) -nausea every now an then but not too bad -Constipation, bad -Expanding wastline (can only wear certain pants now) - still thirsty and peeing a lot - tightness and streching feelings in my lower belly when I move around or turn over in bed -occasionaly cranky -and all I want to do i eat
Posted 3/5/07 2:29 PM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
What is up with going to the bathroom every hour on the hour at night? I wake up and literally have to run because the pressure on my bladder is so bad! What is going to happen when the baby is actually big enough to kick me? LOLOL
Posted 3/5/07 2:33 PM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Posted by Elbee
What is up with going to the bathroom every hour on the hour at night? I wake up and literally have to run because the pressure on my bladder is so bad! What is going to happen when the baby is actually big enough to kick me? LOLOL
I know its ridiculous! Sometimes I don't even pee all that much yet before I go I feel like I'm about to go in my pants!!
Posted 3/5/07 2:36 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/05 879 total posts
Name: jennifer
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I'm 7w 1d due 10/17. I'm feeling--extremely tired --waves of nausea
Posted 3/5/07 2:50 PM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
8 weeks today!
going for my first u/s TOMORROW!!!!!
as for the symptoms...
-MORNING SICKNESS - some level of nausea/vomiting, pretty much 24/7 -CONSTIPATION - 'nuff said -lots and lots of CM -painful twinges when i cough or sneeze -intermittent insomnia -intermittent nasal congestion, like out of nowhere i'll feel and sound like i have a terrible cold... and then it goes away as quickly as it came
Posted 3/5/07 2:55 PM |
My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06 6551 total posts
Name: L
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I will be 9 weeks on Wednesday.
I have some Nausea that comes and goes.
Very picky with food wake up at night to pee
large sore BB's...UGH!
Mild cramping here and there
Posted 3/5/07 2:59 PM |
Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Bump-I dont see a few of you :)
Posted 3/5/07 3:51 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I am 8 weeks
- sore nipples, but they are starting to feel better - loss of appetite, but starving at times. I lost a couple lbs - no m/s, but sometimes I feel slighly nauseous - very tired - frequent urination - moody/emotional -congested sometimes -you can connect the dots on my face.
Posted 3/5/07 3:53 PM |
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I should be 9 weeks tomorrow (u/s machine said I'm 8 so I'm confused) but anyway I have:
M/S - horrible nausea/not too much vomiting, from morning until night. Lots of CM. Nasal drip sort of thing going on. Cramps have subsided finally. Excessive thirst is starting again also. Went up one bra size and nipples hurt! Complete exhaustion, dizziness, lightheadedness.
Posted 3/5/07 4:05 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/06 67 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Due October 19th I will be 8 weeks Wednesday
I have had waves of nausea hemroids extremely tired!!! bloated
Posted 3/5/07 4:07 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Due 10/30 - 6wks tomorrow
I don't feel much yet!
Tired, tired, and more tired (DH likes that I'm on his bedtime schedule now)
Hungry & thirsty. Bloated.
So far, too good to be true!
Posted 3/5/07 4:34 PM |
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
7 weeks on Thursday: Due 10/24
-TIRED,TIRED, and more TIRED (my husband says he's beginning to feel like he lives alone because I nap so much!)
-Hungry all the time but picky with what i want
Going to see the heartbeat on Wednesday!!!
Posted 3/5/07 4:39 PM |
Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Posted by clockisticking
7 weeks on Thursday: Due 10/24
-TIRED,TIRED, and more TIRED (my husband says he's beginning to feel like he lives alone because I nap so much!)
-Hungry all the time but picky with what i want
Going to see the heartbeat on Wednesday!!!
Shoot for the 25th. Thats my B day!
Posted 3/5/07 4:40 PM |
Member since 8/06 1730 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I'm due 9/15 so I'm about 12 1/2 weeks.
I had this bad skin condition (like chicken pox) on my stomach & arms that is finally starting to go away & my stomach feels HUGE.
So far no m/s at all & my face is still pretty clear. I'm a little more tired than usual but that's about it
Posted 3/5/07 4:48 PM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
I'm due 9/2- So I'm in my 15th week (14w2d).
I have had virtually no ms- I sometimes get naseous, but nothing too major. The thing I'm dealing with the most is not really being able to eat. I get full really fast- or am not interested in what I am eating. Its really frustrating. But, I really cant complain too much.
I'm still exhausted all the time. I have a little bump- but I mostly just look more chunky than I was before I got PG.
Posted 3/5/07 4:53 PM |
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
My due date is 9/12 so I will be 13w on Wednesday. I will be seeing the bean via ultrascreen on Wednesday. I cant wait!
Symptoms I have now are: - still tired but not as bad - little cramping - I had some spotting last week - very very mild headaches - definitely a roundness to my belly that wasnt there before
But no more m/s, the acne is going away and my boobs arent that sore anymore.
Message edited 3/5/2007 5:00:46 PM.
Posted 3/5/07 4:58 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 12/06 23 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Due 9/9
Still getting sick...not everyday thank goodness!
Have a little bump, but it's big enough to make all my clothes not fit.
Boobs are killing me. I have to sleep in a sports bra. Can't let the ladies hang. LOL
For some strange reason I have lost my appetite. In the beginning I would anything that was near me. Now I want nothing. I hope this changes soon because it's starting to worry me.
I too feel a fluttering, but I have been attributing it to gas pain and hunger pains.
I'm waiting for the magic 2nd Trimester to begin. Bring it on!
Posted 3/5/07 5:04 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 10/06 393 total posts
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Due 9/29 Feeling tired, but not as tired as usual. 10w2d today... I can't wait to go for my next appointment on the 14th! ETA: I pee like 100 times a night!
Message edited 3/5/2007 5:51:56 PM.
Posted 3/5/07 5:48 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/06 219 total posts
Name: carmen
Re: September/October mommies-Check in time
Hi Ladies *Due Sept 29th *10 weeks 2 days *Throwing up on and off *Lost a few pounds *No bump at all *Going to doc on Wed for bloodwork for the NT scan *Very tired I could sleep all day and all night
Posted 3/5/07 5:49 PM |
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