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I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
1-since I can't eat or drink for 8 hours before hand, does that mean I can't have a sip or water? And why is this?
2-What will I eat after? That will be like 15 hours with no food. I get hungry.
3-What are some food ideas to eat later?
Thanks !
Posted 2/10/08 5:02 PM |
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Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
1-since I can't eat or drink for 8 hours before hand, does that mean I can't have a sip or water? And why is this?
Water should be fine... you're not supposed to eat or drink at all before any type of surgrey where anasthesia is involved... don't know why though.
2-What will I eat after? That will be like 15 hours with no food. I get hungry.
I lived on pudding and eggs after I got my wisdome teeth pulled. Anything soft should be fine... DO NOT drink thru a straw though, that can create air pockets which aren't good!
3-What are some food ideas to eat later?
Eggs Jello Pudding Pancakes (I remember eating pancakes a day after) Ice Cream Yogurt Milk Shakes (eat with a spoon though... no straws) Soup
Good luck!
Posted 2/10/08 5:07 PM |
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
Posted by CoopersMom01
1-since I can't eat or drink for 8 hours before hand, does that mean I can't have a sip or water? And why is this?
Water should be fine... you're not supposed to eat or drink at all before any type of surgrey where anasthesia is involved... don't know why though.
2-What will I eat after? That will be like 15 hours with no food. I get hungry.
I lived on pudding and eggs after I got my wisdome teeth pulled. Anything soft should be fine... DO NOT drink thru a straw though, that can create air pockets which aren't good!
3-What are some food ideas to eat later?
Eggs Jello Pudding Pancakes (I remember eating pancakes a day after) Ice Cream Yogurt Milk Shakes (eat with a spoon though... no straws) Soup
Good luck!
I agree, just water. I think some people can have reactions with anesthesia, and if you have food in your stomach you could aspirate.
Eating after: I had apple sauce, pudding, yogurt. A few days later you can try scrambled eggs. Anything soft is fine.
Posted 2/10/08 5:18 PM |

Member since 5/05 4230 total posts
Name: .
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
Honestly, i don't think you will want to eat. Although everyone reacts differently. The inside of my mouth was really swollen and the stitches made it tight. Just drink a lot of fluids.
Posted 2/10/08 5:59 PM |
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
I ate jello and slim fast (for nutrients)
Good luck!
Posted 2/10/08 6:02 PM |
Member since 11/05 8749 total posts
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
You can drink water, but not a ton. They don't want you to vomit during surgery or in their recovery room since people are generally very nauseous when they wake up.
Post-op you should drink lots of water & try to eat yogurt, jello, mashed potatoes, soup(but not too hot), basically anything that doesn't require real chewing. No drinking through a straw & no rinsing for the 1st 24 hours. Good luck
Posted 2/10/08 6:05 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
The last two extractions, I had no problems eating afterwards.
My savior? Pastina with butter and salt. LOVE pastina.
If you're going to drink Slim Fasts or shakes or something, just don't do it through a straw. You want to avoid getting dry socket which is a very real danger. So no straws.
I also had soup, pudding, tuna fish, oatmeal.
Good luck, and I hope your recovery is quick!
Posted 2/10/08 6:06 PM |

Member since 11/05 5666 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
I didn't have my wisdom teeth out but I just want to say please make sure you follow any post-surgery instructions carefully (no sucking, no spitting, etc). I ended up with a dry socket which was more painful than the tooth.
You also have to be very careful with food that can leave debris - like little pieces of rice, pastina, etc. You don't want little pieces of food ending up in the socket.
Message edited 2/10/2008 8:08:07 PM.
Posted 2/10/08 8:06 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
yep, no food for 8 hours... because the anaesthesia relaxes the spinctor muscle and can cause you to either choke on, or aspirate vommit
afterwards, pudding, oatmeal, shakes, soup will all be your friends.... and straws/food with seeds will be your enemy.
I got a dry socket primarily becuase the tooth was impacted.... if a socket gets painful, call the Dr.... they'll pack your socket with a tiny piece of gauze soaked in clove oil.... what a miracle compound. All the pain disappears in minutes!
Posted 2/10/08 8:20 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
Like others said, you can't eat or drink before because they don't you want you to aspirate on the contents of your stomach while under anesthesia. I recently went for an operation and I was told I could eat or drink nothing at all, not even a sip of water, beforehand. I would check with the doctor about the water.
When I had my wisdom teeth out, I honestly did not want to eat or drink anything for a few hours after. Later on, I had milkshakes, jello and plain chicken broth. It was about a week before I could eat anything really normal or solid, but I had all four teeth removed at once. The worst part for me though was getting the stitches removed. ouch!
Posted 2/10/08 8:23 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
-What will I eat after? That will be like 15 hours with no food. I get hungry.
Trust me, you probably won't want to eat right after. You will be nauseous from the anesthesia and your mouth with hurt and be swollen. I got all 4 pulled at once, not sure how many you are getting. I lived on chocolate milk shakes, jello and anything soft I could mush for a few days.
Posted 2/10/08 10:00 PM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
1-since I can't eat or drink for 8 hours before hand, does that mean I can't have a sip or water? And why is this?
it has to do with going under - meaning, why you can't eat or drink - i don't know the specifics but a doc once told me that i could take my BC pill in the am with just a SIP of water - so, yes i think a sip is OK - esp if you need to take a pill.
2-What will I eat after? That will be like 15 hours with no food. I get hungry.
lol - i DOUBT you'll be hungry - if you are anything like everyone i know who has had their WT out - you will be thinking about anything but food --- BUT, if you are hungry for some reason - pudding, sherbert, ice cream, anything soft that can just go down -- NO STRAWS!!! so if you get a smoothie or a shake just use a spoon - the sucking motion of the straw can pull the stitches - it's NO BUENO! careful about that!
3-What are some food ideas to eat later?
after i got my appetite back - like FOUR days later haha - i had DH go to outback and get to go lobster tails - not only are they delicious but SOFT and easy to eat!! so, i vote for that - or mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, flaky layers biscuits - anything soft like that - but it took a while - esp b/c i wanted to ralph for like three days lol.
Posted 2/10/08 11:50 PM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
Posted by CoopersMom01
Eggs Jello Pudding Pancakes (I remember eating pancakes a day after) Ice Cream Yogurt Milk Shakes (eat with a spoon though... no straws) Soup
Good luck!
great list!
Posted 2/10/08 11:51 PM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I have a few questions.
Posted by wannabemom
I got a dry socket primarily becuase the tooth was impacted.... if a socket gets painful, call the Dr.... they'll pack your socket with a tiny piece of gauze soaked in clove oil.... what a miracle compound. All the pain disappears in minutes!
yes - same here.
good god the taste but wow it worked!
Posted 2/10/08 11:52 PM |