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Sleep issues in 20 month old. I'm going crazy!!

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

879 total posts


Sleep issues in 20 month old. I'm going crazy!!

DD has always been a good sleeper--she has slept through the night since she was 3 months old (I've been very spoiled). Over the last couple of weeks, she refuses to sleep in her own bed. She screams/hyperventilates until we bring her into her bed. One night, she screamed for 4 hours before we gave in to her. We are now in the bad habit of letting her sleep in our bed but I don't know what else to do.

Any ideas what may be going on with her?? (she's not teething)

Posted 10/15/09 7:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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So in Love....

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A Family of 4

Re: Sleep issues in 20 month old. I'm going crazy!!

I am going through the SAME THING right now, my DD is 21 months old and this has been going on for about 3 weeks now. I dont know what to do anymore!! I feel your pain. I try to pass it off as just a phase that she will get through or alittle bit of seperation anxiety but I am becoming VERY TIRED...I struggle to get up when the alarm goes off in the morning to go to work...... Hopefully someone will help us get through this with a good idea.

I have a dr appt with her (for another reason) so I am gonna mention it to the Dr and see if he has anything that will help.


Posted 10/15/09 8:35 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

879 total posts


Re: Sleep issues in 20 month old. I'm going crazy!!

Please post if your MD gives any helpful hints. Everyone keeps telling me its the weather.

LAst night I tried sitting by her crib holding her hand. She just screamed. I finally gave in when i was in bed and I heard her say "I'm scared" over and over again. I am at the end of my rope.

Posted 10/15/09 10:38 AM

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