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Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

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2 Boys, I need calgon!

Member since 10/07

1572 total posts


Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

For BTDT moms whose DC has started to sit up and pull up on their own.... How did you lay your DC down for a nap or what did you do in the middle of the night when they would wake up and stand/sit up and cry and not lay down on their own. My DS used to be a GREAT self soother for naps and middle of the night. But since learning his new tricks I CANNOT get him down for a nap without a bottle or in the middle of the night he will not put himself back to sleep. What do I do? Seems like he will NOT go to sleep on his own anymore and I'm desperate...... PLEASE any help would be greatly appreciated.... TIA!

Posted 12/15/07 5:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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2 Boys, I need calgon!

Member since 10/07

1572 total posts


Re: Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

Anyone, please? DS has been crying in his crib for over 1/2 hour now.....

Posted 12/15/07 5:19 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

I am sorry that I have no advice for you, my dd does not wake up during the night and when she is going to sleep, if she cries, I rock her Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/07 6:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1440 total posts


Re: Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

the week dd started to stand up, it was a terrible sleeping week for us. After three nights of answering the stand and cry we let her cry. Sometimes for spurts of 45 minutes. Four days later she went baack to her usual 11 hour sleep.
The napping however we have not been able to fix. She naps in the pack and play and now at nap time she just stands the entire time. She used to have an hour nap in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon. Now it seems like a 40 minute nap in the carriage is all that she is getting. I know this is not enough sleep, but she just will not lay down. Not quite sure how to fix this.

Posted 12/16/07 8:34 AM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

My DD knew how to put herself down when she learned to pull up but we had other horrible sleeping circumstances at that same time with separation anxiety that had her up crying for hours. We had to implement CIO at that point a little. Hopefully it's a stage that will soon pass.

Posted 12/16/07 8:50 AM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

If DS is old enough, we had to resort to cry it out... sorry....

Posted 12/16/07 8:53 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Sleep/Nap Help.... PLEASE!!!!

I used to go in and lay her down a bunch of times until she would stay down... a few days later I just let her cry and she figured it out on her own...

Hopefully it doesn't last too long for youChat Icon

Posted 12/16/07 8:54 AM

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