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Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
Im just wondering how many hours a night do your toddlers get? When do you put them to sleep, when do they normally wake up? Naps?
Posted 7/2/08 4:35 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
Posted by HillaryW2Be
Im just wondering how many hours a night do your toddlers get? When do you put them to sleep, when do they normally wake up? Naps?
DS is 3.5 and he goes to bed at 8:30 p.m. and wakes up a little before 8. He naps from 12-12:30-3:00
DD was going down at 8 and up at 7:20-45ish (same nap schedule) but now she is on the same routine.
They both sleep in their separate rooms. DD in her crib and DS in his (twin) bed.
Posted 7/2/08 4:43 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
My DS just turned 2 last month. He goes to sleep at 8-8:30pm and gets up around 7-7:30am. He generally takes a 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hour nap each day.
Posted 7/2/08 5:06 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
Nap? whats a nap?
My 2.5 year old goes to bed at around 7.30 and wakes up anytime between 6.30 and 8.30. Its strange.
Posted 7/2/08 5:07 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
DD is 2 and she naps from 2-3 hours each afternoon. She sleeps from about 8:30-9 p.m. until 8 a.m.
Posted 7/2/08 5:12 PM |
Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05 3612 total posts
Name: Jillian
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
Isabella is 27 months. She naps on avergae 2 hours a day, from 12-2.
She goes to bed at 8, and wakes at 6 when I am working, but now that I;m off, she's been sleeping until 7:30
Posted 7/2/08 5:18 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
Bella will be 3 in September and she will nap anywhere from 1.5-3 hours on a given day usually between 1 and 4 (she is an absolute bear without a nap, so we try to map our days around naps but she is flexible to later naps.
She also goes to bed around 8 pm and wakes anywhere from 6:30-7:45 depending on her mood.
I would say her best sleeping habits have come in the past two months after those freakin' molars finally came in.
Posted 7/2/08 5:20 PM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
Ok.. Kaila goes to bed around 9 or 930 usually, but last night I put her to sleep at 815/830 and she slept until 8am. She also just took a nap which is normal but it lasted almost 3 hours!!
I think im switching her bedtime to 8 830.. I think she gets a better rest this way.. thanks ladies!
Message edited 7/2/2008 5:30:38 PM.
Posted 7/2/08 5:30 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Sleep/Nap times and length for 2-3 year olds
We try to get Jesse in bed by 8PM - he's up anytime between 5AM and 6:30AM even on weekends. Once in a blue moon he'll sleep until 7-7:30AM.
As far as naps, sometimes none, sometimes 3 hours (then I wake him). He just turned 3 years old.
Posted 7/2/08 6:11 PM |