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Sleeping on your stomach...

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Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05

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Sleeping on your stomach...

I am not PG, but just thinking ahead.. I am always sleeping on my stomach and just thought it would be really hard to adjust when you get PG. Just curious - anyone else think about this or currently have this problem while you are PG?

Posted 6/20/05 7:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

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Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

I like to sleep on my belly for part of the night, the only problem I have right now is the fact that my boobs hurt. But I'll sleep on my side but leaning towards my front so I'm kind of hugging/laying on top of the pillow

Posted 6/20/05 8:20 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

Once you really get a belly, sleeping on your stomach is pretty hard. Atleast it is for me. I've always slept half on my side / half on my stomach but once i really started to show I could only sleep on my side.

It took a bit to get used to but I guess you get tired enough, you learn to sleep anyway you can.

Now that my belly is so HUGE and I'm so late in my pregnancy, I barely sleep at all....just something for you to look forward to...Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/05 9:29 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

Posted by beena

I am not PG, but just thinking ahead.. I am always sleeping on my stomach and just thought it would be really hard to adjust when you get PG. Just curious - anyone else think about this or currently have this problem while you are PG?

Gina...Is there something you want to tell me???Chat Icon
Sleeping on your stomach isn't good even if you're NOT pregnant. As comfy as it is, the position is terrible for your spine. Try to start getting in the habit of sleeping on your side, it's better for you AND the bebe.Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/05 9:57 PM

Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05

2429 total posts


Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

Is there something you want to tell me???

no news, just curious.. it is such a bad habit for me, i was just wondering about all of you Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/05 10:28 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

I am 22 weeks and I sometimes have to sleep half on my side half on my back. I used to sleep on my stomach. My shoulders hurt from always sleeping on my sides, plus I am not used to sleeping only on my sides...

Posted 6/21/05 8:16 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

I slept on my belly until I couldn't - probably around 20something weeks. I know at around 17-18 it got a little uncomfortable but I still did it. Even with my belly, I kept trying to lay on it but eventually it was just too impossible to do but I would try in my sleep to get to my belly. I had a hard time at first sleeping on my sides but I adjusted to it...took a couple weeks or so. Without tons of pillows and/or my body pillow I wouldn't have gotten any sleep though. So happy now to be back on my belly now!

Posted 6/21/05 8:33 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

I slept on my stomach the whole first trimester and into the second - pretty much until it got uncomfortable and I felt like I might be "crushing" the baby. Now it's all sides for me and it's been OK.

Posted 6/21/05 8:39 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

i would feel like i was crushing the baby - noChat Icon

Posted 6/21/05 10:16 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

I slept on my stomach for my first and most of my second trimesters. I am now 29 weeks and with the help of the body pillow I still sleep kind of 1/2 on my side and 1/2 on my stomach with the pillow wedged under the side of my belly

Posted 6/21/05 10:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

I can't sleep on my belly at all.

Posted 6/21/05 10:29 AM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

Member since 5/05

1647 total posts


Re: Sleeping on your stomach...

Posted by btrflygrl

I like to sleep on my belly for part of the night, the only problem I have right now is the fact that my boobs hurt. But I'll sleep on my side but leaning towards my front so I'm kind of hugging/laying on top of the pillow

Thats exactly me right now...I can barely sleep because my boobs are KILLING ME

Posted 6/21/05 10:32 AM

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