So confused- Question about what childbirth classes to take and different "methods"/ birth plans
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LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
So confused- Question about what childbirth classes to take and different "methods"/ birth plans
Please forgive my ignorance.
I have read on here about the "bradley method" does this incorporate lamaze or is it something different entirely?
I am trying to decide which childbirth classes to take and I really don't know what to do. I am hoping for a vaginal delivery as naturally as possible - if I can do it without an epi/pain meds that would be great but, if necesssary I plan to use what classes would be most informative and helpful for me.
Thanks sooo much in advance!
Posted 6/19/07 1:11 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: So confused- Question about what childbirth classes to take and different "methods"/ birth plans
It's different methods of dealing with pain & different breathing techniques.
I only took Bradley so my Lamaze knowledge is secondhand.
Bradley: Deep, slow breaths, focusing on what is happening to your body to calm you down. (similar to yoga)
Lamaze: Focus is on an object to distract from the pain. Breaths are quicker, shorter than Bradley.
Bradley instructors can be militant natural childbirth advocates.
Bradley Lamaze
Message edited 6/19/2007 1:30:10 PM.
Posted 6/19/07 1:29 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: So confused- Question about what childbirth classes to take and different "methods"/ birth plans
Hynobirthing is a good one. One of my friends used it and said it helped her with her contractions
Posted 6/19/07 1:32 PM |
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