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So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

And rejoined my gym, and got a personal trainer for 10 sessions.

I NEED to get rid of the baby weight. No more excuses. I am still carrying the weight from my first son, and now that my little one is three months old, and summer is around the corner, it's time to get my azz in gear.

I'm hoping to lose the gut by the summer at the latest.

How long did it take before you started to see results when using a trainer?

Posted 1/28/10 2:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/05

5113 total posts


Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

Personally, when I was going to Ed, thats the only time I was going to the gym.. so it didn't work that great. I def saw an improvement in my strength and got sick work-outs, but it was the only 2 days a week i was doing anything. Plus my diet wasn't on point.

I think if my diet was on track and I was working out more than the 2 times I saw him, I would have seen results in a matter of weeks.

I miss ed Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/10 2:47 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

Eating right and doing cardio is going to be the key to seeing results

The trainer plays a part- but don't make the mistake that so many people make and think the trainer is going to magically transform them- you will get discourged

You can do it! Push yourself as much as the trainer pushes you!

Posted 1/28/10 3:09 PM


Member since 10/05

5113 total posts


Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

BTW.. what gym?!?! I need a gym buddy!

Posted 1/28/10 3:18 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

526 total posts


Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

Posted by Beth

Eating right and doing cardio is going to be the key to seeing results

The trainer plays a part- but don't make the mistake that so many people make and think the trainer is going to magically transform them- you will get discourged

You can do it! Push yourself as much as the trainer pushes you!

Well said and ITA! Definitely get on a good diet, like weight watchers and really try to stick to it! You dont have to go to meetings but order books on ebay. Also make sure you do 30-40 min of cardio at least 4 times a week. Even if it is just walking, do something to stay active.

I have never worked out with a trainer more than 1 time but I make up my own routines and stick with them and they definitely pay off! After college I gained some weight and got pudgy in areas, I was not by any means huge but just soft. It took me 5 months of hardcore diet and gym and I got in the sickest shape of my life. Oh if I could look like that again! I was single and had tons of time to work out and stuff. So if you are dedicated I think you can do it by the summer! Good luck and keep us updated on your status!

Posted 1/28/10 3:42 PM

Girl & boy

Member since 6/09

2357 total posts


Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

A friend of mine got herself a trainer and she didn't see results for a good 2 months I'd say...she was discouraged but kept at it and she finally saw results. She looks amazing. She was thin to begin with but totally toned up and her abs are tight and flat now...mind you she never was pregnant/had children but just figured I'd share. Took her a few stick with it.

Also being a mom of 2 - if you ever find getting to the gym is too much...I HIGHLY recommend the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred's 30 minutes tops (may even be a tad less) and you literally see results in a week. I did it for a good 3 weeks straight and my pants felt so much loser in the waist....too bad I didn't stick with it - then I got prego. But that will be what I go back to after baby can't beat 30 mins a day and seeing results within a week.

Good Luck!

Posted 1/28/10 5:03 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

Posted by NYchic

A friend of mine got herself a trainer and she didn't see results for a good 2 months I'd say...she was discouraged but kept at it and she finally saw results. She looks amazing. She was thin to begin with but totally toned up and her abs are tight and flat now...mind you she never was pregnant/had children but just figured I'd share. Took her a few stick with it.

Also being a mom of 2 - if you ever find getting to the gym is too much...I HIGHLY recommend the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred's 30 minutes tops (may even be a tad less) and you literally see results in a week. I did it for a good 3 weeks straight and my pants felt so much loser in the waist....too bad I didn't stick with it - then I got prego. But that will be what I go back to after baby can't beat 30 mins a day and seeing results within a week.

Good Luck!

Everyone, thank you so much!

I do have the 30 day shred and figured I would do that a few days a week also (as well as extra cardio)

Brooke - I joined Synergy in Farmingdale! We can do Zumba together - I'll get you guest passes!

Posted 1/28/10 9:21 PM

Sweet cheeks

Member since 4/09

1696 total posts


Re: So, I bit the bullet and got a trainer. ? re: results

I agree about the cardio, especially for a flat stomach. And eat lots of fiber too, at least you 25 grams a day, keep caffeine to a minimum and drink lots of water. Those things worked WONDERS for me.

I had a trainer for about 3 months before my wedding and I probably saw results within a month but I was going only once a week. Once I bumped it up to 2-3 times, I REALLY saw results. And planks, although they are like torture, are your best friend in the quest for a nice belly.

Posted 1/30/10 8:45 AM

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