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2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06 1874 total posts
Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
I hate having to worry how he will behave at the zoo or a birthday party, I hate that he becomes so upset and frustrated so easily.
I HATE that it is so difficult for him. I HATE that he is two and instead of being two, he has to go to school.
I HATE that he has to struggle to communicate with me.
Tonight I just HATE. I HATE, HATE, HATE.
I love my child and I wish he just didn't have to struggle.
Tonight I'm angry that this has to happen to him
Posted 5/4/10 10:06 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
you're so inside my head tonight...i understand exactly how you are feeling.
Posted 5/4/10 10:15 PM |
Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
i can totally relate.
Posted 5/4/10 11:45 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 6/06 124 total posts
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
We all struggle and we all have to go to school but for Special needs it tends to be alittle earlier and maybe alittle more struggling.
Listen I hear you on the communication part my child is Non-verbal with Mild Autism and Moderate Mr. He is 2 1/2. But sometimes we have to wait on things and the things we wait on we appreciate even more.
Look at it this way It stinks it has to happen and nobody wants to see this but he will be ok. I am thirty two with Special needs.
Now I will not say what they are because either way I am married with two kids and yes I had struggles. But I feel your pain just try to look at it as a positive.
I know its hard but for his sake try. I have my moments too.
Posted 5/5/10 7:03 AM |
Avatar Title
Member since 9/08 3762 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
i hear what your saying
Posted 5/5/10 7:39 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
Posted 5/5/10 9:56 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
I totally agree. We dont do many things because of this, and I hate that Matthew suffers from it. For example, Matthew asked for a Happy Meal and Christopher cant et it, and Matthew wanted to go inside to it it, not at home. But Christopher WILL NOT sit still.
Posted 5/5/10 10:03 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
I just wanted to add that I am getting to the point that I will no longer limit ourself about DS. And maybe because he is getting a bit older and I think he is maturing a bit more.
We just came back to Disney. DS did some flapping, he screamed a bit (from all this excitement... talk about stimulation at Disney).
We went out to dinner one night in a nicer restaurant. We took the plane. I was so worried. I am learning about what to bring with me and how much time I have before it's too long for him.
So I got new books that he loves. I brought the DVD player at the restaurant (with no sound).
I am learning to adapt for our family but at the same time I am trying to teach DS that we do not scream, we keep our hands down in public places. He has to learn. I cannot keep him home for the rest of his life. I stayed home until recently. It's a constant battle. I may have to repeat myself 20 times in a 5 minute period. I think now that he is closer to 3, he is better than he used to in term of behavior and not acting as much as a baby.
Posted 5/5/10 10:15 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
I had many moments like this too. I sat with tears in my eyes after an event for MOST children that is drama/crying/issue free, wondering when it will get easier for DS.
I have to say...with time and patience he has come far and like SMDL said, I try to just do things and hope for the best and not like his issues prevent him or us for enjoying these things. I have realized that when i'm more laid back and not anxious, DS is better off...
When DS was 2 he had very little speech and couldn't really tell us what he wanted. He was scared of crowds, noise upset him etc...going to a restaurant was out of the question. Now at 3 1/2 it isn't perfect but its better. Hopefully things get easier with time for you...but just know that ALL moms with special needs children feel like this at times!! We wish they didn't have to is heartbreaking for us as moms to see but they are all kids who just need some extra help and patience...
Posted 5/5/10 12:10 PM |
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
It will get better!
Posted 5/5/10 9:46 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
I do hear you and will say, it gets better. I honestly think putting DS in school was the best decision I ever made. He has come a long way in the last year. His speech is still hard to understand. The hands still flap in excitement, but, he listens, follows directions and is OK. I will say we went out to dinner the other night (late, we finally got a table at 745...bedtime is usually 8)...He was running all over. I told DH "Grab him a high chair"! I was exhuasted. He has not sat in a high chair in a very long time. I did not need him tripping a server or another customer. Long story short, it gets better.
Posted 5/6/10 1:37 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: Sometimes I HATE that my child is special needs....
I can totally relate too, even if its more food related....I hate my child can't just go to a party and eat the cake and all the other crap there...its differentm yet the same too...sending you all lots of s!
Posted 5/7/10 9:30 PM |