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LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 1117 total posts
Speech Early Intervention
DD will be 19 months this month and besides trying to say Mickey or Mouse she hasn't clearly said any words. Says all her sounds but no real words. Her ped. wants her to have EI done just in case. He gave me a number to call and its EI through the state. The woman said that in 3-5 business days I will get a call and I will have to go down and meet with someone in the Uniondale office. She also said to bring my insurance card. I asked why would I need that and she said they will not charge me anything, they will only accept whatever the ins. pays. I said I thought someone would come to my house and she said that it depends on the evaluators schedule....I heard from friends that I should go through my school district because it will be free. What's the difference between going through the state or your school district?
I am in the Plainedge school district. I just left a voicemail for someone at the school that is supposed to point me in the right direction but the first woman I spoke to said she thinks the cut off was March 1st and that they wouldn't be doing anymore evaluations for a while!!!??!?!?!?
Does anyone have any info they can share? TIA
Message edited 3/20/2015 12:39:09 PM.
Posted 3/20/15 12:37 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/10 996 total posts
Speech Early Intervention
Early Intervention is until the child turns 3 then the child "ages out" and the school district will be one that provides the services.
As for where the child is evaluated, it will depend on which provider you chose. They will give you a list of providers that perform EI evals and you pick one. Once the evals are done, if your child qualifies for services, you will meet with a rep from the county again to see what services the child qualified for.
Posted 3/20/15 12:53 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10 531 total posts
Re: Speech Early Intervention
I just had daughters 21 month appt and she can communicate through some jibberish phrases but besides "no" she doesn't say concrete words. She babbles in baby talk all day long. They gave me a brochure for an organization in Plainview. I called this morning but they never called me back. I'm wondering if I should just try and call some places on my own.
Posted 3/20/15 12:55 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/09 929 total posts
Re: Speech Early Intervention
School District evaluates the child closer to 3 years of age. Ei does birth to 3. Most of it is done at your home. Usually the initial intake also. They will attempt to place the claims through your insurance and get paid and the state covers the rest. but there is no payment from you. To the best of my knowledge the evaluators come to you.
Posted 3/20/15 2:25 PM |
Me and my love

Member since 3/13 1301 total posts
Speech Early Intervention
Second to what everyone else said.
Just so you know, you do not have to provide your insurance for ei if you do not want to. It is optional. Least that's how it was initially explained to me. I don't know if the rules changed in the last year
Posted 3/20/15 2:37 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 4043 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Speech Early Intervention
Posted by kiwi86
I just had daughters 21 month appt and she can communicate through some jibberish phrases but besides "no" she doesn't say concrete words. She babbles in baby talk all day long. They gave me a brochure for an organization in Plainview. I called this morning but they never called me back. I'm wondering if I should just try and call some places on my own.
You should call the county for an ei eval. If she qualifies, county picks up the cost. If you go privately, you and your insurance are responsible to pay. Don't go the private route unless she does not qualify for ei.
Posted 3/20/15 2:38 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Speech Early Intervention
My son had ei for physical therapy. When I initially called the ei office i was told the same thing as you. I had to actually go down to uniondale in person for the initial meeting. This part sucked. Then a evaluation took place at my home. Once the results came in and he qualified i had to go back to uniondale so they could approve service. Then service began in my home. You have the option to not provide your insurance info but i did. Regardless nothing comes out of your pocket.
Posted 3/20/15 3:22 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Speech Early Intervention
My son receives services now through EI, as others said you only call the school district once they are getting near aging out (they age out at 3). I just had a 12 month meeting at the county in Uniondale and the eiod said they are starting to push for people to meet with them at the county vs. them going to people's houses. As far as insurance, they collect that info so they can recoup whatever costs they can from your insurance company but you can decline of you wish, they will still provide services free of cost
Posted 3/20/15 4:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10 531 total posts
Re: Speech Early Intervention
Posted by ChristinaM128
Posted by kiwi86
I just had daughters 21 month appt and she can communicate through some jibberish phrases but besides "no" she doesn't say concrete words. She babbles in baby talk all day long. They gave me a brochure for an organization in Plainview. I called this morning but they never called me back. I'm wondering if I should just try and call some places on my own.
You should call the county for an ei eval. If she qualifies, county picks up the cost. If you go privately, you and your insurance are responsible to pay. Don't go the private route unless she does not qualify for ei.
Thanks. I spoke to the County today and hey are going to send someone for an a evaluation. I don't think she will qualify because her comprehension and general communication skills are so good but it's worth a shot.
Posted 3/20/15 7:08 PM |
It's summatime

Member since 3/09 4739 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Speech Early Intervention
Yes up to 3 is through the county. I chose the center to get the eval with and the evaluator came to us. If you call a center and they can't call another. We use all about kids. Another good one is hagedorn/little village and also up we grow.
EI/county level is better in a way bc they don't work on school schedules so your child gets services through summer and on breaks. They also let the child stay in EI for about 3 mo after they turn 3. Both EI and SD are free. They take your ins card bc they bill to ins. You pay nothing if your child qualifies.
Posted 3/20/15 10:46 PM |
It's summatime

Member since 3/09 4739 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Speech Early Intervention
Posted by kiwi86
Posted by ChristinaM128
Posted by kiwi86
I just had daughters 21 month appt and she can communicate through some jibberish phrases but besides "no" she doesn't say concrete words. She babbles in baby talk all day long. They gave me a brochure for an organization in Plainview. I called this morning but they never called me back. I'm wondering if I should just try and call some places on my own.
You should call the county for an ei eval. If she qualifies, county picks up the cost. If you go privately, you and your insurance are responsible to pay. Don't go the private route unless she does not qualify for ei.
Thanks. I spoke to the County today and hey are going to send someone for an a evaluation. I don't think she will qualify because her comprehension and general communication skills are so good but it's worth a shot.
She might still. A lot depends on what she exhibits to the evaluator during the evaluation. Good luck!!
Posted 3/20/15 10:48 PM |
It's summatime

Member since 3/09 4739 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Speech Early Intervention
Posted by kiwi86
I just had daughters 21 month appt and she can communicate through some jibberish phrases but besides "no" she doesn't say concrete words. She babbles in baby talk all day long. They gave me a brochure for an organization in Plainview. I called this morning but they never called me back. I'm wondering if I should just try and call some places on my own.
You have to go through the county first so they will cover the eval. There is no point in calling centers and paying out of pocket for an eval since EI is a free service. (Eval is free and also free if the child qualifies).
Posted 3/20/15 10:52 PM |
It's summatime

Member since 3/09 4739 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Speech Early Intervention
Posted by kiwi86
I just had daughters 21 month appt and she can communicate through some jibberish phrases but besides "no" she doesn't say concrete words. She babbles in baby talk all day long. They gave me a brochure for an organization in Plainview. I called this morning but they never called me back. I'm wondering if I should just try and call some places on my own.
You have to go through the county first so they will cover the eval. There is no point in calling centers and paying out of pocket for an eval since EI is a free service. (Eval is free and also free if the child qualifies).
Posted 3/20/15 10:56 PM |