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Spinoff - Delivery Room

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Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Spinoff - Delivery Room

The earlier post about the delivery room had me thinking. I have no idea how the whole delivery thing would go with family, brothers and sisters and stuff. So, the only experience I have to go by is in the movies where the whole clan is outside in a waiting room for hours and hours. I'm thinking that once you get to the hospital it could be hours before you actually deliver. For me I can imagine that my parents and my MIL and maybe one SIL will be there. I don't want anyone but DH in the delivery room, so does that mean that if I'm not yet fully dilated or anything that I can't see my parents or MIL in the meantime. Or will they only kick them out when it gets down to the heavy labor. Or do parents just wait at home for a phone call. Sorry for the stupid question. Just looking to hear other's experiences. Thanks!

Posted 3/13/07 9:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Spinoff - Delivery Room

Well, when my sister had her children, we were all waiting right outside in the waiting room. The first time because it was the first baby in our family; the second time because she was induced and we knew (well, we thought we knew...we were actually there for *hours*, and it was the day before my own due date!) about when the baby would make her arrival. We were able to go in the labor and delivery room to hang out with her in shifts until the big stuff got underway.

As for me, I went into labor in the middle of the night. We didn't call anyone right away until maybe around 5 am. I was at LIJ and was told *no one* but the person who was going to be there for the delivery was allowed in the room. Also, at LIJ, the waiting rooms are all the way downstairs, so 4 floors away! My parents did come and my DH was able to make the big "It's a Girl!" announcement after hopping on the elevator!

My sister's experience was much more like what you see in the movies. In fact, when they wheeled her out we all joined her in the hallway and got to see the baby immediately!

Message edited 3/13/2007 9:18:53 PM.

Posted 3/13/07 9:18 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: Spinoff - Delivery Room

My SIL (who gave birth to her first Jan 10) went to the hospital in labor around midnight, no one wne to the hospital. Her DH kept us informed by text message (he left the room while her mom was with her) and once the baby was born we (immediate family) went to the hospital and waiting in the lobby til BIL came down to get us. We were allowed in the nursery, but SIL was still in L&D room which we weren't allowed in, but BIL snuck us in 1-2 at a time.

Message edited 3/13/2007 9:34:48 PM.

Posted 3/13/07 9:34 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Spinoff - Delivery Room

A lot depends on how long you wait to go to the hospital, and the hospital rules. We took the hospital tour last night and they told us 2 people allowed in labor room -- they can change (meaning mom can leave and sis can come in, etc.), but only 2 at any one time.

DH gets a bracelet and he can come and go as he pleases, day or night. He can stay overnight too. Besides DH, we are allowed max. of 4 visitors in the room at one time. This makes sense, since the rooms are shared (2 moms, and babies).

Posted 3/13/07 10:08 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Spinoff - Delivery Room

I delivered at Winthrop. L&D and Maternity is on it own wing and they have their own waiting room which is on the same floor as L&D. I didn't want anyone their except DH in the room with me but they allow your spouse and your coach. DH called the mothers after I was given my epi and that was about 1.5 hours after I arrived and my mom, sister and DS's godfather came around 3:30am and I got their at 12:50am. I delivered DS at 5:02am so they didnt have to wait long and once I had I think one of the nurses actually told them and asked if I wanted them to come see him so they waited until I was all cleaned up and they got to see him before they brought him upstairs. Their was no one else in the waiting area so I think that is why they went and got them because during our lamaze class they told us that no one was aloud in the room after birth and the nurses are not aloud by state law to give updates only the father. They also advised us to call family when you are in active labor or pretty close to pushing because some people can be in labor for hours and if your DH has to keep running out to tell your family your progress you might get annoyed which made complete sense to me or he could even miss the birth.
Sorry I was rambling on

Posted 3/14/07 8:26 AM

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