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Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

For all the new mommies trying new foods: one thing I learned the hard way is to ALWAYS have Benedryl on hand in your house.

When Madelyn was 9 months old we got the go ahead to try yogurt. She had been EBFed- no formula at all. Well it turns out she has a very bad allergy to dairy. The reaction she had was just awful- everything swelled, including her tongue. We called the PED freaking out and the first thing they said was to give her a half teaspoon of Benedryl.

We had NO Benedryl in the house (because it's not *approved*).Chat Icon

Long story short- we now have a HUGE Costco size bottle of Benedryl "just in case". Well, "just in case" happend about 1-2 months ago, I accidently gave Maddie cows milk instead of her soy (Chat Icon ) and the Benedryl worked immediately.

Posted 2/17/09 9:00 PM
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Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

Great PSA!

Posted 2/17/09 9:07 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

thank you! great adviceChat Icon

Posted 2/17/09 9:07 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

3867 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

We do not have benadryl at home. After the hospital today we went to target to get her prescriptions filled and I asked the pharmacist about benadryl and he said to wait to go to the ped. According to him they do not like it for kids under 2. Ill let you know what her ped says tomorrow.

Posted 2/17/09 9:12 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

Posted by megsm3

We do not have benadryl at home. After the hospital today we went to target to get her prescriptions filled and I asked the pharmacist about benadryl and he said to wait to go to the ped. According to him they do not like it for kids under 2. Ill let you know what her ped says tomorrow.

Its not to be used for children under 2 to treat seasonal allergies. But in an emergency situation (like the one I described) it may be the only thing buying you time to get to a hospital when your child's throat is swelling shut.

Posted 2/17/09 9:17 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

3867 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

Posted by Porrruss

Posted by megsm3

We do not have benadryl at home. After the hospital today we went to target to get her prescriptions filled and I asked the pharmacist about benadryl and he said to wait to go to the ped. According to him they do not like it for kids under 2. Ill let you know what her ped says tomorrow.

Its not to be used for children under 2 to treat seasonal allergies. But in an emergency situation (like the one I described) it may be the only thing buying you time to get to a hospital when your child's throat is swelling shut.

I completely agree - I was just surprised that it was restricted at all, I was actually looking for it today!

Posted 2/17/09 9:44 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

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Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

yup, the night of DS 1st b-day party, he got a horrible rash on his stomach, chest, etc and we called the doctor who said give him benadryl, well we also had no benedryl in the house, so i had to run to the store. Turns out he has an egg white allergy (we arent sure if it was related to the rash or not ) but the benadryl did help

Posted 2/17/09 10:46 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

10116 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

Thanks!! DD is starting foods this month. Gonna get us some Benadryl tomorrow! Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/09 10:49 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

I totally agree!! I think when your ped gives you the go ahead to start solids they should also tell you to make sure you have some children's benadryl in the house. My DS is allergic to dairy and eggs and we didn't have children's bendryl in the house the first time he had a horrible reaction, very similar to the one you described. Thank god I wasn't home by myself at the time and my DH was able to quickly run to CVS.

For all the other allergy moms, I also recommend to keep a bottle of benadryl in your car. I keep a bottle in my diaper bag, but sometimes switching diaper bags I might accidentally be without it or when my DH takes DS out I'm lucky if he even grabs a diaper on his way out the door. It's nice to know that if we're out and he has a reaction I can always run back to my car to get some benadryl. In the midst of an allergic reaction you don't want to be panicking wondering about where the closest place to find benadryl is.

Posted 2/18/09 7:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/07

2197 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

My son has a very bad peanut allergy (which I have an epipen for)and is senstive to a lot of things so we always are using benedryl. I get nervous when I do not have a full bottle. I am hoping that when DD starts solids she isn't allergic to anything.

Posted 2/18/09 8:16 AM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

This is a great PSA! Chat Icon

Posted 2/18/09 8:18 AM

cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07

4407 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

I agree DD tried Amoxicllian for the first time last week and since I have an allergy the pharmacist said to get some childrens benadryl also.

thank goodness she didnt need it and dosent seem to have an allergy!

Posted 2/18/09 9:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: Spinoff to all the allergy posts- for all the new moms

GREAT advice!

DS had a reaction to peanut butter (hives all on his chin) and benadryl was great!

Posted 2/18/09 9:28 AM

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