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Spinoff to calling the police...

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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Spinoff to calling the police...

When you were a teenager, did you have really terrible fights with your family? I am talking about screaming, saying terrible things, slamming things, walking out....

I feel like in my house we had more than our fair share..and I still think about it now. I am so committed to not having fights like that when I have kids. I really feel like they scarred me for life!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/07 9:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Thankfully, no, but I had friends who did.

Posted 7/6/07 9:59 AM

big brother <3

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Never. We never raised our voices in our house. Chat Icon Which isn't good necessarily, because I generally internalize everything and get horrible stomach pains!

Posted 7/6/07 9:59 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Fortunatley, I did not have terrible fights with my family....we had arguments, but all out screaming, slamming doors? no we did not go through that

Posted 7/6/07 9:59 AM

J'taime Paris!

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...


I have gotten into it w/my Mom when I was a teen. but never was it a screaming match that lasted more than 2 exchanges

Posted 7/6/07 10:01 AM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Spinoff to calling the police... mom was a single mother and I was very independent.
Led to a lot of crazy fights!!!

Posted 7/6/07 10:01 AM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police... have no idea the fights that went on in our front yardChat Icon
It's embrassing to think about it. I'm so happy we don't live in that neighborhood any more to see these people. We were the trashy family on the block. Thank goodness we all grew up and out of that and turned out to be good parents.

ETA: we have 6 kids in the family. If it wasn't 1 fighting it was another. And this was with each other. Very rarely was it with my mom. We knew better than that!

Message edited 7/6/2007 10:28:35 AM.

Posted 7/6/07 10:02 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

No, my parents usually had fights like that with my sister. I was proably involved in a few, but I knew when to stop yelling back and just go to my room, my sister didn't.

Posted 7/6/07 10:02 AM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

a friend of mine and i were talking about something similar not too long ago.

you know better, you will do better.

your parents did the best they did with what they had to work with. you've learned as you've grown. you WILL make mistakes with your children, but you've learned, so you will do better.
and then you pray that when it's your child's turn to be a parent, (s)he will know even more than you and will do even better.

my parents lied like it was going out of style. it was the way they were. i swore to myself that i would never lie to my kid(s). so far, the only lie i've told and been caught is about santa claus.

Posted 7/6/07 10:02 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...


I had one or two semi-bad ones with my Mom but the rest were your typical teenager vs parents drama.

Posted 7/6/07 10:05 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

I am a yes!!!

Posted 7/6/07 10:18 AM

My Loves

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Yes. My mom was very quick with her hands and she would totally fly off the handle over the smallest thing. She throws a temper tantrum better than any 2 year old anywhere, and she's a LOT more destructive.

ETA: I didn't do any of the screaming though. I like my teeth. Chat Icon

Message edited 7/6/2007 10:30:51 AM.

Posted 7/6/07 10:23 AM

Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Not me, but my mom and sister had really knock down drag out screaming matches. My sister doing the screaming, my mom trying very hard to get her to calm down. (my parents divorced when we were teens). It was never physical, but my sister was really difficult. I always felt so bad for my Mom. She used to take my sister to counseling every week, and tried really hard with her, but my sister was just a very angry teen.

Posted 7/6/07 10:24 AM

Summer is coming soon

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

No, My parents hardly ever yelled and they were always calm. They always felt that talking to us worked better.
I agree. I hate to hear Makes me nervous.

I'm so glad that my Husband was raised the same way. We never Yell at each other.

Posted 7/6/07 10:24 AM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

NOPE. Children knew their place in our household. I could not imagine screaming, cursing, or going toe to toe with my parents.

ETA: My parents did not yell at me either. Respect was taught in our household.

Message edited 7/6/2007 10:25:25 AM.

Posted 7/6/07 10:24 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Posted by Gertyrae mom was a single mother and I was very independent.
Led to a lot of crazy fights!!!

Same with me, I knew when to stop with my mom, she is small but she would kill me if I ever got to crazy. She would still give me "the look" now if I get to her.

Posted 7/6/07 10:26 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

no. we got yelled at. we didn't yet back.

we didn't even flinch back.

how do you "fight" with your parents? they tell you something, you do it (or don't do it) as a child/teen. the whole concept boggles my mind.

"No Sally, you cannot go to Millie's house

but I want to GO!

No, and that's final

you are so unfair! I HATE MY LIFE".. que door slam.

Chat Icon Chat Icon that happened on after school specials...not in my house

ETA: my dad ruled with an IRON hand. we got hit A LOT, punished A LOT (for weeks and months at times). he thought fear was the best way to keep us in line. I don't agree with this practice, either.

Message edited 7/6/2007 10:44:38 AM.

Posted 7/6/07 10:27 AM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Posted by eroxgirl

Yes. My mom was very quick with her hands and she would totally fly off the handle over the smallest thing. She throws a temper tantrum better than any 2 year old anywhere, and she's a LOT more destructive.

Same here - all behind closed doors one outside of the house knew what she did or was capable of.

Posted 7/6/07 10:28 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

My mom was dead and my dad traveled the world with his new gf. The only time the police came to my house was to break up one of my parties.

Posted 7/6/07 10:30 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

My mom was going through menopause ( with NO help ) while I was becoming a teenager.

We had SCREAMING matches ever single day for all of my HS years. . . it really destroyed my life for a while. Now we are close, but I seriously thought that after I turned 18 I would leave and never come back. I still live at home, lol.

Posted 7/6/07 10:32 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

I can only remember 2 - one was with me and one was with my brother. My mother was being totally irrational and we called her on it. Never happened again though...

Posted 7/6/07 10:33 AM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Oh yes - we use to have screaming matches with my step-father.

Posted 7/6/07 10:34 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Me, not really- my brother yes. He was a very rebellious teenager.
I said my share of things a typical teenager would say, but my parents say they were very spoiled with me and when my brother hit his teen years they didn't know what they were in for!

Posted 7/6/07 10:34 AM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

No fights but I did get an occassional beating with a belt or a slipper if I deserved it lol...then when I got older my mom would chase me around the house bc I wouldn't let her get me...eventually she would start laughing and it would all be over...but no violence or screaming...

Posted 7/6/07 10:34 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to calling the police...

Nope never. I never spoke back to my parent's even when I was a teenager.

Posted 7/6/07 10:35 AM
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