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Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

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LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

1259 total posts


Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

The treadmill post got me thinking -- what pet peeves do you have at the gym?

1) There is one treadmill runner at the gym who will set the speed really high for about 30 seconds every few minutes and then run like an elephant -- it is so loud people will be turning around to look and it drowns out my earphones.

2) People who sweat excessively (like dripping), don't bother to towel off every so often and then start to smell.

3) Men who hog the weight machines -- let other people cut in! You don't need to work on your pecs for 30 straight minutes.

4) Women who walk around in VERY tight, revealing clothing and do mostly nothing except walking around and chatting. Although they can be fun to watch when bored!

Posted 9/27/10 3:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 1/09

5476 total posts


Re: Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

cell phone.

machine hogs (sorry from every trainer i ever had it was 4-6 reps at 12 each unless your professional.)

people who sound like they are having organism while pumping weights.

people who read *its not a huge deal but makes me feel angry because i am busting my hump and look a zillion times worse then page flippers.

Posted 9/27/10 4:32 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/10

495 total posts


Re: Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

-women who come to the gym in full hair and makeup.

-the people who come in and even before they get on the machines they have to change the channel on the tv.

-the "blessed on top" women who have yet to learn what a good sports bra is.

-people who want your machine and will sit there and stare at you until you finish your set.

Posted 9/28/10 7:33 AM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

During spin class when people move their bike and they're on top of you and keep bumping their sweaty arms on yours. Chat Icon

I just hate people that hog the mat area or during peak hours are on the machines for longer than 30 minutes.

Posted 9/28/10 9:59 AM

Life is beautiful

Member since 8/08

2543 total posts


Re: Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

I posted this in the other thread, but...people who bathe in perfume before coming to the gym and then get on the treadmiill next to me...blah! Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/10 10:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/08

1643 total posts


Re: Spinoff to treadmill post - gym pet peeves

People who have to take the treadmill directly next to me, even though there is a whole line of empty treadmills.

People who drip sweat over all the machines and dont bother to wipe it off.

I'm sure there are plenty more but those are the two biggest that come to mind right now.

Posted 9/28/10 11:06 AM

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