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Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
~ i just lowered mine to the lowest setting. i hate it!
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
~ josh takes anywhere from 30 min. - 1 hour.
what new things is your dc doing?
~ josh is starting to cruise and now he's standing in his crib trying to get out.
Posted 2/17/08 11:42 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: spring 07 babies?
He has been on the lower setting since he was 7 mts old because he could pull himself up!
Eating a meal... about 30 mins
New things -
Cruising, clapping hands, saying mama, dada, baba, all done ("Aw du"), bath ("Ba") and the "uh" to "Uh oh!"
Message edited 2/17/2008 5:34:51 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 11:48 AM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: spring 07 babies?
The lowest setting, it is killing my back and it has only been one day!
Like 15 minutes? We feed him his food quickly, but if he is eating table food with us he stays in his high chair the whole meal.
He doesn't want to crawl, but cruises, will walk with you or in his walker; LOVES to play with toys. Says mama, hmmm, yumm, dada, gege (Maggie, the dog), UHoh and uguhoh, baba. Oh and we just put in his big boy car seat so his new cousin could have his snugride
Posted 2/17/08 4:00 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
~ Lowest setting...I hate it also
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
~ about 1/2 hr--he hates solids
what new things is your dc doing?
~ chris loves to roll and rock his body--no crawling yet
Posted 2/17/08 4:04 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: spring 07 babies?
1. Lowest setting for a while now and it doesn't bother me at all.
2. She eats quickly...15 min?
3. New things? She just had her 9 month well-visit on Friday. She slowed down a bit with the weight and height--she is now 21lbs. 6oz and 29 in. 90% for both. She used to be over 100%, but she's all over the place now, so she's working it off I guess
We just started table foods the other cheese, pancakes, egg, etc. She eats like a champ! My older DD would gag when she started so this is great!
She is getting 2 new teeth on top, for a total of 6! Also new to me since older DD had NO teeth until past her 1st b-day!
Yes, and I found her about half-way up the staircase the other day She is VERY active and I believe will be the family Olympian! 
Posted 2/17/08 4:47 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: spring 07 babies?
1. Crib? What crib? Yes, she's still in our bed.
2. She's a pretty quick eater... I still BF so she does that in a flash... solids take a bit longer... and her bottle takes a little longer than that...
3. She's finally cutting a tooth... she is a crawling/cruising maniac... she now says mama, dada, baba...
Posted 2/17/08 5:35 PM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
~ Ours is at the lowest setting. Been there for almost 1 1/2 months! Troy LOVES to stand, so it was lowered one step at a time with about 1 week at each step!
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
~Just a bottle, about 10 min. Food, about 20-30 min-depending on any distractions.
what new things is your dc doing?
~ Scooting around like a mad man on his tush. It's the cutest thing! And he says Cat (dat) and Elmo (nay-no)
Message edited 2/17/2008 6:51:18 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 6:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/05 1440 total posts
Re: spring 07 babies?
DD is now 11 months old......
what setting is your crib on? Ours just had two settings, so its been low for a while now. My dd is totally biting her crib and pulls off the teething guards!
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal? I feed her first and then she picks at some table scraps as we eat. She stuffs her mouth quickly!
what new things is your dc doing? Walking Screaching
Message edited 2/17/2008 7:42:39 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 7:42 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: spring 07 babies?
setting has been at the lowest since around 7 months
If dd is feeding herself, meals take at least 30 minutes
DD is cruising (has been since 8 months), babbling up a storm and trying to stand on her own (she is still a bit timid with this though)
I LOVE this age...dd will be 11 months on the 20th
eta: she says mama, dada, baba, hi (ALL the time ) and down
Message edited 2/17/2008 10:43:27 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 7:44 PM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: spring 07 babies?
Thomas is 10 months old today.
what setting is your crib on? Second to lowest
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal? Bottle 10 - 15 minutes baby food - 5 minutes (if he likes it)
what new things is your dc doing? crawling and pulling up he has two teeth
Posted 2/17/08 8:35 PM |
Member since 7/05 3466 total posts
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
its been low probably since he was 6-7 months.
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
about 15 minutes, he's a little chubs.
what new things is your dc doing?
-He stands on his own for awhile and claps for himself. -He's been saying Hi, has said mama/dada/up for awhile. -He's trying to snap his fingers -He tells us how old he's gonna be when asked -He doesn't stop talking unless he's sleeping, and even then he'll get a word in here and there.
ETA he just turned 11 months yesterday.
Message edited 2/17/2008 9:06:10 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 9:03 PM |
Twins are here!

Member since 3/06 3597 total posts
Name: Deirdre
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
We should move it to the lowest - but right now it's at the next to the lowest setting - she's not that tall.
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
Not very long - maybe 15 minutes.
what new things is your dc doing?
-She started crawling at around 6-7 months - now at 9 months she's a little speed demon. She started standing at 8 months and took her first step the other day - but got scared and fell down. Our nanny says she's be walking between 10 and 11 months - who knows.
Says "Hi" "Dada" and "Daddy." She has said "Mama" before - but she wasnt aware she was saying it - and for whatever reason, she calls me Dada.
Loves 'reading' her elmo book - and she'll do the coordinating gestures with the book.
Goes to Music together and is trying to clap hands, but hasnt gotten it yet.
And her favorite food on earth is Baby Mum Mums - an organic rice cracker type snack. Pretty flavorless if you ask me - but she gobbles them up like their candy.
Message edited 2/17/2008 9:16:53 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 9:16 PM |
My girls!!

Member since 8/06 5843 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
lowest yet she does not sleep in it.....
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
about a half hour
what new things is your dc doing?
starting to walk
Posted 2/17/08 9:19 PM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on? ~ n/a- We co-sleep
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal? ~ We BF. It takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. (The longer time is when he's going to sleep.) With solids- probably about 15 minutes.
what new things is your dc doing? ~ He had his 9 month well visit last Wednesday. He was 25 lbs 4 oz and 29 inches tall (but I think that they mis-measured him and that he's a little taller than that. Based on how he's outgrown his clothing, there is no way that he only grew 1/2 inch.) ~ He started crawling on his exact 9 month b'day. ~ He started walking last week!
Message edited 2/17/2008 9:31:03 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 9:30 PM |
Member since 5/06 2423 total posts
Re: spring 07 babies?
Posted by LoveBeingMrsT
what setting is your crib on?
The lowest setting possible... its been that way for a while
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
About 20-30 minutes
what new things is your dc doing?
DD is pulling herself up on anything that will let her, and cruising around the furniture. She's also "talking" quite a lot these days. I swear, I think she may have imitated "up" yesterday and today!:
Posted 2/17/08 10:10 PM |
Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05 15567 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: spring 07 babies?
what setting is your crib on?
~ i just lowered mine to the lowest setting. i hate it!
how long does it take your dc to eat a meal?
solids about 25mins she feeds herself and i feed her too and bottle 15mins
what new things is your dc doing? She is crawling and trying to stand by pulling herself up she has two teeth now. Waiting for the top two.
Posted 2/17/08 10:14 PM |
b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06 7752 total posts
Name: jeannine
Re: spring 07 babies?
lowest setting the crib
20 mins or so to eat...both say mama dada--max says jesse. clapping...waving-crawling since 6 1/2 months climbing stairs since 8months...(not that Ii encourage it) max starting to take steps
Max 6 teeth Jake 2 teeth
edited to add--escape artists..can climb out of a walker, a swing and now attempting the playpen
Message edited 2/23/2008 11:38:43 PM.
Posted 2/23/08 11:36 PM |