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party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Where did the time go? I really didnt have issues with Chris turning 2...mainly since I had a 2 month old to deal
But for some reason 3 means so much older to me.....
i say this and my baby is still in a crib and diapers lol
Posted 3/2/10 11:27 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Im an 2007 mom...
I simply cant wrap my head around the fact that DS will be 3 soon. It seems like just yesterday he was just an infant...
DS is potty trained and hasnt been in a crib since last summer. I wanted to make this point b/c for me it just points out what a big boy he is now. Part of me would rather him still be in a crib and in diapers...KWIM?
Posted 3/2/10 11:52 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Another 2007 mom here and I am in total shock that my little girl will be 3 years old.
Everyday I am amazed at the things she does and how quickly she is growing up. It was just yesterday I gave birth to her and now she is such a big girl.
Ella is now in her big girl bed but we are still working on her with the potty. I truly misses the infant stage at times.
Message edited 3/2/2010 12:10:03 PM.
Posted 3/2/10 11:57 AM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Thomas is an April 2007 "baby". No more baby...
I cannot believe that in April he will be three and moving up to the pre-K room at daycare. Two more years and he will be in kindergarten.
He's been in big boy underwear since February 1st and is doing really well. He has accidents, but he has more good days than bad. He is even starting to stay dry all night.
We converted his crib to toddler bed on February 7. He loves it. We had to put a little bed rail on it because he was falling out most nights. He hasn't even attempted to get out of bed on his own yet... He still calls me. I wonder how long that will last...
I am enjoying him so much. He is truly a little person with his own ideas and opinions. I miss my baby terribly, but I love my little boy tremendously. I look forward to watching him continue to grow, although my heart hurts at how fast it's going.
Posted 3/2/10 12:09 PM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Yup! Same here (even though DD is 3 in June)
She's fully potty trained and we're registering for nursery/pre school She is taking private swin lessons and didn't even bat an eye when I left her there to go at it alone. When I came back a little early to see, I just stood there in amazement at how independent she's become (she always was, but now it's too much!) She just seemed so grown up to me.
It's happening all TOO fast
She seems so grown up to me already and I just want to make it stop. Even though she drives me bonkers on a daily basis....I can't wrap my head around the fact that I (almost) have a THREE year old!!!
ETA - But she's still in her crib...the day she gets her "big girl" bed I'll really need tissues
Message edited 3/2/2010 12:20:47 PM.
Posted 3/2/10 12:20 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
I don't want to talk about it
Posted 3/2/10 12:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Posted by KateDevine
I don't want to talk about it
Posted 3/2/10 12:42 PM |
Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07 8494 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Connor will be 3 in June. He is such a big boy, not a little baby at all . Although still in diapers
He is a Mommy's Boy and I love every minute of it. He is cuddly and affectionate and says "love you, mommy" all the time. He is gentle and loves animals. Despite the frequent refrain of "No, Meagan" he is also a good big brother
Every day he does more and more. He loves to help me in the kitchen just as much as he loves building and his trains. He now flips through his own books and says "I'm reading".
I can't even believe he will be 3...where did it go???
Posted 3/2/10 12:42 PM |
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Erin will be 3 in August and cannot wrap my head around the fact that the baby of the family will be 3. It really makes me sad in a way.. Ryan calls her baby STILL, and I just can't believe how fast 3 came for her. She is such a little pipsqueak too, its hard to believe that she is getting so big so fast.
Posted 3/2/10 12:50 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Awe...I enjoyed reading about all our 3 yr cute :)
Posted 3/2/10 12:56 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Unlike most of the others on the thread, DD is my 2nd child and God willing, not my last. As a result, I guess I'm not too sentimental about it. However, I'm already breaking down thinking about my older DD turning FIVE in September.
I feel (and so does everyone else ), that Abby was born at age 2 and she's been 2 ever since. This has been the longest year of our lives!
I guess because...
OMG...Oh you don't even know what she just did while I was typing this...OMG. Look for a post in a couple of minutes...with a picture.
And THIS is why I can't wait for her to be 3!
Posted 3/2/10 12:56 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
OK, photo posted.
Where was I? 
Yes, DD turing three...
OK, really excited. She's still in a crib and she refuses to potty train...I'm hoping for good things at age 3!
I will DEFINITELY look back and miss a lot of these days though...that's for sure!
Posted 3/2/10 1:22 PM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Posted by hbugal
Im an 2007 mom...
I simply cant wrap my head around the fact that DS will be 3 soon. It seems like just yesterday he was just an infant...
DS is potty trained and hasnt been in a crib since last summer. I wanted to make this point b/c for me it just points out what a big boy he is now. Part of me would rather him still be in a crib and in diapers...KWIM?
I 100% agree with this.
I'm so proud of him for all his "big boy" achievements, but at the same time it's a little sad.
Posted 3/2/10 1:26 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Michael will be 3 in September...I CAN'T believe it! It feels like just yesterday I got him off my boob He is an amazing little boy whom I adore soooo much. He's not potty trained (nor wants anything to do with it yet) and sleeps in a toddler bed, but his vocabulary and speech is so amazing that sometimes I feel like I'm conversating with a 4 or 5 year old The other day he counted to 10 in ...SPANISH My husband and I looked at each other and couldn't believe it! Meanwhile, we're trying to get him to pick up Polish (my mom only speaks to him in Polish) and he just simply refuses...meanwhile here he is counting to 10 in Spanish.
Posted 3/2/10 2:08 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
DD will be 3 in september and I can't believe how much she has grown up.
she goes to school 3 days a week and always runs right in, I have to beg her for a kiss goodbye.
Still working on the potty, but I think she will get it soon.
Posted 3/2/10 2:13 PM |
Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Posted by jmf423
Posted by KateDevine
I don't want to talk about it
me too!
Posted 3/2/10 2:21 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Brooke is a late 2007 baby(october). She seems so grown up to me, no more baby left.
She has been in a big girl bed since 15 months and fully potty trained for a few months. She talks in complete full sentences. She is also my little gymnast. I miss my baby but she is really cuddly so I can still pretend
Posted 3/2/10 2:22 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Awww...I feel like it's been forever since a Spring 2007 baby update...but not so much babies anymore. I can't get over how big these kids are now.
Lucas will be 3 in May and this is much more different than 2...I look at him and he looks so much older. There is nothing 'baby' about him...even his conversations.
He moved into a new room at school and the teacher called me last week to tell me that he was showing signs of being ready...staying dry all day until he went on the potty...even in pull ups. So this week he started wearing underwear and no accidents in 2 days. He even holds it in at night on the drive home and goes on the potty as soon as we walk through the's amazing. Just hope he can keep it up.
He has been sleeping in his big boy bed in his new room since February and doing well. Getting the full sleep and no more getting out of bed. He's back to calling me.
Getting ready to be a big brother...he's been very sweet about it all so far so hopefully that will last. He's such an amazing little him with all my heart. I could stare at him all's so crazy to watch what a little person he has become.
Posted 3/2/10 8:23 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
Gracelyn will be 3 in July & I still can't believe it. Like the others have said, 3 just seems like such a big girl--every day I watch her & I ask myself where the baby went. I look at pictures from last summer and can't believe only a few months ago she barely had hair; was hardly talking and still had that baby she amazes me w/ her non-stop chatter/singing; her love for her little brother (most days); the way she picks up one things. Sunday, DH & I were driving in the car & I said, do you want to stop at the "P A R K" & Gracie says, "Mommy what does P A R K spell?"
She's so affectionate and sweet & she makes me laugh on a daily basis (as well as drive me crazy).
Yet where did the time go??? I remember when we were all heading to the hospital & sharing our labor fears & talking about our sleepless nights.
Posted 3/2/10 9:08 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
I cannot believe my baby will be 3 in 18 short days it went so fast
Posted 3/2/10 9:10 PM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
unreal. but mine is still such a baby! still in a crib, diapers and an occasional binky for sleep.... other than that she is "grown up" in so many ways and i marvel at our "conversations"! she'll be 3 on 6/20!
Posted 3/2/10 9:21 PM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
It's insane to think of how quickly the time is passing.
Posted 3/3/10 7:57 AM |
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
3 years flew! My Ayla is such a girly girl- opposite of myself and my oldest. She loves pocket books, clothes, shoes, boots, jewlery,play makeup etc. She has a heart attack when we walk into Claires(the store) she is in awe of everything.
She's cute and she knows it. I'm going to have my hands full with her.
Posted 3/3/10 9:13 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Spring 2007 Mommies---Our Babies Will be 3!!
I can't believe that Jack is going to be three. Sometimes I think that he's only turning 2 because I don't know where the years have gone.
He is such a funny happy little boy, and an amazing big brother. He makes ME want to have more babies
Posted 3/3/10 9:41 AM |