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Starting solids this weekend, need help

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Starting solids this weekend, need help

Did you talk to your doctor first prior to starting solids? I talked to him at the 4 month well visit about it and said I wanted to wait until 6 months but I think Liam may be ready now. He was sick w/ a chest cold for the past 5/6 weeks but he's pretty much recovered now and for the most part he's sucking down his bottles - not all but 3 out of 5. Sunday morning I gave DH the first day's bottle to give Liam and went to the toilet. I don't think I was in there 5 minutes and came back and he was almost done - 7 oz in 5 minutes!! And didn't spit it up either afterwards. So I am thinking maybe starting rice cereal this weekend. Im sooo nervous though.

Should I hold him while doing this or put him in a highchair. He does not sit up on his own but if I put pillows on the sides of the high chair maybe he'll be able to stay in it? Do I use a spoon or feed him with my finger? How much will he take the first time - one 1 tsp or 1/2 tsp or what?

What signs of an adverse reaction should I look for? Will he spit it all out the first time? How thin should I mix it with the formula?

And should I give it to him the very first time in the AM or in the PM?

I think the pedi said I can try new foods every 5 days. I think I may just stick w/ rice for a week. Then change to oatmeal? Or do you add oatmeal?

Is there a booklet or something online (other than dr sears website) that can help?


Posted 12/26/06 7:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Starting solids this weekend, need help

Ok, first things first, if you think he's ready and ped. gave the go ahead, then I say go for it.
Second, I would put him in the high chair or a bouncy seat, not hold him.
Use a spoon.
Start with rice, that's the blandest.
Make it REALLY thin, almost soup-like.
Be prepared for him to gag on a new texture. It's normal.
Be prepared for him to refuse the spoon and not know what to do with it, all normal.
Keep trying if he doesn't take to it first, which he most likely will not.
I'd start out with a half tbsp because he probably won't even eat that much.
Does your high chair recline? Ava was able to sit reclined in her high chair until she could sit on her own.

Posted 12/26/06 8:04 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Starting solids this weekend, need help

I started feeding James at three months old. He's doing pretty well. I started with a tablespoon of rice cereal in the morning and in the evening. I didn't consult with the ped first, I just did it. Like Rachel said, at first I mixed it until it was almost soupy and used a spoon. Once he got used to it, I made it less soupy. Don't be nervous, he'll be fine. If he can't sit up, put him in his bouncy seat and feed him.

Posted 12/26/06 9:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Re: Starting solids this weekend, need help

Posted by prncssrachel

Ok, first things first, if you think he's ready and ped. gave the go ahead, then I say go for it.
Second, I would put him in the high chair or a bouncy seat, not hold him.
Use a spoon.
Start with rice, that's the blandest.
Make it REALLY thin, almost soup-like.
Be prepared for him to gag on a new texture. It's normal.
Be prepared for him to refuse the spoon and not know what to do with it, all normal.
Keep trying if he doesn't take to it first, which he most likely will not.
I'd start out with a half tbsp because he probably won't even eat that much.
Does your high chair recline? Ava was able to sit reclined in her high chair until she could sit on her own.

Thanks for the tips. I haven't even pulled the highchair out of the box yet. I'll have to see how he fits in it - he's just 13 lbs so I may have to prop him up in it a bit.

Posted 12/27/06 9:13 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

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Re: Starting solids this weekend, need help

I started Jiavana at 3 1/2 months. 2 weeks later the dr gave me the okay anyway.

We started her on rice cereal 1 tblespoon 2 times a day. From there moved on to the other cereals.

I then moved on to homemade baby food. Apples, Bananas, Pears and next up will be peaches.

Right now she is getting 1 tblespoon cereal mixed with 1 cube of fruit 2 times a day.

I used the bouncy seat for the first 2 weeks and now we moved her to the highchair in a reclined position. The highchair is so much better!

Be prepared with a receiving blanket/burp cloth or some type of towel. It will be messy!!

Posted 12/27/06 10:24 AM

Treasure what you have

Member since 5/05

1839 total posts


Re: Starting solids this weekend, need help

I think DS is definitely ready for solids. At Sydney's 3 mos appointment (well 3 1/2 mos really) her PED said that we can start her on some solids. As per his recommendation....

We give her solids twice a day, usually for breakfast and dinner. we mix a little cereal w/ her formula and then a little fruit too. Her PED said to put some fruit in it because it tastes like paste... first we started w/ rice and applesauce, we did that for about 4 days to make sure there was no reaction, such as diahrrea, rash, vomiting etc.

Then we moved onto barley with applesauce. Only change one thing at a time so youll know what they are allergic to if they have a reaction. Each time I wait 3-4 days when starting something new. So far Sydney has cleared rice and barley, bananas, pears and applesauce.

I agree, make it soupy, in the beginning I was making it too thick and she ate it but it was a struggle. Keep his bottle on hand too... when she is done w/ her cereal she is thirsty and ready for her bottle.

Dont give up on it, its going to take some time. Its going to be a very messy experience, they will mush it around in their mouth and spit some of it out. definitely use a spoon and put DS in either the bouncy or try the high chair, I am going to break that out this weekend and see how it goes. good luck!

Posted 12/27/06 10:27 AM

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