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Strep throat and antibiotics question

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Member since 11/05

5666 total posts


Strep throat and antibiotics question

My daughter (she's 11) started with a high fever Friday night by Saturday morning she vomitted and had a sore throat. All of my other kids had strep throat this week so I called the Dr. and he just phoned in a prescription for augmentin.

She started the aug. yesterday afternoon, had another dose last night, and then another this morning - 3 doses so far. She has a fever again now. How long after she started the antibiotic should the fever stop? She is also in agony with her throat - she can barely swallow or talk. My boys didn't have this nearly as bad - they were so much better after 24 hours on an antibiotic.

I never had strep throat so I have no idea how painful or awful it is - but is this normal for some people? My daughter has had it before - she always vomits with it and has all the same symptoms - but it just seems so much worse this time.

Message edited 6/22/2008 5:45:31 PM.

Posted 6/22/08 5:44 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

27789 total posts

LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: Strep throat and antibiotics question

I really don't have any info on the antibotics, but why don't you try giving her Tylenol as well?

My DD is 2 - and is on Amoxicillan and they said I need to give Tylenol and Motrin to get her fever down.

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Posted 6/22/08 5:48 PM


Member since 11/05

5666 total posts


Re: Strep throat and antibiotics question

I've been giving her tylenol and motrin back to back. What happened was I gave her Motrin about 10 a.m. today for the pain and she was feeling decent - then it wore off. I thought by now the fever would have been gone. She didn't even wake up with a fever.

Posted 6/22/08 5:59 PM

Life is Good :)

Member since 11/07

6605 total posts


Re: Strep throat and antibiotics question

i used to get strep almost monthly (i eventually had my tonsils taken out) I used to run fevers to, but I could always get it down. I hate to say it but I'd be a little concerened. I'd call the dr. they must have someone on call, if nothing else, let them ease your mind. A fever isn't something to mess around with esp. if its not responding to meds. Chat Icon i hope she feels better soon

Posted 6/22/08 7:04 PM

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