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Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

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Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

Sorry, I'm sure it's been asked a ton of times before, I never really paid attention since I only had 1 child back then Chat Icon

DD will be 3 right when the baby is born in June. Should we get a double-stroller? If so, which do you recommend for a 3-year-old and a baby? How long do kids ride in strollers?

A little background-- I have these strollers from DD: Snap N Go frame for infant seat; Metrolite (which is the one I always use now), and an umbrella stroller that's still in the box but I keep saying I need to switch to using instead of the Metrolite for DD.

DH will be home with us most of the summer while I'm on leave. So when we go on little day trips/out for walks/etc, we'd likely usually have 2 people so we could push 2 separate strollers. But, I'm sure there are times (esp. as they get older) where it will be just me or just him, etc...will we want the double stroller?

I'm all for buying one if we'll use it. DD still likes sitting in the stroller, and I'm neurotic about her walking certain places and darting into traffic/getting away from me/etc.

Ugh...thanks for reading Chat Icon Do we get a double-stroller? And if so, which one?

THANKS! Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/10 12:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

A sit and stand is good for quick errands.

I love my Phil and Ted double jogger and it was great for walks with a 2 yr old and a newbornChat Icon

Posted 2/23/10 12:32 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

LOVE LOVE my BOB Duallie.

Posted 2/23/10 12:35 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

I vote wait and see. Ryan isn't even 2 and we get little to no use out of my double (citi mini). I usually end up pushing the snap and go and carrying Ryan or holding hands (not that that lasts long) for a quick errand. He rarely wants to be in the stroller.

Posted 2/23/10 12:46 PM

I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

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Mama Cranky

Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

I don't know-DD is 2.5 and I never ended up getting a double stroller.

So far, I haven't had need of it. I have Owen in the snap and go and Claire walks.

She doesn't really like being in the stroller anymore anyway. Though, if I took them both out by myself more often, I probably would need it.

Posted 2/23/10 12:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

LOve my city mini double. Ive had it for awhile now so I def. got my use of it.

BUT My son is 3 1/2 now and he wants to walk alot by himself. I am nervous like you about him running into the street. But lately he either holds my hand or holds the single stroller when we take walks.

I would ask a friend to borrow theirs or buy a cheap/used one first before u spend $$$$ to even see if your 3 year old will stay in it.

Posted 2/23/10 12:46 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

we got the baby trend double sit and stand...this way DS has the option to sit or stand. If C doesnt sit in the stroller, then the regular single sit and stand would be good for you too (I know you said she does still but if it changes before the baby comes). The difference b/t the two is the double has a 2nd seat thats removable so the older child has the option (love having the choice) and the single only has one seat for the baby carrier/baby to sit in and then the platform for the older child. We almost got that one, but they had an awesome clearance at target so I got the double one for less $$$ then if we had bought the single one. Both take the graco snugride, even though it doesnt say it on the package.
We also checked out the Joovy sit an stand but the seats didnt seem as comfortable to me, they were sort of hard, the baby trend seemed more cushiony.
HTHChat Icon

Message edited 2/23/2010 12:49:04 PM.

Posted 2/23/10 12:47 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

Posted by bayla

we got the baby trend double sit and stand...this way DS has the option to sit or stand. If C doesnt sit in the stroller, then the regular single sit and stand would be good for you too (I know you said she does still but if it changes before the baby comes). The difference b/t the two is the double has a 2nd seat thats removable so the older child has the option (love having the choice) and the single only has one seat for the baby carrier/baby to sit in and then the platform for the older child. We almost got that one, but they had an awesome clearance at target so I got the double one for less $$$ then if we had bought the single one. Both take the graco snugride, even though it doesnt say it on the package.
We also checked out the Joovy sit an stand but the seats didnt seem as comfortable to me, they were sort of hard, the baby trend seemed more cushiony.
HTHChat Icon

I bought the same stroller on sale in Target too!

Posted 2/23/10 1:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

mine are 22 months apart, i got hte citi mini double. I was debating getting it, since before i had the baby, older DD was losing interest in the stroller. but- after i had him, she only wanted to sit next to him, so i ws glad i had it.
now, they are 2.6 and 7 months. i still use the double when we are out walking, btu my toddler has been wanting ot walk more and more lately. i am going to get a buggy board, and a new single (ds hates the maclaren i have)
anyhow- i will you be doing long walks wiht the two of them? taking them both to the mall? if yes, i would MAYBE get a sit and stand. otherwise,
at 3 years apart i would not get a double. especially if dh will be home in the beginning. if someone wants ot loan you one, and you have to space, take it. otherwise, i would just do a buggy board for your existing single.

Posted 2/23/10 1:18 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

In all of Tyler's four months, I have only used my Sit and Stand 4 times. I don't think you need one. Chat Icon

ETA: How many times do you think you will really be out with the two of them? Honestly, if I have to go shopping or something - I either leave both of them at home, or take only one of them. There have been times where the four of us have gone to say, Target, but we keep Tyler in the Snap and Go - and put Jack in the cart.

The few times we went to the Mall we used the Sit and Stand.

I use my Snap and Go all the time with Tyler, and will be using the Metrolite once he is out of the infant seat.

By the time you really are ready to take the baby out C will be over three years old.

Wow - I really had a lot more to add Chat Icon

Message edited 2/23/2010 1:33:24 PM.

Posted 2/23/10 1:18 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Stroller question-- will I want/need a double stroller?

I am playing the "wait and see game."

E will be exactly 2.5 when #2 comes along and right now she HATES the stroller and won't sit in it for more than 10 minutes.

If I get anything it will be a sit n stand or the double sit and stand that converts. I am hoping that maybe the baby in a stroller will encourage E to want to be in one, but I am not sure about that.

I can't see myself going out and about with the 2 of them by myself in the beginning so I am going to play it by ear.

Posted 2/23/10 1:28 PM

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