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Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Stupid things you did as a child
(the thread about the kids in the car reminded me)
I got in my Dad's Datsun 210 and somehow took the emergency brake off. I wasn't in gear and it rolled towards the end of the driveway where our neighbor's Harley was parked right in it's path.
My neighbor and Dad were able to hold it from hitting the motorcycle but they couldn't move from the back of the car because it was on an incline.
I locked the doors because my father was yelling and I was afraid that he was mad at me. They had to coax me to unlock the doors and get out of the car so they could put the brake back on. All the while, they were holding the car from rolling over the bike and into the street and parked cars.
I didn't get punished but they kept the car in gear with the doors locked after that!
Posted 2/27/07 8:00 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Life is good!

Member since 2/06 1450 total posts
Name: S
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
My neighbor and I went through a phase of lighting everything on fire. Once we had lit every dried leaf in the backyard on fire we got bored so we took the lawnmower gas can and poured a circle in the driveway, lit it on fire and had a ring of fire in the driveway.
Lord only knows where our parents were when we were doing this stuff.
Posted 2/27/07 8:13 PM |
Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06 6405 total posts
Name: ~ THERESA ~
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
I was JUST about to write something, but I didn't want to incriminate myself! ESPECIALLY since these threads never technically die!!!
It wasn't TOO bad, but now in our "day and age" it would not be looked upon kindly.

Posted 2/27/07 8:14 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
I hated my 80 year old babysitter that my mom hired to put us on the bus in the morning, and when she took a chair from the dining room into the living room to sit on because she literally couldn't get on and off the couch, I pulled it out from underneath her as she went to sit down, and she fell! Luckily, she didn't get hurt, but I still feel horrible to this day!
Posted 2/27/07 8:25 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
I locked myself in the closet with 70s gold nail polish b/c I wanted to paint my own nails at the age of 4. It got in my eyes. It hurt. The nailpolish is still on the inside walls of the closet to this day.
Message edited 2/27/2007 8:30:59 PM.
Posted 2/27/07 8:30 PM |
Pookie Love

Member since 5/05 20229 total posts
Name: Michal
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
In elementary school - our bus stop was three houses down from a kid's house who we all hated. One morning, I dared my brother to pull the hood ornament off their Cadillac! He did and then one of the other kids at the bus stop ratted us out later on that day and we got in BIG trouble!!
We also used to climb the trees at the bus stop, wait for the "slow" boy to come to the bus stop and jump down and Superfly Snooka him
Posted 2/27/07 8:34 PM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
I have 3 older bro's around 11 years older than me. So, when I was in kindergarten/1st grade, 2 of my brother's were heading off to college.
They would bring friends - guy and girl over to the huse on breaks/vacations, etc.
I wanted everyone's attention as the little girl, so I used to run through the DR, down the kitchen, EIK, and hallway into the wall (sometimes head first), fall down, look at everyone, including the friends whose mouths were wide open in shock, I'd start laughing and do it a few more times cause everyone would watch me.
Reason DH and my Dad call me hard headed till this day!
Posted 2/27/07 8:34 PM |
Pookie Love

Member since 5/05 20229 total posts
Name: Michal
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
I just thought of another good one - lol. In middle school, I was dying to put Sun-in in my hair. My mother forbid me to b/c she said it would turn my hair orange. Well, she and my dad went on a trip and they probably weren't even yet on the plane when I took that bottle to my head - as any other brunette knows, Sun-in doesn't turn brown hair blonde, it turns it a lovely orangy shade of well, orange. My mom wouldn't let me get my hair dyed over it and made me grow it out. Every Bar and Bat Mitzvah I went to that fall has pics of me with lovely orange hair with brown roots!! I remember getting into a fight with a friend and she called me a rainbow head!
Posted 2/27/07 8:38 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
Hmmm, well, when I was like 13 and we just got the internet, I used to send my address to guys that I thought were my age (of course, stupidly), and one guy started stalking me through the mail, sending me weird things and also gigantic bo-ks of flowers. My parents tracked him down and my dad threatened to shoot him!
I also used to take Caffeine pills and once, I took so many I had to have my stomach pumped. All because I didn't think they were working That was the extent of my drug use
Posted 2/27/07 8:42 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
My mom didn't want me shaving my legs yet so I waited until she was cooking dinner and everyone else was out. I took a razor into the tv room and tried to shave my leg, dry.
It wasn't long before mom came in and I hid the razor on the recliner next to me. When she finally left, I took it out and found blood everywhere.
I had been cutting my elbow with the razor and didn't even feel it. Of course Mom found out what I did, between the razor burn on my leg and my cut up elbow.
Posted 2/27/07 9:14 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
-Used Jolen moustache bleach to streak my hair in camp - just one streak on the side.
-Ate a dog biscuit at the request of my siblings
-wrapped aluminum foil around my wrists and jumped down the stairs thinking I was Wonder Woman.
Posted 2/27/07 9:17 PM |
junior supafly

Member since 3/06 2268 total posts
Name: tricia
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
i used to love to make "potions" as i called them - using any product in the bathroom. i used to mix all kinds of stuff together in the sink - hairspray, aftershave, drano - whatever was there. one day i was putting baby powder into my potion and liked the puff - so i began puffing it all over the place. before i knew it i had baby powder covering every inch of the bathroom.
i sooooo got in trouble for that.
Posted 2/27/07 9:18 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
Posted by mrswask
I just thought of another good one - lol. In middle school, I was dying to put Sun-in in my hair. My mother forbid me to b/c she said it would turn my hair orange. Well, she and my dad went on a trip and they probably weren't even yet on the plane when I took that bottle to my head - as any other brunette knows, Sun-in doesn't turn brown hair blonde, it turns it a lovely orangy shade of well, orange. My mom wouldn't let me get my hair dyed over it and made me grow it out. Every Bar and Bat Mitzvah I went to that fall has pics of me with lovely orange hair with brown roots!! I remember getting into a fight with a friend and she called me a rainbow head!
Posted 2/27/07 9:19 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
Posted by prncssrachel
I also used to take Caffeine pills and once, I took so many I had to have my stomach pumped. All because I didn't think they were working That was the extent of my drug use
Sorry I had flashbacks of saved by the bell
Posted 2/27/07 9:20 PM |
R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06 28918 total posts
Name: The Mystical Azzhorse! ™
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
I did so many stupid things I can't even begin to list them here! To this day I still apologize to my Mom for the hell I put her and my Dad thru.
Posted 2/27/07 9:42 PM |
My bunny
Member since 5/06 8777 total posts
Name: Meaghan
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
Posted by smiles
My neighbor and I went through a phase of lighting everything on fire. Once we had lit every dried leaf in the backyard on fire we got bored so we took the lawnmower gas can and poured a circle in the driveway, lit it on fire and had a ring of fire in the driveway.
Lord only knows where our parents were when we were doing this stuff.
LOL my BF and I set stuff on fire all the time - never a gas ring though, we werent that creative
we also liked to bury time capsles - in take out tins, we put pictures of ourselves and some toys to show the kids of the future what it was like in 1989
i think we tried to dig it up a few years ago and forgot where it was!
Posted 2/27/07 9:47 PM |
I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Stupid things you did as a child
took pliers to my braces and pulled the wires out...and basically made a horrible mess of my mouth...had to go and get it all back on and boy was the dentist MAD!
waxed my arms myself--- (my mom had the "at home kit" OUCH!
instead of asking my mom about shaving my legs, I took scissors to my legs and cut them all up- my aunt noticed at a FAMILY BBQ and announced it to everyone---thanks Aunt Loretta!
"Ran away" from home- and left a note for my mom telling her I was at my neighbors house (I was like 7 or 8!)
Posted 2/27/07 10:08 PM |