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The twins are almost 2!

Member since 11/08 2249 total posts
Name: Leslie
Super emotional lately
My little booboo bears are turning 1 soon! I'm planning their party and looking at old photos and getting sad! They are 10 months and I just ADORE this age! Soon they will be walking! Its just crazy! I just want them to stay my little bundles for a little bit longer!
How crazy am I . . .I have a 2 year old DD, twin 10 month old DD's and I'm considering just 1 more!
Posted 3/17/12 2:53 PM |
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i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: Super emotional lately
I want one more too.
I know how you feel. My twins will be 2 this summer and they are so big now... running around, talking, sitting in chairs and using silverware, etc. It goes so fast!
Posted 3/17/12 8:10 PM |

Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: Super emotional lately
From about 10 months til they turned 2 i wanted one more!!! Now they are 2 1/2 and sort of growing out of the "baby" phase and I think I am more confident saying we are done. I feel like I will always have a little ache for one more, but as we move away from baby stuff (no more high chairs, bouncy seats, jumpers etc.) I am more and more OK with it! LOL
Enjoy them
Posted 3/18/12 7:52 AM |
Member since 11/07 2378 total posts
Name: Julie
Re: Super emotional lately
I know how you feel. I have a 8 year old DD and twin DS's who are 2 and all of my friends are having babies. I like how my boys are kinda independent with feeding themselves etc but I feel like I could have one more.
Although I was blessed with 3 really good babies I bet the 4th would be a devil and put me over the edge.
But then again I don't miss the midnight feelings and lack if sleep
Posted 3/18/12 8:26 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: Super emotional lately
I agree!!! My twins are 14 months and I would LOVE one more. I just am not sure if it is in the cards for us.
Some days I am ok with it and I get excited for them to be older so we can start doing fun things like snowboarding etc. Other days I get so sad they are so big already and we may not be able to have more.
On the sad days I remember how they constantly learn new things and they are more fun everyday.
Posted 3/18/12 9:45 PM |
Big Brothers to Be !

Member since 2/10 3868 total posts
Re: Super emotional lately
My twins are 7 months, and I already miss the newborn stage I love this age, I really do enjoy it sooo much more than newborn! They are so much fun and are discovering everything for the first time and it is pure joy to watch. BUT everytime I have to put away another size (preemie, newborn, 0-3) it is like a knife in my heart
Posted 3/18/12 10:17 PM |
Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09 5351 total posts
Name: Renee
Re: Super emotional lately
I know what you mean. my girls are going to be 2 in a month! I just can't get over how fast that went. I however have 4 so i am done. I do miss the newborn stage a lot though!!!!!
Posted 3/18/12 10:47 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Super emotional lately
The girls will be 1 in two weeks and I am having a super hard time coping. I know they are our last and am ok with it. Just missing the innocence of a newborn.
Posted 3/21/12 10:05 AM |
<3 <3 <3

Member since 10/07 1824 total posts
Name: Penny
Re: Super emotional lately
Posted by maybemommy10
My twins are 7 months, and I already miss the newborn stage I love this age, I really do enjoy it sooo much more than newborn! They are so much fun and are discovering everything for the first time and it is pure joy to watch. BUT everytime I have to put away another size (preemie, newborn, 0-3) it is like a knife in my heart
I told u that u would miss it!!!
Posted 3/22/12 9:22 PM |
<3 <3 <3

Member since 10/07 1824 total posts
Name: Penny
Re: Super emotional lately
I flip through the baby baby pics of thhe girls and all I can think of is.. I want them to be teeny again. Although I LOVE watching them grow and interact I def miss them as little smuchy faces.
that being said.. after this summer we will be trying for number 3. i cant wait to hold a new born again.
Posted 3/22/12 9:24 PM |