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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Switching formulas
DD got solely BM for the first 3 months, now for the past almost 4 weeks, she has gotten 1 bottle of formula almost every day. We have been using Alimentum (suggested by ped). When we saw the GI doc, he said Alimentum is not necessary for her and that we can use whatever formula we want to.
I currently have: Gentlease, Enfamil A.R., Similac Advance, and Nestle Goodstart.
I have all this different formula here and I really hate to waste it. Much of it was samples so I didn't actually pay for it, but it will still be a waste anyway if she doesn't use it. Although I didn't pay for it, if I have to now go buy something different, I will now have to shell out alot of money to replace what we already have. You know?
My question I have to stick with whichever one I decide to use, or can I use up 1 and then switch to another and then another?
ETA: I'm in the process of weaning her off BM since I'm going back to work in 3 weeks and I'm barely making any milk anymore anyway. We probably have about a 3-4 week supply in the freezer, but after that, it will be all formula.
Message edited 8/18/2006 9:38:55 AM.
Posted 8/18/06 9:37 AM |
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Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Re: Switching formulas
I would try one and if your baby reacts well to it - i would stick with it. I wouldn't suggest switching formulas - if she is doing well with it.
I too have samples of all different types of formula that was sent to me- it doesn't bother me to keep them in the house - or give them away - i didn't pay for them anyway.
Posted 8/18/06 9:41 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Switching formulas
I had to do the same with DD, since I am going back to work too.
We started with Similac Advance samples, then used Enfamil Lipil, then went back to Similiac. I noticed she was a bit more gassy on the enfamil, but otherwise she went throught the switch okay.
I was only giving her 1 bottle a day at that time too. I didn't start giving her more than 1 bottle until i knew the formula agreed with her and even then when I up the bottle, I put Mylicon in it for a week, just so her tummy can get used to more formula.
Posted 8/18/06 9:57 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Switching formulas
Do you think she will be especially fussy when I go to all formula? Or should I slowly increase the amount I give her?
Posted 8/18/06 2:26 PM |
Re: Switching formulas
I would go with the Gentle Ease. If she spits up A LOT then I would go with A.R. I use the A.R. and it has worked wonders for us.
Posted 8/18/06 4:07 PM |
Re: Switching formulas
Hayley did good on the Gentlease (she was gassy)
Posted 8/18/06 4:09 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Switching formulas
I have nothing but success with Goodstart and my DD was solely on BM in the beginning. It's very gentle on bellies
Posted 8/18/06 4:29 PM |