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Table food 11 month old

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

246 total posts


Table food 11 month old

My ds will be 11 months tomorrow. What kind of table food should I be giving him. I have tried gerber puffs but he gags on them and he has a milk allergy so I am limited to what I can give him. He is stillcon the baby jar food but he is starting to refuse that too. Is this bad that I havent started table foods yet? I am afraid of him chocking and he only has 4 teeth.

Posted 1/15/08 7:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love these boys

Member since 7/07

2711 total posts


Re: Table food 11 month old

My ds is 11mos old today and starting at 9mos he was eating table food. (that's when my ped told me to start) My son has 7 teeth however my friends dd at the time had NO teeth and she ate everything (she gumed it Chat Icon ) My ds eats waffles, french toast, pancakes, or cheerios along with a fruit for breakfast, for lunch he eats a grill cheese without the crust, chicken nuggets, or a yogurt and for diner he eats what ever I make. If it's chicken, mac, meat I just cut it up small and also give him a veggie. He also usually has 2 snacks a day.

Posted 1/15/08 8:22 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

246 total posts


Re: Table food 11 month old

wow now I feel really bad. I better start giving him some table food. What is a good food to start off with?

Posted 1/15/08 8:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1893 total posts


Re: Table food 11 month old

Pasta is usually pretty easy. Also, some peds don't recommend eggs before a year, but maybe call yours and ask if it is okay, especially since you are dealing with the dairy.

Have you tried the gerber diced fruits and veggies? I gave them to DD when she first started on the table foods (around 9 months). The are all pretty soft and easy to eat and you wouldn't have to worry about dairy with that either.

Starting at about 9 months, we would just feed DD anything that we were eating - just cut it small enough Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/08 1:04 PM

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