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Telling Boss...need advice.

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Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Telling Boss...need advice.

I am almost 7 weeks, I am so tired I am falling asleep at my desk and making stupid mistakes. I can't focus.

I was at Dr. yesterday, (worked 1/2 day) I need to go back in 2 weeks. I'm scheduled to go on Monday the 15th, (and will need another 1/2 day) then I am on vacation on the 19th through 22nd. I work in sales, when I am gone someone has to cover my account base.

I feel like my boss will think I am taking advantage and not doing my job well. Should I tell him or wait until 12 weeks like I planned?

He has two kids one under a year so I know when he finds out he will be very happy for me and understanding.

What would you do?

Posted 1/5/07 12:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Telling Boss...need advice.

I've told my immediate boss already. I figure that if god forbid something were to happen again this time, I would tell her what was going on anyway. She knew that I was pg last time too- and when I miscarried, she was absolutely wonderful.

Posted 1/5/07 12:56 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Telling Boss...need advice.

I had a m/c before I got pg with DD, so my boss knew right away since I had to go for testing/dr's appts more than usual.

Posted 1/5/07 1:06 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Telling Boss...need advice.

i had to tell my boss right away.i was so sick with morining sickness, it was so obvious. boss was totally understanding and happy.

Posted 1/5/07 1:16 PM


Member since 9/06

2365 total posts


Re: Telling Boss...need advice.

I just told mine today!! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was totally freaking out but she was wonderful and was so happy for us!! I am only 9 weeks!

Posted 1/5/07 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Telling Boss...need advice.

I told my boss at 7 weeks and it was the best thing. I was working from home from week 10 on due to medical issues so I was gladI told him upfront.

Posted 1/5/07 1:42 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: Telling Boss...need advice.

I originally wanted to wait and tell my boss at 12 weeks but my ms was so bad and I was tired that I was also afraid that she would think that I wasnt doing my job. I ended up telling her at 10 weeks and she was really understanding and supportive

Posted 1/5/07 2:57 PM

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