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Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by LittleDiva
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
It seems some of you are saying that if you have a learning or intellectual disability and can only have a minimum wage job then you shouldn’t be able to have a family and a home and a decent life.
That seems unfair and, frankly, cruel.
Who said that?
Do you think everyone should make the same pay no matter how much education and experience they have?
As someone mentioned before, minimum wage needs to have been kept up with inflation. It should be around $24. If anyone currently makes $24 after years of hard work and is mad at that notion, then you’re underpaid as well and shouldn’t be.
People working minimum wage jobs should have adequate housing and a life to support a small family if they choose to have one. People need to be paid fairly.
Look at the Hamptons crumbling without low wage workers. They are essential to small businesses and the public. They deserve a fair income.
All businesses can not afford to pay that amount of money and if they do, then your hours will be less because they will divide it up between people. I don’t see how you can fathom to pay someone with no experience working $24/hour. How much would the person with 30 years of work experience get paid then? Or the person who has a masters or PHD?
I’m sitting at a public beach and thinking to myself how much my taxes or the cost to go to the beach would go up if all these people made $24 an hour. How on earth would you pay the toll booth people $24? The trash collector $24? The office people $24? The concession people $24? That’s ridiculous to ask of any business.
$24 dollars was stated because that is what the minimum wage would be if it kept up with inflation. That is not what is on the table as a proposal.
Understood but how much more can it go up to when people think $15 is not enough?
Posted 6/29/21 5:10 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by Straightarrow
Posted by LittleDiva
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
It seems some of you are saying that if you have a learning or intellectual disability and can only have a minimum wage job then you shouldn’t be able to have a family and a home and a decent life.
That seems unfair and, frankly, cruel.
Who said that?
Do you think everyone should make the same pay no matter how much education and experience they have?
As someone mentioned before, minimum wage needs to have been kept up with inflation. It should be around $24. If anyone currently makes $24 after years of hard work and is mad at that notion, then you’re underpaid as well and shouldn’t be.
People working minimum wage jobs should have adequate housing and a life to support a small family if they choose to have one. People need to be paid fairly.
Look at the Hamptons crumbling without low wage workers. They are essential to small businesses and the public. They deserve a fair income.
All businesses can not afford to pay that amount of money and if they do, then your hours will be less because they will divide it up between people. I don’t see how you can fathom to pay someone with no experience working $24/hour. How much would the person with 30 years of work experience get paid then? Or the person who has a masters or PHD?
I’m sitting at a public beach and thinking to myself how much my taxes or the cost to go to the beach would go up if all these people made $24 an hour. How on earth would you pay the toll booth people $24? The trash collector $24? The office people $24? The concession people $24? That’s ridiculous to ask of any business.
My son's step brother is making $25 an hour and he's 14 and working for his mother.
Yes I find it nuts too
I had to take a $8,000 pay CUT. Yes, CUT when I got laid off so I am not even making that now. Is this full time work? Off the books?
Posted 6/29/21 5:12 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by StaceyWill
I think the huge issue (and I may be Captain Obvious here, but) everything is so damned expensive. In the 50’s my grandfather worked as a bartender and my grandma was a SAHM. They bought a house in Queens. Same situation now – unheard of. Luckily (and I do know how lucky I am), I inherited and live in that house. I couldn’t afford a house in Queens otherwise. If cost of living was lowered (I don’t know how it could be done), it would trickle down to other areas (rent, minimum wage, health insurance, goods, etc.) and people would be able to live more comfortably. No one should be financially struggling through life. I really mean and believe that.
They shouldn’t but people should be rewarded for working hard and everyone shouldn’t receive the same pay while some are busting their ass and others just sit around waiting for a paycheck.
So you think pay should be scaled on how hard the work is? Physically hard? Mentally hard? Because I think a pre school teacher is a much harder job mentally and physically then an actuarial. So by your thought process...the preschool teacher should make more?
I think more educated and more experienced should get paid more. If the daycare teacher has a degree or years of experience, then yes, they deserve more money than 18 year old Mary who has only babysat and is taking college courses.
Posted 6/29/21 5:13 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 3101 total posts
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
We need to talk more about teachers and nurses. Everyone expects the BEST for themselves and their children, because when it comes to their actual lives, they realize you can't overstate the importance of having exceptional ones. But too many look down on them as groups and don't seem in too hot a hurry to expect that they'd be paid like the coveted professionals that they are.
I also agree with those who said that less skilled positions still need to be paid a living wage.
Posted 6/29/21 7:04 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by seaside
We need to talk more about teachers and nurses. Everyone expects the BEST for themselves and their children, because when it comes to their actual lives, they realize you can't overstate the importance of having exceptional ones. But too many look down on them as groups and don't seem in too hot a hurry to expect that they'd be paid like the coveted professionals that they are.
I also agree with those who said that less skilled positions still need to be paid a living wage.
Maybe in other states but nurses and teachers get paid very well here in NY.
What is a living wage in your opinion as not everyone lives the same?
Posted 6/29/21 7:12 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
This is certainly not a new issue. We have a summer home in Martha’s Vineyard and in any destination like this that has a high cost of living it is extremely hard to find seasonal help. Typically the result is that it makes these destinations even less affordable because in order to attract the help they need to charge exorbitant amounts, for hotel rooms, dining out, groceries, etc. As the places become less and less affordable, seasonal workers can’t afford the rent. Employers have to find or provide housing for staff. Costs go up even more.
But as other posters have said, working in fast food or at a small business was typically work for high school and college students. Now, kids have a hard time having a job in addition to extracurriculars and school work. Times have changed. But no one wants to pay $5 for a McDonald’s hamburger so the problem is much more complex than people realize. People are so willing to demand a living wage for every employee (regardless if that job warrants a living wage - some are meant to be supplemental income or jobs for children or young adults still being supported by parents), but they will also be the first to complain when certain things like taking your family out for ice cream becomes unaffordable. But it can’t work both ways. Somethings gotta give.
Posted 6/29/21 7:46 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by lululu
This is certainly not a new issue. We have a summer home in Martha’s Vineyard and in any destination like this that has a high cost of living it is extremely hard to find seasonal help. Typically the result is that it makes these destinations even less affordable because in order to attract the help they need to charge exorbitant amounts, for hotel rooms, dining out, groceries, etc. As the places become less and less affordable, seasonal workers can’t afford the rent. Employers have to find or provide housing for staff. Costs go up even more.
But as other posters have said, working in fast food or at a small business was typically work for high school and college students. Now, kids have a hard time having a job in addition to extracurriculars and school work. Times have changed. But no one wants to pay $5 for a McDonald’s hamburger so the problem is much more complex than people realize. People are so willing to demand a living wage for every employee (regardless if that job warrants a living wage - some are meant to be supplemental income or jobs for children or young adults still being supported by parents), but they will also be the first to complain when certain things like taking your family out for ice cream becomes unaffordable. But it can’t work both ways. Somethings gotta give.
Posted 6/29/21 7:48 PM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
Message edited 6/29/2021 8:05:34 PM.
Posted 6/29/21 8:03 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
Do you honestly think teachers don’t make good money here in NY?
I support everyone to get an education but when was the last time you got financial aid for college as the lower the amount of money you make, the more financial aid you get.
They also just put the minimum wage for fast food workers in NYS to $15/hour. This also comes with less people working as more order on apps and the machines they have in places to order.
Posted 6/29/21 8:09 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
What do you call a job that a teenager gets to make some extra money? I believe that would be a supplemental job. Meant to supplement your family income but not provide for your family.
And hmmmm. Who are you accusing of not supporting social programs just out of curiosity? Personally I have given a lot of both time and money to support programs for people with disabilities. I wonder what you yourself have done. Probably, I’m going to guess, nothing.
Not every job is meant to support a family. The economy wouldn’t survive otherwise.
Posted 6/29/21 8:23 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by lululu
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
What do you call a job that a teenager gets to make some extra money? I believe that would be a supplemental job. Meant to supplement your family income but not provide for your family.
And hmmmm. Who are you accusing of not supporting social programs just out of curiosity? Personally I have given a lot of both time and money to support programs for people with disabilities. I wonder what you yourself have done. Probably, I’m going to guess, nothing.
Not every job is meant to support a family. The economy wouldn’t survive otherwise.
EXACTLY!!! My kids don’t have jobs to support a family and that is why they don’t make a ton of money. They shouldn’t as teenagers having jobs. I understand some have to help families out but jobs for kids were not made to support families. Unfortunately some have to do that. Mine has to pay a car loan and insurance and a teen. I don’t require them to pay our house bills though.
Posted 6/29/21 8:27 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
By the way undocumented workers aren’t getting jobs that are on the books and qualify for minimum wage anyway. They are taking jobs that get paid in cash and none of it is being reported. So if your local grocer is hiring undocumented workers you can sure as shit bet they aren’t getting minimum wage.
Posted 6/29/21 8:27 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by lululu
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
By the way undocumented workers aren’t getting jobs that are on the books and qualify for minimum wage anyway. They are taking jobs that get paid in cash and none of it is being reported. So if your local grocer is hiring undocumented workers you can sure as shit bet they aren’t getting minimum wage.
Silly you, no one works off the books and are illegal lol
Posted 6/29/21 9:06 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/20 1189 total posts
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by lululu
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
By the way undocumented workers aren’t getting jobs that are on the books and qualify for minimum wage anyway. They are taking jobs that get paid in cash and none of it is being reported. So if your local grocer is hiring undocumented workers you can sure as shit bet they aren’t getting minimum wage.
Undocumented workers are entitled to the same protections of documented individuals, and must be paid wages in accordance with the federal labor law, known as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), as well as the New York State Labor Law, which include provisions for mandatory minimum wages and overtime compensation.
Posted 6/29/21 9:28 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by BFNY516
Posted by lululu
Posted by Naturalmama
Many teachers work second jobs in the evenings or over the weekends. I also know many teachers who work in the summer- at camps, tutoring, waitressing, etc., because they do not make enough money. And there is no such thing as a job that was meant to be a supplemental job. Some people can only work at a fast food restaurant or at the grocery store because they are not skilled. Many of these people are undocumented immigrants who still need to feed their children. I love how someone says LIF is full of privileged moms, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What you are basically saying is only a select group of people deserve to make enough money to survive, but you also don't support any social programs to help these people. It's so gross.
By the way undocumented workers aren’t getting jobs that are on the books and qualify for minimum wage anyway. They are taking jobs that get paid in cash and none of it is being reported. So if your local grocer is hiring undocumented workers you can sure as shit bet they aren’t getting minimum wage.
Undocumented workers are entitled to the same protections of documented individuals, and must be paid wages in accordance with the federal labor law, known as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), as well as the New York State Labor Law, which include provisions for mandatory minimum wages and overtime compensation.
You do realize that many work off the books, right? Many are afraid of ICE coming for them. And yes I know this FIRST HAND as my kid works with ones that come in and are afraid to give their names.
Posted 6/29/21 9:31 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by Diane
Posted by klingklang77
Oh, but you know, they don’t want to work because unemployment pays well.
Exactly!! Everyone is hiring, everywhere you go, there are signs saying we are hiring, but no one wants to work...pretty sad.
That was sarcasm. Sorry it wasn’t clear.
This stuck out to me:
“Richard and Danielys Cadrouce, a brother and sister who live in Bushwick, Brooklyn, were excited to work at Almond this summer, eager to make up for the slump of last year when restaurant work in the city all but disappeared.
But after paying $1,000 each to keep renting their New York City apartment, as well as $120 a week each to share a room without air conditioning in a house near Almond, they said they were barely breaking even. They are considering quitting.“
Doesn’t seem like the pay is livable.
They are paying for two homes, one of which they are not living in. I am sure there are plenty of restaurant work closer to Brooklyn for the summer but I'm sure they are hoping for larger tips in the Hamptons. There are plenty of places to live on the east end that would not break the bank. Maybe they need to drive 30 minutes but they are there. You don't need to live in the town you work in. They are making more money sitting home so why should anyone make the effort.
Posted 6/29/21 11:16 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by Diane
Posted by klingklang77
Oh, but you know, they don’t want to work because unemployment pays well.
Exactly!! Everyone is hiring, everywhere you go, there are signs saying we are hiring, but no one wants to work...pretty sad.
That was sarcasm. Sorry it wasn’t clear.
This stuck out to me:
“Richard and Danielys Cadrouce, a brother and sister who live in Bushwick, Brooklyn, were excited to work at Almond this summer, eager to make up for the slump of last year when restaurant work in the city all but disappeared.
But after paying $1,000 each to keep renting their New York City apartment, as well as $120 a week each to share a room without air conditioning in a house near Almond, they said they were barely breaking even. They are considering quitting.“
Doesn’t seem like the pay is livable.
They are paying for two homes, one of which they are not living in. I am sure there are plenty of restaurant work closer to Brooklyn for the summer but I'm sure they are hoping for larger tips in the Hamptons. There are plenty of places to live on the east end that would not break the bank. Maybe they need to drive 30 minutes but they are there. You don't need to live in the town you work in. They are making more money sitting home so why should anyone make the effort.
It’s a seasonal job in the Hamptons. I wouldn’t expect them to give up their regular apartment. It seems to me that the pandemic brought light on these poorly paid jobs.
Posted 6/30/21 3:39 AM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
I have done a lot for social programs. Don't assume I've done nothing. I am not one of the people who comes here and fights tooth and nail on the reasons we should not have things such as universal Healthcare, livable minimum wage, more rights for undocumented immigrants, free college tuition at state schools, etc. And I wasn't even talking about you, lulu, anyway. It's wonderful that in some circles, McDonald's is just an after school teenage job. That is not the case for everyone. Not all undocumented are paid in cash. My husband pays his staff on the books. They all pay taxes. This argument about paying higher taxes to support social programs is silly. Of course it can be done and of course there are people willing to do ot- case in point, almost every first world country on the globe. Maybe certain people would ***** and complain about paying more for ice cream, but making sure everyone is well taken care of and given an equal chance is more important to me than my kid getting a cheap ice cream cone.
Message edited 6/30/2021 7:11:21 AM.
Posted 6/30/21 7:10 AM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Minimum wage was 25 cents per hour in 1938. Most companies would go bankrupt if they ever raised it to 30 cents in 1939... or 75 cents in 1950... or $1 in 1956...
The last increase (to $7.25) was in 2009. 12 years is the longest gap between increases in minimum wage since it was started. The next longest gap is 10 years, from 1997 to 2007.
Posted 6/30/21 7:53 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
It seems some of you are saying that if you have a learning or intellectual disability and can only have a minimum wage job then you shouldn’t be able to have a family and a home and a decent life.
That seems unfair and, frankly, cruel.
Who said that?
Do you think everyone should make the same pay no matter how much education and experience they have?
As someone mentioned before, minimum wage needs to have been kept up with inflation. It should be around $24. If anyone currently makes $24 after years of hard work and is mad at that notion, then you’re underpaid as well and shouldn’t be.
People working minimum wage jobs should have adequate housing and a life to support a small family if they choose to have one. People need to be paid fairly.
Look at the Hamptons crumbling without low wage workers. They are essential to small businesses and the public. They deserve a fair income.
All businesses can not afford to pay that amount of money and if they do, then your hours will be less because they will divide it up between people. I don’t see how you can fathom to pay someone with no experience working $24/hour. How much would the person with 30 years of work experience get paid then? Or the person who has a masters or PHD?
Labor is typically one of the most, if not the most, expense of a business. And since it's an expense of a business, it's a tax deduction and lowers the tax liability to the corporation or the owner if it's a pass through. Maybe for the pizza place claiming little income because most of it is increase in min. wage may hurt them if they need to hire employees. Businesses, like Wal Mart, already divide up hours to avoid full time workers and being forced to pay benefits. I make much more then $24 dollars and I don't have a problem with lower skilled workers in places like Wal Mart and Amazon warehouse making that. All ships rise on an incoming tide.
That’s great. I would have a problem with my 17 year old making $24 when I was making the same after 30 years of experience. I would have a problem with someone in an entry level job making $24 when someone who has gone through years of college making a few bucks more. There has to be a line where education and experience allow more pay opportunities. What is the incentive in life to make more of someone who does much less work is making the same as someone who has worked their way up? People won’t be working full time either with a minimum wage that high. Soooo...there would be no change or help to anyone.
If you are or were making $24 an hour with 30 years of experience, you have every right to be angry, but it sounds like you are angry at the wrong people.
There is literally a meme about this that comes to mind, about how people making $25 a second convinced people making $25 an hour that people making $15 an hour are the problem. You were sold a bill of goods.
And this is in response to some other thoughts that I read quickly - not this post, WW - but charity and personal donations are nice of course but not the answer to any of this. That's all temporary. What we need is social and economic justice which comes through policy change, and the people doing that work are the ones really in the fight.
To be clear, I'm not saying don't make donations. I make plenty myself. But don't kid yourself that that is some kind of answer. That's a band aid. We need a world where donations aren't necessary, at least not so often.
It's unfortunate that the fight for 15 took so long that now a higher number is necessary, and I'm not saying it's $24, but something has to be done. I've posted the link before but I wonder how many people on this thread realize who earned minimum wage in this country. Teenagers are a small minority. It's largely adults.
Posted 6/30/21 11:52 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/11 1284 total posts
There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
I can’t quote everything.
But where does everyone think the money is coming from?? Prices and cost of living are just going to sore. There is a reason things cost so much more compared to 20 years ago.
These are JOBS. And for anyone who has no choice but to support their family on a minimum wage job there are plenty of programs out there to help them.
Teach kids actual skills to help them succeed in life….finance or basic money classes, budgeting classes, job interviewing/resume building, home improvement classes, trades, cut the crap that is completely useless in life. EDUCATION is key….especially the 11/12th grade kids who have no intentions of going to college. Stop the cycle and give these kids direction in life.
Posted 6/30/21 12:04 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/20 1189 total posts
There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
The worst is that if any of those quaint Hamptons businesses close, the pitchforks will be out for the people who didn’t show up to serve waffles for $3 an hour and working 7 days a week and spending tons of money in gas instead of the people who never worked a day in their lives....
Posted 6/30/21 12:33 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by seaside
We need to talk more about teachers and nurses. Everyone expects the BEST for themselves and their children, because when it comes to their actual lives, they realize you can't overstate the importance of having exceptional ones. But too many look down on them as groups and don't seem in too hot a hurry to expect that they'd be paid like the coveted professionals that they are.
I also agree with those who said that less skilled positions still need to be paid a living wage.
The salary average in my district is 97,000. I think that is more than fair wages for a teacher. We are not the highest paid on the island either. Yes when you start you do not make that much but that is the case with every profession. On top of that, they get stipends for everything extra that they do so their salary is increased. While respect every single teacher and think their job is very important, they are getting paid a fair wage. If you are talking outside of Long Island, then that is different conversation but where ever they work, the salary averages are always available to see and they would know that before going down that career path or taking a job.
Posted 6/30/21 12:51 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/20 1189 total posts
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by seaside
We need to talk more about teachers and nurses. Everyone expects the BEST for themselves and their children, because when it comes to their actual lives, they realize you can't overstate the importance of having exceptional ones. But too many look down on them as groups and don't seem in too hot a hurry to expect that they'd be paid like the coveted professionals that they are.
I also agree with those who said that less skilled positions still need to be paid a living wage.
The salary average in my district is 97,000. I think that is more than fair wages for a teacher. We are not the highest paid on the island either. Yes when you start you do not make that much but that is the case with every profession. On top of that, they get stipends for everything extra that they do so their salary is increased. While respect every single teacher and think their job is very important, they are getting paid a fair wage. If you are talking outside of Long Island, then that is different conversation but where ever they work, the salary averages are always available to see and they would know that before going down that career path or taking a job.
I’m OK with the teacher salaries because I think they do so much and most of it is unseen.
I do have an issue with the excessive pay and excessive amount of administrator salaries there are on LI. Especially special education admin, which seem to be pretty problematic across the board here.
Posted 6/30/21 1:09 PM |
Re: There Are Jobs in the Hamptons. If Only Workers Could Afford The Rent.
Posted by JennP
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by CookiePuss
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by BFNY516
It seems some of you are saying that if you have a learning or intellectual disability and can only have a minimum wage job then you shouldn’t be able to have a family and a home and a decent life.
That seems unfair and, frankly, cruel.
Who said that?
Do you think everyone should make the same pay no matter how much education and experience they have?
As someone mentioned before, minimum wage needs to have been kept up with inflation. It should be around $24. If anyone currently makes $24 after years of hard work and is mad at that notion, then you’re underpaid as well and shouldn’t be.
People working minimum wage jobs should have adequate housing and a life to support a small family if they choose to have one. People need to be paid fairly.
Look at the Hamptons crumbling without low wage workers. They are essential to small businesses and the public. They deserve a fair income.
All businesses can not afford to pay that amount of money and if they do, then your hours will be less because they will divide it up between people. I don’t see how you can fathom to pay someone with no experience working $24/hour. How much would the person with 30 years of work experience get paid then? Or the person who has a masters or PHD?
Labor is typically one of the most, if not the most, expense of a business. And since it's an expense of a business, it's a tax deduction and lowers the tax liability to the corporation or the owner if it's a pass through. Maybe for the pizza place claiming little income because most of it is increase in min. wage may hurt them if they need to hire employees. Businesses, like Wal Mart, already divide up hours to avoid full time workers and being forced to pay benefits. I make much more then $24 dollars and I don't have a problem with lower skilled workers in places like Wal Mart and Amazon warehouse making that. All ships rise on an incoming tide.
That’s great. I would have a problem with my 17 year old making $24 when I was making the same after 30 years of experience. I would have a problem with someone in an entry level job making $24 when someone who has gone through years of college making a few bucks more. There has to be a line where education and experience allow more pay opportunities. What is the incentive in life to make more of someone who does much less work is making the same as someone who has worked their way up? People won’t be working full time either with a minimum wage that high. Soooo...there would be no change or help to anyone.
If you are or were making $24 an hour with 30 years of experience, you have every right to be angry, but it sounds like you are angry at the wrong people.
There is literally a meme about this that comes to mind, about how people making $25 a second convinced people making $25 an hour that people making $15 an hour are the problem. You were sold a bill of goods.
And this is in response to some other thoughts that I read quickly - not this post, WW - but charity and personal donations are nice of course but not the answer to any of this. That's all temporary. What we need is social and economic justice which comes through policy change, and the people doing that work are the ones really in the fight.
To be clear, I'm not saying don't make donations. I make plenty myself. But don't kid yourself that that is some kind of answer. That's a band aid. We need a world where donations aren't necessary, at least not so often.
It's unfortunate that the fight for 15 took so long that now a higher number is necessary, and I'm not saying it's $24, but something has to be done. I've posted the link before but I wonder how many people on this thread realize who earned minimum wage in this country. Teenagers are a small minority. It's largely adults.
I don’t think anyone has denied that adults make minimum wage, not just kids.
Fast food just increased to $15/hour in NYS. Which means most will probably have to hours taken away from them so it is not solving the issue of not making enough money.
Posted 6/30/21 1:12 PM |
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