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this is probably a silly question but...

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Unconditional Love

Member since 4/06

6005 total posts


this is probably a silly question but...

are there ways of guaranteeing a sex of a child?

I'm NOT ttc - but this came up in a convo at work and as far as I know - it's total BS.

Posted 3/14/07 1:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Baby Delicious!

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Re: this is probably a silly question but...

I thought you could but it would be invetroChat Icon

Posted 3/14/07 1:15 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: this is probably a silly question but...

yep - gender selection is very real

Posted 3/14/07 1:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2984 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

ok, i heard this recently -

the sperm that carry X chromosomes (female) live 2-3 days longer than the sperm carrying Y chromosomes (male)

SO, if you wanted to have a girl - you should try to conceive 2-3 days before ovulation. that way by the time you actually ovulate, most of the Y sperm will have died off, leaving a greater chance that the X sperm will fertilize the egg > increase your chances of having a female baby

again, i just HEARD this from someone. FH (who is currently in medical school) says this is bogus and that there is no evidence that this is true. interesting theory though!!

Message edited 3/14/2007 1:30:02 PM.

Posted 3/14/07 1:21 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: this is probably a silly question but...

It absolutely can be done (IVF and PGD), I dont know of any ethical place that is doing it though

Posted 3/14/07 1:22 PM

Unconditional Love

Member since 4/06

6005 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

thanks ladies!

I thought everyone starts out as a "female" and only developes the genes that will make it a male later on. I didn't think it happened so early in the conception/pregnancy.

Posted 3/14/07 1:25 PM


Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

I highly doubt there is any way to do it on your own. The egg has 23 chromosomes including the X chromosome, the sperm has 23 as well carrying either an X or Y.

Put together you get the full complement of 46 chromosomes. Sex is determined at fertilization.

Posted 3/14/07 1:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2984 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

Posted by ChrissynRicky

thanks ladies!

I thought everyone starts out as a "female" and only developes the genes that will make it a male later on. I didn't think it happened so early in the conception/pregnancy.

yeah - it's not that every baby starts as a female - it's just that all eggs carry X chromosome.

you need a Y to make a male. the sperm carries either an X or Y

Posted 3/14/07 1:29 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

Supposedly my cousin (who has 2 boys) is going to do something called "sperm spinning" to guarantee herself a girl. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted 3/14/07 2:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: this is probably a silly question but...

I had a smart azz answer to the sperm spinning, and then I found this:

This test is called the Percoll density gradient centrifugation procedure. It is a costly, time consuming method for separating the X (female) from the Y (male) sperm. This procedure can be used to assist a couple with a family history of sex-linked disorders.

After spinning, the X-bearing sperm are said to be found in greater numbers at the bottom while the Y sperm may be closer to the surface. Several reports suggest separation efficiencies of over 77 percent.

It appears that the difference in sperm head dimension or motility facilitate the separation of X- and Y-bearing sperm, but supporting data are inconsistent. In one study, sperm derived from the bottom (X) fraction had a threefold higher percent motility when compared with sperm from the top (Y) fraction. The results suggest that bottom (X) fraction sperm had higher motility, progression, and hyperactivation when compared with top (Y) fraction sperm.


Message edited 3/14/2007 2:24:26 PM.

Posted 3/14/07 2:13 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: this is probably a silly question but...

My boss is pretty sure that his sister did it. He said money was no object for them and it was possible. Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/07 2:15 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

Posted by ChrissynRicky

thanks ladies!

I thought everyone starts out as a "female" and only developes the genes that will make it a male later on. I didn't think it happened so early in the conception/pregnancy.

Gender is determined from the sperm at fertilization. However, ALL of us develop our genitalia externally and then for girls it goes inside and boys stays on the outside which is why I believe they will not tell you the sex until 20 weeks or so after this has taken place.

My friend had a son. Then she had her 12 week sono with her second and she saw what she believed to be another boy. She told me what she saw and that the sono tech would not even entertain the idea of guessing. She called me after theo ne at 20 weeks and said "The pee pee fell off!!!! I know I saw a pee pee last time." I researched and found this out.

Posted 3/14/07 2:27 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

Check this link out- I just came across this 2 days ago when I was looking at TTC sites...Click Me

Posted 3/14/07 2:36 PM


Member since 6/05

15758 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

a former friend did this. she payed $2500 for this procedure. when the child was born, it was the opposite

i don't agree with this. i would be happy with what god gives me. there's so many people out there that can't have children. i feel they should be happy with what they get

Posted 3/14/07 7:27 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

3867 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

Posted by missus-hbradio

Supposedly my cousin (who has 2 boys) is going to do something called "sperm spinning" to guarantee herself a girl. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I'll believe it when I see it.

this really does work - I know someone who had three boys and wanted a girl so bad that they did the sperm spinning and she got pregnant with twin girls

I know someone who is doing it next year in order to have a boy

Posted 3/14/07 9:43 PM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

4476 total posts


Re: this is probably a silly question but...

Posted by ChrissynRicky

are there ways of guaranteeing a sex of a child?

I'm NOT ttc - but this came up in a convo at work and as far as I know - it's total BS.

If you want to spend the money

link 1


Posted 3/14/07 10:23 PM

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