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Baby Delicious!

Member since 8/06 4156 total posts
Name: Nancy
This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I mean my left arm is always in pain now, my neck hurts, myl eft hip bone feels sore.
Don't get me wrong, tummy and back are no longer options, but there has to be a better way. My arm hurts RIGHT NOW
Posted 7/17/09 11:37 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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My family is complete!

Member since 11/08 12970 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
i hear you. im just more comfortable on my right side. have you tried to right side? i mean if it doesnt bother you then i say sleep how you're comfortable.
Posted 7/17/09 11:38 AM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Yea, I don't do the left side thing either. My hip hurts WAY to much when I do that. I do sleep on my back, which has not effected me yet (which the doctor said is fine for baby but I may feel shortness of breath laying this way, but I don' least not yet)
I do flip flop though throughout the night without even knowing.
Posted 7/17/09 11:39 AM |
Mommy of 2!
Member since 12/08 11013 total posts
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I start out on my left side but usually rotate from right to left all night long. Neither side is comfy to me, it is what it is
Posted 7/17/09 11:40 AM |
New Year!

Member since 5/05 13729 total posts
Name: Me
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I had to get the Snoogle..ths really helped me to feel comfortable on my side. It helped me sleep and helped my back too
Posted 7/17/09 11:43 AM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I start on my left but, switch to the right during the night (I was a right side sleeper before I was pg).
When I first started sleeping on the left side, my arm and hip hurt too. I went away on a business trip and surrounded myself in the bed with pillows and slept fantastically. I went and bought a Snoogle that weekend and have slept great ever since.
Posted 7/17/09 11:43 AM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I asked my dr about this and he said its not necessary to sleep on left.
Posted 7/17/09 11:44 AM |
Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I was having a horrible time sleeping on my left side, I got the Snoogle 2 days ago and its the BEST thing in the world. I sleep with it in front of me on my left side so I'm sort of leaning on it. When I turn on my right side during the night I have it in back of me, again leaning on it slightly, and it helps sooo much. Absolutely worth the cost
Posted 7/17/09 12:26 PM |
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I switch sides throughout the night, I can't just stay on my left all night. Sometimes I even wake up on my back
Posted 7/17/09 12:28 PM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
whats this about only sleeping on the left side?? im a side sleeper by nature anyway..i usually start on the right and switch during the nite.
is this something else for me to worry about???
Posted 7/17/09 12:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/09 1281 total posts
Name: Dani
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
The Snoogle is the most amazing pillow on earth. I've slept 1000 times better since owning one. GREAT investment! My husband wants one too...and the dog snuggles on it as well!
Posted 7/17/09 12:42 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
i used the boppy body pillow and was able to sleep 1/2 on my belly, 1/2 on my side the entire pregnancy. i also switched sides.
sleeping on your right will not harm the baby at all, it just might make you dizzy and out of breath b/c the baby can put pressure on the main vein that transports blood back to your heart.
Posted 7/17/09 12:42 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I always sleep on my right side.
Posted 7/17/09 12:45 PM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by MrsNicolaxoxo
I switch sides throughout the night, I can't just stay on my left all night. Sometimes I even wake up on my back
Same here. I definitely flip flop throughout the night.
You *can* elevate the top part of your body using pillows if it's more comfy to be on your back. Just make sure you're angled where your heart is higher up than you belly (if that makes sense)...almost slightly sitting up.
Posted 7/17/09 1:14 PM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
There was NO WAY I could sleep only on my left side for these past 9 months..I asked my OB and he said start out on that side and you can switch, as long as you are comfortable. I mean, the way I see it, did women in ancient history know to sleep on their left side?
Posted 7/17/09 1:24 PM |
Member since 7/08 2374 total posts
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by JennyPenny
I always sleep on my right side.
I usually go back and forth from left to right, but I definitely favor my right.
Posted 7/17/09 1:40 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I switch from side to side
was the pillow between my legs....definitely took the pressure off my hips
Posted 7/17/09 1:43 PM |
The twins are almost 2!

Member since 11/08 2249 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by MrsNicolaxoxo
I switch sides throughout the night, I can't just stay on my left all night. Sometimes I even wake up on my back
I'm the same!
Posted 7/17/09 2:21 PM |
2 boys for me!

Member since 6/08 1441 total posts
Name: Mary
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by Marbo
Posted by JennyPenny
I always sleep on my right side.
I usually go back and forth from left to right, but I definitely favor my right.
Same here
Posted 7/17/09 3:14 PM |
Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07 8806 total posts
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by brownie
I switch from side to side
was the pillow between my legs....definitely took the pressure off my hips
Same here. The pillow in between has been a lifesaver!
Posted 7/17/09 3:26 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 7/09 288 total posts
Name: Debra
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
the snoogle has not been my friend. i have always been a belly sleeper, of course since i found out i was pg i have not. hence, why i sleep like crap tossing and turning all night long.
Posted 7/17/09 3:44 PM |
I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05 9919 total posts
Name: Brianne
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I flip flop between my right and left sides all night. I normally end up with my bean bag pillow having to be readjusted every time I turn - I place it under my belly, otherwise my belly feels like it is too heavy and pulling. since I sleep on my side but also slightly propped. For some reason, my body pillow is just too much for me- no matter how cool the room is, it makes me hot
Posted 7/17/09 5:11 PM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by Shelleybean11
I start out on my left side but usually rotate from right to left all night long. Neither side is comfy to me, it is what it is
Posted 7/17/09 5:13 PM |
So lucky

Member since 11/07 1910 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
I flipflop between my left & right side. I try to sleep with my body pillow but it makes me too hot. I suffer with it though because it saves my hips.. I have to figure something out though, I still have a ways to go!
Posted 7/17/09 5:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/09 1281 total posts
Name: Dani
Re: This whole--sleeping on the left side...
Posted by mnd721
the snoogle has not been my friend. i have always been a belly sleeper, of course since i found out i was pg i have not. hence, why i sleep like crap tossing and turning all night long.
I never realized how much of a belly sleeper i was until i got pregnant....i always thought i slept on my right side...but for the first 10 weeks of this pregnancy i slept on my belly the whole time....then every time after 10 weeks i tried it made me have to get up to pee every two minutes. I found a way to position myself on the snoogle so that i am on my side but sort of on top of the pilliow and slightly on my belly but not really. I dont know how to describe it but its so comfy. I think you should continue to play around with it until you find the perfect position!
Posted 7/17/09 6:44 PM |
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