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Tight cervix?

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Member since 8/05

12296 total posts


Tight cervix?

When I was having my saline sono today the doctor had trouble getting the cathedar(?) in because he said my cervix was tight. Has anyone been told this? Could this be a reason that we are hsaving trouble conceiving? He said it probably wasn't a big deal, but I was in so much pain after the procedure that I didn't even have it in me to ask questions. Just wondering if anyone has had experience with this. TIA!

Posted 7/2/07 7:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: Tight cervix?

Actually when I went for my HSG I literally lept off the table from the speculum being inserted. Everytime I have an IUI I have to remind them to use a long and skinny speculum!!!!!

Posted 7/2/07 8:57 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Tight cervix?

I will tell you of my experience. Keep in mind that everyone is different and what I experienced may not be what you will or have experienced.

A few months ago i went for an HSG. It could not be completed because my cervix was stenotic. It seems a cone biopsy/laser procedure to remove pre-cancrous cells caused by HPV left scarring on my cervix so the catheter was not able to go in. My GYN and RE concurred with the opinion that that was the reason why I was not able to get pregnant. If the catheter could not get in, then neither could DH's sperm. Under the care of an RE, he was able to dilate my cervix enough so we can TTC through IUIs.

FM me if you have any more qustions.


Posted 7/3/07 8:09 AM

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