So DS is going through a couple of changes. He is teething like crazy at 7 1/2 mths. He also started the flouride vitamins last week. I think it caused him to have loose bowel movements. It started the day after the vitamins startde. I decided to stop the vitamins to see if it was that or the teething. He was starting to get better. We have also been struggling with his eating habits and his ped told us to try yogurt. For the first time, he did not fight us on feeding him. Last night he actually held my hand with the spoon to try to get the food in faster. Chat Icon So now, while he is eating it has caused loose bowel movements again. He goes 2-3 times during the day and its usually liquidy. sORRY - tmi - So now I don't know what to do. Should I stop the yogurt too?

I was wondering how other peoples DC reacted to the vitamins or yogurt. TIA!