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Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

So 2 years in and we are still co sleeping but trying to put an end to it only because DD moves too much now and we both end up clinging for dear life to the bottom of the bed each night.

So here are our options

1) Convert her crib into a toddler bed which will do her for awhile and see how she likes that

2) buy a toddler bed and leave the crib alone

3) buy a twin bed

how long do the toddler beds last?

arent the twin beds dangerous if they fall out of bed at night?


Posted 2/8/08 8:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 11/07

2378 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

I put my DD in a twin with the safety rail, I didnt want to waste the money on a toddler bed.

Posted 2/8/08 8:51 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

i got dd a toddler bed and i think it was a good transition. it was only $60.

Posted 2/8/08 9:45 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

we used a toddler bed with DS and will do the same with DD

Posted 2/8/08 9:59 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

we put our toddler in a twin bed at 2 years old with safety rails its been 3 weeks and she hasnt fallen out.

Posted 2/8/08 10:21 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

Posted by taytay423

I put my DD in a twin with the safety rail, I didnt want to waste the money on a toddler bed.

Ditto for us

Posted 2/8/08 10:27 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

We didn't waste our money on a toddler bed. She went straight into the twin bed but we don't have it on the frame. It's just the box spring and the mattress. We used the rail for a couple of months but since her room is carpeted we decided to take the rail down. She has only fallen out twice. The first time she cried and the next time she thought it was very funny.

Posted 2/8/08 10:33 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

Posted by Jamie

Posted by taytay423

I put my DD in a twin with the safety rail, I didnt want to waste the money on a toddler bed.

Ditto for us

Same for us.

Posted 2/8/08 10:44 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Toddler Bed or Twin for 2 year old.

I wouldn't waste your $$$ on a toddler bed. Go for the twin!

My dh works for Sleepys!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/8/08 11:54 PM

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