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LIF Infant

Member since 9/07 261 total posts
Name: Melissa
Too much sex makes sperm count lower
There are a mere 12 to 24 hours each month when an egg can be fertilized. With such a narrow window, you want to maximize the chances of success.
* Calculate your fertile time. A woman’s most fertile period begins a few days before the middle of her cycle. Target your prime time by taking the average length of your menstrual cycle (somewhere between 26 and 30 days for most women, but not all) and subtracting 17 days. That’s your peak. That’s when sex for reproduction counts.
How Often? Have intercourse every other day for four episodes during those fertile days. Healthy sperm can survive inside a woman’s reproductive tract anywhere from 24-to-72 hours. A word of caution: too much sex and the sperm count may go down. So exercise restraint. *
Post-coital behavior. Stay still. Don’t get up for at least 10 to 20 minutes. There’s no need for a woman to hang upside down, but you don’t want to work against gravity either. Is it incontrovertible scientific fact? Maybe not. But it sure can’t hurt.
Eat healthful foods, get plenty of rest, tame stress. They’re all common sense efforts that help your body function optimally. Sometimes, though, it’s easy to overlook those habits or inclinations that can get in the way of fertility.
* Don’t smoke. Cutting down won’t cut it. You must stop completely. Smoking alters a woman’s estrogen metabolism, increases the risk of tubal (ectopic) pregnancy, boosts the rate of miscarriage, among other things. Male smokers have significantly lower sperm counts and a higher incidence of abnormally shaped sperm than non-smokers.
Forget recreational drugs. Even occasional use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and all hallucinogens can interfere with ovulation in women and sexual function in men. *
Curtail alcohol consumption. A glass of wine is just fine. But even in the short term, drinking can lead to abnormal sperm production; women may suffer menstrual disorders. *
Limit caffeine. Current thinking is excessive caffeine impairs reproductive function. The snag is there is no adequate definition of “excessive.” Play it safe and stick to one cup of coffee or caffeine-laced soda per day. *
Moderate your exercise regimen. While trying to conceive, women should suspend the heavy-duty workouts (think marathon training) that result in irregular menstrual periods. Both men and women should avoid any activity that gets them overheated. And by all means, everyone must stay well hydrated. *
Swear off appearance-enhancing drugs: Anabolic steroids bulk up the body builder, but they’ll also make him impotent. Hair growth formulations such as Rogaine and Propecia may interfere with male reproductive systems. Given that it takes 90-to-108 days make and release a sperm, these treatments could cost a couple three or more months.
You can also boost your chances with any one of the do-it-yourself, over-the-counter fertility predictorA word of caution: too much sex and sperm count may go down. So exercise restraint.
Posted 10/6/07 1:27 PM |
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Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
Some of this information may not necessarily be universal. There are plenty of couples that BD every day during their fertile week and still get PG.
Posted 10/6/07 2:27 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 9/07 261 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
oh really
Posted 10/6/07 2:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07 759 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
Posted by Goldi0218
Some of this information may not necessarily be universal. There are plenty of couples that BD every day during their fertile week and still get PG.
Very true. If the man has a normal sperm count, BDing every day is fine.
Posted 10/6/07 5:09 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 1/07 422 total posts
Name: M
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
Posted by hopin4baby
Posted by Goldi0218
Some of this information may not necessarily be universal. There are plenty of couples that BD every day during their fertile week and still get PG.
Very true. If the man has a normal sperm count, BDing every day is fine.
Yes and I have actually read in other studies that for some men, more often actually increases counts. If you don't have known sperm issues everyday should be prefectly fine.
Posted 10/6/07 5:24 PM |
Member since 5/07 5351 total posts
Name: Twin mommy
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
Posted by 06bride
Posted by hopin4baby
Posted by Goldi0218
Some of this information may not necessarily be universal. There are plenty of couples that BD every day during their fertile week and still get PG.
Very true. If the man has a normal sperm count, BDing every day is fine.
Yes and I have actually read in other studies that for some men, more often actually increases counts. If you don't have known sperm issues everyday should be prefectly fine.
ITA!!! My RE said the same thing.
Posted 10/6/07 7:24 PM |

Member since 10/07 2910 total posts
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
Thanks for the info. I didn't know about Rogaine.
Posted 10/8/07 8:11 AM |
lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05 7401 total posts
Name: Julianne
Re: Too much sex makes sperm count lower
With my DH his count has gone up the second day of back 2 back IUIs. He went from 55 mil. motile the first day to 103 mil. motile the second. Everyone is different so more BDing may not lower counts!
Posted 10/8/07 8:24 AM |