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Town of Islip building codes!

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Member since 1/06

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Town of Islip building codes!

Ugghhh.... we're trying to do some renovations on our house and they want us to add reinforment beams to the basement because we want to add a dormer. Our structural engineer that is coordinating the project said it's overkill but required. We need hurricane shutters on the new windows that would be added too. Not any of the existing windows, just the new ones. Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/08 10:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Town of Islip building codes!

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Posted 10/12/08 8:55 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Town of Islip building codes!

I feel your pain... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm having major work done in the ToI as well, and my contractor is getting annoyed at some of the rule changes that they implemented without telling anyone. He's been building for 30 years in the ToI, and all of a sudden, what he is doing isn't right. We got it taken care of, but it's still annoying.... Chat Icon

I also had an approver almost turn down the permit because at first, I labeled a room "Office", and he had an issue with me running a home business. (Fine, call it a bedroom, call it a den, call it a bathroom, I don't care. It's where I'm putting my computer and paying my bills.... Chat Icon ). Then he complained about the office being an enclosed room, and he didn't want to let us have a door on the room, since he didn't bother looking at the septic system plans. Our plans are good for 7 bedrooms, so the "office/playroom/bedroom" is covered. Do your job and look at all the paperwork included! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/08 8:32 AM

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