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Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Treating your dogs as family scenario
Many of us have pets that we pay a lot of attention to, more than a family that must divide their time between the pets and children.
Do you have to deal with family or friends that assume you truly believe these are surrogate children, on the same level as a human life? Who possibly make disparaging remarks about it or belittle you for saying things like "My dog is my child"...? I know my dog is not my child but I say that because of the love I have for him and to get across how much I adore him and care for his needs.
Also, does your family treat your dog as a member of your family such as when you are invited to an all day event at their house? Instead of you being required to come late or leave early to go home and care for the dog, do they allow you to bring them with you?
Posted 3/25/09 7:50 AM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
I make sure that I do NOT portray my dog as my child, actually because I feel that people just don't understand that ( unless they have a pet they love too ). Even though in private I may ACT/FEEL that way, I keep that hidden.
Actually, DH called me "mommy" in public the other day in reference to our dog and I almost died on the spot. I just don't feel it is something that is truly understood . . .
BUT on the other hand, my family is AWESOME with my dog. He is invited to all family events with me and often treated to a special dinner cooked just for him. My family goes on and on about how great he is, especially with their children AND he gets presents all the time! SO really, I don't have to justify the attention that I give him.
Posted 3/25/09 8:06 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
My dogs are my kids, the kids I couldn't have, I love them to pieces.
Please bear in mind I have large dogs - one is 105 lbs the other is 80 lbs.
I have some family that invites them over, an aunt and my grandmother.
Other family can't because they have dogs would aren't good with other dogs (my Mom and my MIL).
My Dad lives in an apartment that doesn't allow dogs in the building.
My sister would NEVER entertain the thought of inviting them. She's not a dog fan.
Posted 3/25/09 8:28 AM |
missing my handsome boy

Member since 3/09 1579 total posts
Name: Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Luckily my family is a bunch of dog lovers they know that when we are coming two crazy furballs will accompany us as well. My parents also bring their dog so it's usually 3 questions comments my brother's poor inlaws may think differently when they are there with us...haha...but they have cats.
Posted 3/25/09 8:43 AM |
my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08 3303 total posts
Name: Nik
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
DH and I refer to eachother as Mommy and Daddy at home with the dog - for example i will say "Pum, go get Daddy" and she'll run over to him - its funny b/c she listens and knows that to associate DH with the word "Daddy" and same for me as "Mommy".....we DO NOT use those terms outside of the house 
we don't bring her with us to other people's homes, or dress her up, or do anything like that - she's just a dog - but she def makes it feel like we have a "family" and its nice to have her to come home to i always say i love "my family" when the 3 of us are cuddling on the couch hahahaha
ets: if Pum wasn't a psycho then yes we probably would bring her to other people's homes - but she doesn't get alogn with other pets so we keep her home
Message edited 3/25/2009 10:51:10 AM.
Posted 3/25/09 10:50 AM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
We don't have a dog- but have a cat who we treat as our child. We call ourselves Mommy and Daddy and love this thing more than anything.
That is not to say we dress it up, take it for walks in a baby carriage, do photo shoots for the holidays, etc. 
Nothing to that extent.
But our families understand our feelings for this animal and respect them...
Posted 3/25/09 10:58 AM |
Living a dream

Member since 1/08 8589 total posts
Name: Cheeks
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
I call my pup my baby, but I don't treat him as a child. He's my dog!
Posted 3/25/09 11:08 AM |
live laugh love

Member since 8/06 5082 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
DH and I don't call our dogs our children. We love them so much and take good care of them, but I don't think either of us considers it "the same thing" as if they were our children, so we don't refer to them that way.
But we get comments anyway! My mother is the worst offender. She once called me on my cell while we were at the dog park, and told me, "You know, normal people take their CHILDREN to the park." So I'm not normal now, great. She also called me up one morning and said she'd had a nightmare that I was pregnant and didn't want to bother creating a nursery for my baby, because in her dream I told her "He can just sleep on a blanket in the corner like the dogs do." And she didn't call me to say how funny the dream was either; she sounded genuinely worried.
That said, she often buys the dogs toys and mails them to us just because she was thinking of them, she made them a blanket to lay on with their names sewn onto it, and she calls them her "granddogs." Yet *I'm* the one with the problem?
Posted 3/25/09 3:29 PM |
MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06 12020 total posts
Name: MJ
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
I absolutely love my cat -- and always refer to myself as "mommy" to him as well as refer to DH as "daddy" at home.
Until I have kids, he's our "baby". I don't pretend that he's a replacement for a kid or anything like that and most certainly wouldn't think people should treat him that way....but when I'm home he's definitely my bubbba
Posted 3/25/09 3:38 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Thanks girls. 
My parents spend winters in Florida and by spring, my mother is always looking for a reason to come back early. Whenever my sisters were due to give birth, it was usually spring so that was a great way to get back here. Her daughters needed her.
We were talking about when they were coming back this year and she said "Not soon enough." I told her that even though I won't be giving birth, that her GrandDog was being neutered tomorrow, so that should count. 
Posted 3/25/09 5:19 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/09 75 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
I refer to my cats "my babies" -- and my mom refers to them as her grandbabies. I texted her a cute cat pic this morning and she showed it to her coworkers and referred to my cat as her grandson
My crazyness runs in the fam ;)
Posted 3/25/09 8:13 PM |

Member since 1/09 5476 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
I have no issues to people who love their animals. I am an animal lover but I do have issues with people who go overboard. If you say your dog is like your kid that is fine but if you really treat them that way - kinda scare me.
I don't think a dog should be dressed up unless its for a goof or if it is tiny and shivering and needs added warmth. I don't think dogs should be carried all over - sorry a dog doesn't belong in a food store just like i think some kids shouldn't be at a food store. Are you setting a plate on the table out for a dog (my aunt did this) then your nuts other then that your fine and people who think differently are just wacky themselves.
Posted 3/25/09 9:53 PM |
You make me happy

Member since 5/05 2474 total posts
Name: cause you are gray.
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Our dogs are lovingly welcomed into anyone on my side's home. My ILs definitely don't care for them and think I'm crazy with how serious I am about taking care of them. I do bring them anyway to their houses if a party is in the yard because they sit on our laps the entire time and bother no one that doesn't acknowledge them. If the party is in the house I drop them at my mom's and she spoils them.
Posted 3/26/09 2:24 AM |
spring is in the air

Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
well, we have the kittens 6 days now, so i am sure my opinion will change, but at the same time I was raised where pets were animals regardless of how much we loved them
that said, our kittens are that. We don't call ourselfes mum and dad.
We are going to a family event this Saturday, and although I would never ask to bring a kitten there, I am aware that we have 2 responsibilities at home dependant on us.
I will say that since getting them (holy terrors taht they are) I do feel a little more like a complete family
Posted 3/26/09 7:49 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/09 75 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Posted by Nifheim
I have no issues to people who love their animals. I am an animal lover but I do have issues with people who go overboard. If you say your dog is like your kid that is fine but if you really treat them that way - kinda scare me.
I don't think a dog should be dressed up unless its for a goof or if it is tiny and shivering and needs added warmth. I don't think dogs should be carried all over - sorry a dog doesn't belong in a food store just like i think some kids shouldn't be at a food store. Are you setting a plate on the table out for a dog (my aunt did this) then your nuts other then that your fine and people who think differently are just wacky themselves.
We have cats, so it's different than dogs, but we dont dress them up, take them out in public with us, let them on the kitchen table (although we let them sit on the kitchen chairs), etc.
We do get them birthday presents! My babies turn 2 next month, and we plan to get one a new feather wand from petco, and the other some scraps of roast beef. We're also going to sams club and will bring them home some cool cardboard boxes
Posted 3/26/09 12:48 PM |
Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08 6765 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
My dog is pretty much my world and I don't care what others think really. My love for him could not be any greater whether you want to compare it to the love of a child or not.
I drop him off at my grandmothers house every other day while I am at work so he doesn't have to be alone and her too. She loves him and its great therapy for her since she lost my Papa.
My entire family are HUGE animal lovers to the point where when I DONT bring him with me to a function everyone gets on me for it. We all bring our dogs along to each others houses for big family functions. Its expected. Everyone is different though.
Posted 3/26/09 2:53 PM |
Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08 5647 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Honestly, I don't understand the pets as children thing. They're still animals, not humans. (BTW, I live w/DH's 3 cats). I've just never been an animal person, so I don;t understand that mentality. Even as much as DH loves his kitties, I just don't get it. But I would never say that to anyone's face... well or even behind their back. I might get a little about it but who I am to say your feelings are valid or real?
Posted 3/26/09 5:17 PM |
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Posted by Nik211
DH and I refer to eachother as Mommy and Daddy at home with the dog - for example i will say "Pum, go get Daddy" and she'll run over to him - its funny b/c she listens and knows that to associate DH with the word "Daddy" and same for me as "Mommy".....we DO NOT use those terms outside of the house 
we don't bring her with us to other people's homes, or dress her up, or do anything like that - she's just a dog - but she def makes it feel like we have a "family" and its nice to have her to come home to i always say i love "my family" when the 3 of us are cuddling on the couch hahahaha
ets: if Pum wasn't a psycho then yes we probably would bring her to other people's homes - but she doesn't get alogn with other pets so we keep her home
lol we do the same thing!
Posted 3/26/09 5:20 PM |

Member since 8/06 4249 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
I am very fortunate that both my family and DH's family are HUGE dog/cat lovers And treat them as their kids.
MIL's "son" passed away in January and the outpouring support she got was amazing, both my mom and dad sent cards, flowers etc. she got so many cards from so many people in her life as well.
My Dad still gets choked up when he talks about his maltese that passed away a few years ago.
And my mom lol she is obsessed with her yorkie, beyond anyones realm of comprehension
So they totally get Me and DH's obsession with our little boy.
And we have never heard a negative comment at from either of them.
I am still on vacation and its been 14 days since i have seen my little boy and i miss him so much
Message edited 3/26/2009 11:19:56 PM.
Posted 3/26/09 11:16 PM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Posted by bluebelle
Posted by Nifheim
We do get them birthday presents! My babies turn 2 next month, and we plan to get one a new feather wand from petco, and the other some scraps of roast beef. We're also going to sams club and will bring them home some cool cardboard boxes
This part just made me smile! That is SOOO cute. One gets a feather wand the other some scraps of roast beef! TOO CUTE!
Message edited 3/27/2009 3:03:32 PM.
Posted 3/27/09 3:03 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: Treating your dogs as family scenario
Message edited 1/17/2012 10:49:01 AM.
Posted 3/27/09 3:20 PM |