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TV in a Toddler's Room?

Forum Opinion Poll
Sure why not 12 15.58%
Not a good idea, might start a bad habit 62 80.52%
Other, please explain 3 3.90%

TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

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TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

My DS is 2 1/2 years old. He does not watch much TV but he loves Nick Jr. He watches one episode of Dora before bed. He has been watching it on the couch and then going into his room. He gets scared at night of the dark and then if we put on a night light, he gets scared of the shadows. We think that if we put a TV in his room and let him watch one maybe two episodes of Dora or Nick Jr, he will settle down and possibly fall asleep. He usually almost falls asleep on the couch watching. Just wanted opinions on whether or not you think this is a bad idea. TIA

Posted 7/5/10 9:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

we have one that is attached to a DVD and VCR only ( no cable). Works for us.

Posted 7/5/10 9:26 PM


Member since 5/06

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I have read that watching tv before going to sleep can inhibit sleep. Don't remember why exactly.

Posted 7/5/10 9:27 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I personally do not plan on putting a TV into DD's room until she is older. I think I first got TV in my room at 10 . . .

Here is an article about sleep and TV with children

Message edited 7/5/2010 9:30:50 PM.

Posted 7/5/10 9:28 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

Posted by babydreams

I have read that watching tv before going to sleep can inhibit sleep. Don't remember why exactly.

I read this as well actually in a book just yesterday " Sleepless in America". And It is true my child doesnt sleep all that well, well doesnt go to bed easily, so maybe thats the solution. lol

Posted 7/5/10 9:29 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I'm not a fan of TV in kids' bedrooms. I think it's bad enough DS has one in his playroom because I feel like he watches too much.

Posted 7/5/10 9:30 PM

best buds!

Member since 5/09

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

i said other bc I dont think it will be a bad habit per se, but still no, bc I think DS watches enough TV during the day and one in his room just isnt necessary.

Message edited 7/5/2010 9:42:21 PM.

Posted 7/5/10 9:33 PM

My loves!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I had to choose other. We put a tv in Rylans room at 21 months old. It was basically to keep him busy when I showered and turned into more than that which I was ok with. It was only on here and there during the day...never at night. It turned into a problem when he started climbing on his dresser to watch. Since then he thinks the tv is "broken"
External Image

Posted 7/5/10 9:34 PM

LOVE my boys!!

Member since 10/09

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

my DS is only 2 months right now and the "plan" is to wait for him to earn it in his room after he starts school and I see how he does with his grades so maybe possilbly 10ish, BUT we'll see if that plan changes as we go... I think my DH and I watch way too much tv ourselves and would hate to inflict that habit onto my son..

Posted 7/5/10 9:44 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I do not plan on putting a tv in DS's room ever.

I already feels like DS watches too much tv. He looooooves tv. He gets about 1.5-2 hours a day and would watch so much more if he had it his way.

Posted 7/5/10 9:48 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

My oldest had a TV in her room from age 4 -9 years.
We renovated the house when she was 9 and we told her that she's not going to have a tv in her new room. None of us have TV's in our rooms. Best decision we made. She doesn't even miss it - thank goodness.

Posted 7/5/10 9:53 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

2566 total posts


Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

Posted by Bridex100

I do not plan on putting a tv in DS's room ever.

I already feels like DS watches too much tv. He looooooves tv. He gets about 1.5-2 hours a day and would watch so much more if he had it his way.

That is the thing. The only time he watches TV is before bed to relax. He would watch all day long if we let him but we don't

Posted 7/5/10 9:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

DD is two and not big on TV, but she wants one in her room. We told her no. Not for a long time, if ever. I just think it's unnecessary. She watches one show in our room and then goes into her bed for stories, and that's worked fine for us.

Posted 7/5/10 10:01 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

there are no TVs in any bedroom in our house, and we plan on keeping it that way. I wouldn't want to start the habit when they are young, because I am more concerned about breaking of it when they get older, when I would be more worried about monitoring what they watch.

Posted 7/5/10 10:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

There will be no tvs in my kids bedrooms at any age. I just don't think it is necessary and feel it would do more harm than good. They use their rooms to play, color, sleep and hang out. TV is for family areas.

Posted 7/5/10 10:03 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

For our house.. our family.. our child

No... He!l no

I still have some cringe effect when I think of her having a TV in her room. I'm Soooooooooooooooooooo old fashioned.

Her room isn't even set up for Cable.

Frankly, I think its ridiculously irresponsible that I have 2 TVs in my home at all!!! But I promised Jim he'd get one when we got the house. Our 'old' TV (which is only 5yrs old) is in the guest bedroom/office.

I never understood the need, desire or reasoning for having a TV in any bedroom... EVER. You have a sleep over and want to watch Beauty and the Beast? Fine, we'll move a TV in there for you to watch that night. Otherwise. No, no and no.

Its my final answer. This is one thing I'm VERY strict about.

I hate, hate, hate that my little brothers and sister would be in their respective rooms watching whatever while we were having family time in the living room. My father loosened up with the twins and my sister versus me and my older brother. I think it put distance between them.

It definitely set a standard. "go to your room" became an empty threat. "no TV" was just laughable. As they got older it was impossible to know what they were watching. I'm not talking rated R or something super bad either. Just in general. I feel like they lost touch. We all watched TV together, laughed at stuff together, got scared together, learned what the heck that show was trying to teach us together, got bored together and just were together. Sure I had my own TV time when friends were over. I had alone TV time at home too. But then again, when we were kids, we went outside and played, went to friends' houses or just played in our room with toys and imagination. That too seems to have been taken over by the TV Chat Icon .

Ugh.. I'm super old fashioned.

I also hate my cell phone, ha! Chat Icon

I feel SOOO bad for AJ. Her mother is a dinosaur. No Cable AND no phone line in her room! Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/10 10:15 PM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

You'll probably get a wide range of answers for this...

I don't plan on putting one in my DD's room. She doesn't need it and I don't want her to get into the habit of watching more TV or staying up later, fighting to watch it etc. She has 1 in the playroom now and occasionally we'll put a Yo Gabba Gabba episode, otherwise it stays off. We figure once she's a little older, maybe she'll watch a show or movie in there if its cold/rainy out etc.

I guess you have to do what you're comfortable with...

Posted 7/5/10 10:19 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

i think its ok- if the tv is set to a sleep timer to shut off.... they make stands that you can attach to the wall to hold the tv out of childs reach.

Posted 7/5/10 10:28 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

Posted by dm24angel

we have one that is attached to a DVD and VCR only ( no cable). Works for us.

We have this too. Only a DVD player. No VCR.

Posted 7/6/10 9:00 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I woudn't. I don't plan on putting a tv in the girls rooms for a long, long time. Now their rooms are for sleeping, reading and playing.

Posted 7/6/10 9:03 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by babydreams

I have read that watching tv before going to sleep can inhibit sleep. Don't remember why exactly.

I read this as well actually in a book just yesterday " Sleepless in America". And It is true my child doesnt sleep all that well, well doesnt go to bed easily, so maybe thats the solution. lol

And Christopher goes to sleep better with the TV in his room AND it keeps him in his room. Before we moved, he wanted to be in bed with me, now he has his own space.Chat Icon

I actually feel (for us) it helps me with his bedroom routine. He had gotten into a habit of watching 2 shows before bed and b/c he is so literal and "by the book" he would be up until 10:30 when the two shows ended. Now, I can put him in bed at 9pm with a movie and he is usually out before 9:30pm

Posted 7/6/10 9:03 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

I personally would not do it (yet anyway) but if you think it will help him I don't see the harm in trying it out - you can always take it out! Chat Icon

ETA: Luca always watches Dora before bed and sometimes Diego too, we make it part of our nighttime cuddling routine, but in the living room so he doesn't associate TV with sleep.

If your DS is afraid of the dark, I'd try a water bottle to spray for monsters Chat Icon and maybe a brighter nightlight that causes fewer shadows before introducing the TV.

Message edited 7/6/2010 9:06:01 AM.

Posted 7/6/10 9:03 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

DS usually watches Curious George on the couch with me before bed. But I am not putting a TV in his room anytime soon. Maybe when he is a teenager!

ETA: DS has "Moon in My Room" for a night light and he loves it! No shadows either! We also sometime put his baby projector on for extra light. It projects animals or stars onto the ceiling.

Message edited 7/6/2010 9:08:43 AM.

Posted 7/6/10 9:07 AM

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Member since 6/06

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Baby Momma

Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

i think it's fine...I am more liberal than most though!

My son will have one in his room helps soothe him after an active day at daycare!

Posted 7/6/10 9:08 AM


Member since 8/07

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Re: TV in Toddler Room-Yay or nay

Maybe as a teenager she can have a TV in her room, definitely not happening soon!

Posted 7/6/10 9:11 AM
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