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Twin moms who breast fed/feed

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts


Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Do you know how much milk you are supposed to produce in a day in order to meet their needs? I am pumping right now b/c they are still in the NICU. Currently, I have steadily produced just under 1000ml's a day. How much will i need for both babies to successfully EBF? Any info would be helpful. TIA

ETA: 1000mls is about 33oz

Message edited 7/12/2007 11:41:12 PM.

Posted 7/12/07 10:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed


Posted 7/12/07 11:20 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Ok, how many oz is that? it may help get responses. Babies typically need about 30 oz each a day at that age.

Posted 7/12/07 11:22 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Many of them were at the GTG tonight.

I'm not sure re: the number of ounces. Maybe xpost this to the multiple board?

Hang in there! I hope this is a distant memory once they're home & in your arms!Chat Icon

Posted 7/12/07 11:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Posted by nrthshgrl

Many of them were at the GTG tonight.

I'm not sure re: the number of ounces. Maybe xpost this to the multiple board?

Hang in there! I hope this is a distant memory once they're home & in your arms!Chat Icon

Thanks, i didn't know there was a GTG tonight. I am in lala land since their birth 5/12.

Posted 7/12/07 11:40 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Posted by msrsfeb

Posted by nrthshgrl

Many of them were at the GTG tonight.

I'm not sure re: the number of ounces. Maybe xpost this to the multiple board?

Hang in there! I hope this is a distant memory once they're home & in your arms!Chat Icon

Thanks, i didn't know there was a GTG tonight. I am in lala land since their birth 5/12.

Coffee GTG open to anyone!

I know you have a lot on your plate, but you are welcome to join us anytime.

Posted 7/12/07 11:56 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

My DD was taking 20-24oz of BM per day when she was 2 months old (I pumped, so I know how much it was).

Posted 7/13/07 1:05 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

My supply was never adequate enough after week three so I can't really answer.

Most twin mommies on the board use formula now and only breastfed for a short amount of time.

Have you spoken with the lactation consultant at the hospital? Mine had a separate one for the NICU.

Posted 7/13/07 5:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

My supply was never adequate enough after week three so I can't really answer.

Most twin mommies on the board use formula now and only breastfed for a short amount of time.

Have you spoken with the lactation consultant at the hospital? Mine had a separate one for the NICU.

I have and one said i need 2000mls a day. i am still in panic from that comment so i figured i would ask you guys. i guess i will just wait and see. thanks

Posted 7/13/07 6:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Posted by pharmcat2000

My DD was taking 20-24oz of BM per day when she was 2 months old (I pumped, so I know how much it was).

thanks. did you pump for personal reasons or b/c you wanted to see how much she was getting?

Posted 7/13/07 6:55 AM

Never Forget

Member since 2/06

2735 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

I only pumped for the first couple of weeks but based on the formula my boys drink now (at 10 months) you would need about 24oz for each baby. I'm sure at their current age, what you're producing would satisfy them.

Posted 7/13/07 7:23 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

Try the La Leche or Kellymom boards, you'll find lots more info there on moms nursing multiples.

Posted 7/13/07 7:57 AM

so happy!!

Member since 1/07

2091 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

I pretty much exclusively BF my twins for the first month, then after that I needed to supplement. I pumped for 3 more months, supplementing about 2-3 bottles a day. By month 4 they were drinking so much, I couldn't keep up. Good Luck!!!

Posted 7/13/07 8:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts


Re: Twin moms who breast fed/feed

thanks everyone, all your info was very helpful

Posted 7/13/07 9:46 AM

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