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LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Hi girls (TMI) so last night my husband and i were having sex and afterwards he calls out "Code red" . This is our first month TTC our second and I have NEVER had this happen before. My period is not due for another 5-7 days or so and yet I had some pretty heavy bleeding (not spotting) right after sex that was totally gone this morning. Do you think think it was just my period spurred on early by sex or what?! Kind of freaked me out.
Message edited 9/10/2014 8:27:06 PM.
Posted 9/8/14 2:28 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14 2008 total posts
Name: L
Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
it could be ovulation or implantation bleeding?
Posted 9/8/14 3:50 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 997 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Idk but I just wanted to comment that I love he called out code red! Hahaha
Posted 9/8/14 3:54 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Not to be too in your business but was it "rough"? Maybe he just hit your cervix too much and it made you bleed.
Also at 1 week to AF, it wouldn't be ovulation but could be implantation. Though the fact that it happened after sex tells me you may have just gotten hurt
Posted 9/8/14 5:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Oh no shame here (I've already had a baby, shame is out the window hehe) so it wasn't at all what I would consider rough or excessively/out of the ordinary deep or anything. If that was the case I may have blamed it on that. I guess it is still possible my cervix was more sensitive or something. I have heard of implantation bleeding but this was a good amount of red blood not just a little when I wiped? I guess if I get my period as expected over the next week or so I will chalk it up to an off day and if it happens again I will check in with my OB? So frustrating to have the first month of trying already be so confounding. I have been literally 100% regular for the past 4 years even after having a baby and breastfeeding! Goes to show how much your body likes to mess with you
Posted 9/8/14 8:28 PM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
I wouldn't consider bleeding after sex your period, especially since it stopped the next day. He probably just injured you.
Posted 9/9/14 1:17 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
This happened to me once and I had a nabothian cyst on my cervix that ruptured from the It was like a gush of bleeding and then stopped next day so wasn't period. Maybe this was it too?
Posted 9/9/14 9:28 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
UPDATE Re: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Soo..not sure what the bleeding was but I got a pretty unmistakeable BFP tonight on a FRER! Now I guess I just have to wait to see if the bleeding after sex was something bad (ie chemical or early MC??) or just sensitive cervix? I haven't even told my DH yet because I'm assuming the bleeding over the weekend wasn't a good sign
Posted 9/10/14 8:26 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
How are you? Still BFP? Crossing my fingers for you...
Posted 9/15/14 2:15 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
As far as I know still BFP. Went for a HCG level and it was like 91 which I guess was kind of low but possibly normal for so early in pregnancy (I am just due for my period now). My OB set up my first appt for 8 weeks unless there is more bleeding in which they will recheck my numbers before then. So, I guess I just cross my fingers and wait it out. Thanks for asking!! I'm cautiously excited!
Posted 9/15/14 2:33 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
My first beta was 57... that was about 13/14 dpo. The next one was drawn 3 days later and was 275 or something like that. 28+ weeks pregnant with a very healthy baby boy. Because of my losses I required 2 beta's in the beginning, to make sure they doubled (my betas always dropped from first to second), but a lot of docs, if you have no history will only do the 1st blood work. 91 is NOT that low.
Posted 9/15/14 2:49 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Thanks for the reply, I think I was about 13 or 14 dpo as well when I went for the test so its nice to have something to compare too! I find the time from the BFP to the end of the 1st tri to be so tough. With my first DS I had spotting from 6-8 weeks that drove me insane so I'm just trying to stay positive.
Posted 9/15/14 3:08 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
I had 2 back to back early losses last year, so I was adamant about getting the 2 betas done to confirm that the pregnancy wasn't being lost quickly again. But if you were 13/14 dpo that is NOT low at all for a first beta!
Posted 9/15/14 3:25 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
UPDATE below: Bleeding(after sex) a week before period is due?TMI
Hang in there lady!!! Sending hugs and double dust
Posted 9/15/14 6:46 PM |