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LIF Adult
Member since 5/12 2773 total posts
Name: Sue
Vacation during School Season
We're planning a Disney cruise for next year September. I went ahead and invited 2 of my cousins to see if they would be interested in joining us. The kids would be missing 3 days in the very beginning of September. They said no and that they would never have their kids take off from school to go on a vacation. I understand them and I by no means am judging them and I hope that are not judging me for thinking differently.
I would love to plan my vacations during the Summer but financially that is just not doable for us. I have 4 kids and Summer vacations are just too expensive for us. And to me it's so important to go on a vacation once a year if we can swing it. Am I being a bad mother because I don't mind taking my kids out for 3 days in the beginning of the school year? This whole thing has me second guessing myself.
Would you take your kids out of school to go on a family vacation?
This year we're going to Disney during the first week of September but lucky for us school this year starts on the 9th so my kids won't be missing any days.
Posted 7/11/13 10:04 AM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Vacation during School Season
I would and absolutely will in the future. To me, my children will gain far more experience traveling than he or she will gain in a weeks worth of school!
Message edited 7/11/2013 10:07:30 AM.
Posted 7/11/13 10:07 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Vacation during School Season
Yes I would, but I personally wouldn't do it the first weeks of school when they are adjusting, learning the routine of the classroom etc. I also try to plan our vacation in conjunction with the end of a holiday OR incorporate a weekend, so they don't miss an entire week. For instance, we went to Disney last December, and I pulled them out half day on Friday, and they missed Monday and Tuesday (we came home Tuesday night).
P.S., there was a HUGE thread about this recently
Message edited 7/11/2013 10:51:19 AM.
Posted 7/11/13 10:50 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/12 2773 total posts
Name: Sue
Re: Vacation during School Season
Posted by BargainMama
Yes I would, but I personally wouldn't do it the first weeks of school when they are adjusting, learning the routine of the classroom etc. I also try to plan our vacation in conjunction with the end of a holiday OR incorporate a weekend, so they don't miss an entire week. For instance, we went to Disney last December, and I pulled them out half day on Friday, and they missed Monday and Tuesday (we came home Tuesday night).
P.S., there was a HUGE thread about this recently
They will only be missing Wednesday-Friday. And it will be during the second week of school. Thanks for the heads up, going to read it and see what other parents are doing.
Posted 7/11/13 11:11 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
I see no issue if they are under a certain age and its for 4 days. The places are less crowded and the work is easy to catch up on.
Posted 7/11/13 2:34 PM |
Re: Vacation during School Season
I think the second week of school is fine. We pull out kids out for 2-3 days in Nov. I think up until the Holiday break in Dec. you are ok. They are doing so much review from the previous year.
Posted 7/11/13 5:09 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Vacation during School Season
DD missed 2 days last year before xmas vacation when we went to Disney land she'll be missing the same 2 days this year when we go to Beaches. DH is very against it and said it will be the last time we do it. She will be in first grade. As long as my kids are doing well in school and arent missing any major events or tests, I don't personally feel its a big deal. If they were not good students, i would not pull them out.
Posted 7/11/13 10:18 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
We are pulling our kids for a week this late fall to go away.
I personally wouldnt pull them out the first few weeks of school, but after that, when the are in elem. school, sure thing.
Posted 7/12/13 3:21 PM |
Re: Vacation during School Season
Posted by BargainMama
Yes I would, but I personally wouldn't do it the first weeks of school when they are adjusting, learning the routine of the classroom etc. I also try to plan our vacation in conjunction with the end of a holiday OR incorporate a weekend, so they don't miss an entire week. For instance, we went to Disney last December, and I pulled them out half day on Friday, and they missed Monday and Tuesday (we came home Tuesday night).
P.S., there was a HUGE thread about this recently
I agree with this.
Also, there are so many Jewish holidays they are off for in the fall, any way you could work with those?
Posted 7/13/13 2:30 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Vacation during School Season
When does your school start? Here school is starting September 9th because the Jewish holidays are really early this year.
Posted 7/13/13 9:21 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
I don't love the idea of taking kids out of school for vacation, but I do understand that it's the best option for some families. That said, I think it's a REALLY bad idea to do it during the 2nd week of school, no matter what age of the child (I say this as a parent and teacher).
Posted 7/13/13 10:26 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
Posted by InShock
I don't love the idea of taking kids out of school for vacation, but I do understand that it's the best option for some families. That said, I think it's a REALLY bad idea to do it during the 2nd week of school, no matter what age of the child (I say this as a parent and teacher).
I agree. I've taken DD out of school for a vacation on the wednesday before a break- but I wouldn't do it in the first month of school. At least my DD needs time to adjust to the new setting, new teacher, new kids, new routine and getting out of the lazy days of summer.
Posted 7/14/13 7:37 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
I do it. Right now m kids are young, well adjusted at school and are ahead academically at school. I think at a certain age it gets harder to do so but for now we do. Last year I pulled my kids out for 5 days in November for a family trip (K and 2nd grade). This year I am doing it again just less days. I don't do it in September just because I want my kids to start off with everyone and get adjusted with teacher and their class but I wouldn't judge anyone for doing so.
Posted 7/16/13 8:14 AM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Vacation during School Season
I don't think it makes you a bad mother at all! My oldest is going into first grade and we are pulling him out for 4 days when we go to Disney in November. You do what is best for your child and your family.
Posted 7/16/13 12:48 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/12 2773 total posts
Name: Sue
Re: Vacation during School Season
Thank you all. I spoke to my husband and based on some advice here we decided not to do it during the first month of school. I don't want them to miss more than 3 days so we're going to play with some holidays and see what works best for us all.
Posted 7/17/13 11:27 AM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Vacation during School Season
We pulled DS out of Kindergarten for 6 days for Disney world and Disney Cruise.
We will do it again in the future. actually DS's friend went on a trip in September and the teacher didnt give him anything to make up, same for his older brother. We are actually considering doing another cruise next sept. I think its probably a good time to pull the kids because alot of it is simply review.
ETA: IF you look next september I think the jewish holidays are around sept 25ish, so if you could do a cruise around that time it might minimize the time out of class
Message edited 7/18/2013 10:10:05 AM.
Posted 7/18/13 10:08 AM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
Posted by mommyof3girls
Thank you all. I spoke to my husband and based on some advice here we decided not to do it during the first month of school. I don't want them to miss more than 3 days so we're going to play with some holidays and see what works best for us all.
Posted 7/19/13 10:21 AM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
We will be takign DS out the third week of school. I figure it gives him two weeks to get used to his class/routine, it gives us the benefit of a less crowded Disney and the prices are less expensive.
Posted 7/22/13 12:05 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 7/12 850 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
As a teacher I personally hate when kids miss school. It's more work for the teacher. Especially once they get to middle school and older. As a mother I totally get it.
Posted 7/27/13 5:26 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
I plan on pulling my kids EVERY single time we go to Disney. The crowds and costs are just too much on school vacations. In the grand scheme of things, missing a few days of school over the course off your education is just not that big of a deal IMO. School is extremely important but so is making family memories. Annnnnnd..........finances, it's a real consideration.
I know not everyone agrees but for us, I have no problem pulling them.
Posted 7/27/13 11:51 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Vacation during School Season
Posted 7/28/13 1:43 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Vacation during School Season
I know this topic has been thoroughly discussed in the past. I am one of those who won't take kids out of school for a vacation. We work around school schedules. Our main vacation is during the summer. I pay tuition for them to attend a private school, you better believe I get every penny worth
Posted 7/28/13 4:28 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: Vacation during School Season
I will definitely be doing this as it is very difficult for me to get off during holiday times. DS is going into pre-k so it won't be a big issue for another year or two, but I won't be planning my trips around his breaks. As a child I was pulled out at least once a year for vacation. They are some of the best memories I have!
Posted 7/28/13 8:16 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/10 1901 total posts
Vacation during School Season
i am a teacher so i can't. i'm restricted to the "expensive" times
Posted 8/2/13 10:47 PM |