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Dad of Twins

Member since 5/05

1385 total posts

The 80's Man
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Re: Vacations

No, I take single days off here and there (usually on Fridays) to do stuff with the kids or around the house. If I take a straight week off, I'd have to go somewhere.

Posted 1/19/06 11:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Loud is fun!!

Member since 5/05

1504 total posts


Re: Vacations

Posted by dpli

I did last fall, because DH just started a new job and I had already requested the time off. It was great - so relaxing. I got some stuff done around the house, watched movies, went out to lunch a few times and cooked dinner every night. I think it was actually harder to come back to work after that week, than when I go away for a week Chat Icon

We did the same thing and loved every minute of relaxing!!! We went out to lunch, went to the movies, worked on the house, got out of bed when we wanted to, etc. Difference is when you go on vacation you don't want to miss a minute so you're up an going all the time!!! Home vacas are at your leisure!!!

Posted 1/19/06 1:05 PM

Luv my munchkins

Member since 5/05

4789 total posts


Re: Vacations

I have. I did the week between Christmas & New Years. I went to lunch with girlfriends, went to a Spa, did some shopping, etc. I did go up to CT for a night and visit with my girlfriends and their kids and my mom. It was nice. I have always done this that week.

Posted 1/20/06 9:28 AM
Pages: 1 [2]

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